
Fiction Master

When San Yunjin recalled her memories from her past life, she realized that she was in a modern fantasy world, where anime and manhwa logic was applicable. Average people would have panicked, or like most manhwa protagonists, they would have already formed a plan to insure their survival, using some cheat or trick in the system or obtaining some OP ability. But San Yunjin isn't like any protagonist. Unlike others, San Yunjin doesn't need some game system trick or some magical tower's excessive training to obtain an OP ability. Because she already naturally has one! San Yunjin sighed. "I'm way too overpowered, aren't I?"

eliminy · 奇幻言情
3 Chs

CHAPTER 2: San Yunjin

It wasn't that hard to live in this world.

Not literally, of course.

Since I was from a relatively wealthy family, it wasn't that difficult to survive for the past nine years.

I also started learning combat earlier in life.

Since I was in a fantasy world, it was obvious, with the amount of danger that was lurking about, that I had to train rigorously to strengthen my body in preparation for my destined dis-confiscation.

And so, at lunch, I asked my parents:

"Can we appoint a Martial Arts teacher for me?"

Mother and father glanced at each with worrisome looks before turning back to me.

"Why is it, dear?" Mother asked.

"I want to be thoroughly prepared, mother. You wouldn't want other kids to be greater than I, right?"

"Prepared for what, exactly?" It was father now.

"For my dis-confiscation at the age of 15! Since I am dead-set on becoming a Knightess, enrolling into a good Knight School is important, and I shall prepare for its vigorous examinations and obstacles!"

I talked so cheerfully it seemed like they doubted that I was talking about becoming a Knight.

Mother bit her lip, "you want to become… a Knight?"

"Yes." I nodded.

My father fiddled with his fingers. "Working for the Knights' Guild?"



Both of them went silent. I only smiled.

"Oh! And it would be great to have a swordsmanship tutor as well; that would be immensely beneficial!"

"... are you sure about this, Yunjin?"

I looked at my father. He had a concerned look on his face, my mother mirroring him.

"Yes I am."

When I looked determined, my parents only sighed at my unwavering resolve.

The next day, my seven year old self started my Martial Arts and Swordsmanship training.

Of course, it wasn't that easy.

Since I was gifted with a uniquely weak physical constitution, I had to train twice as hard as any kid my age. Maybe even thrice!

My coach kept telling me to completely digest my nutritious food before going back to training.

I panted heavily, my noise being akin to a dog's as my breath hitched.

I leaned on the wall.

"One… more… round…"

I had to run 10 laps around our mansion before I'd start training with the coach using a wooden stick. And our mansion was *quite* big.

"COME ON! MOVE IT! NO SLACKING OFF!" My coach yelled from behind, and I moved my little feet again.

As I kept training and eating healthily, my body started growing much more comfortably. I stopped wheezing like a dying rat after running 10 laps and became able to run twice the distance and even thrice. I felt so proud of myself.

Combat was not easy at all too.

I had to be beaten up with a sole punch and do it again until I was able to stand correctly, dodge the attack, and inflict damage on my opponent as well. It was exhausting, but immensely fun and helpful.

Soon, I started learning swordsmanship.

I was all over the place with my swings and the way I gripped the wooden sword's handle. I had to be corrected over and over again before I could fully understand the flow of motion in my body and blow a good hit.

But I didn't give up. It wasn't in my good choices list, alright? I just had to do this for the sake of survival.

I was training so hard it was as if my life could end at any second if I stopped. Day by day, the training became harsher and harsher, but with it, I ascended higher and higher.

I read countless Martial Arts and Swordsmanship books in my free time to conquer other means of understanding them and trained harder. Thanks to my resolve and fruitful hard work, I became more than decent in each subject and excelled as the years passed.

But I didn't abandon knowledge either.

As an above-average-intelligence kid, I knew that knowledge was the greatest sword. Hell, even the greatest machine gun!

At the age of 12, I finished reading the mansion's library books and started looking for others.

My abnormal excellence in various fields made my teachers and classmates question my true intelligence, and since I knew that it would bring me quite the trouble, I started avoiding showcasing my true talents and avoiding situations where my abilities could be exposed. Like purposely making mistakes in a test or getting second place at everything.

Garnering attention was unnecessary for me at the moment.

'Of course, I'd still have to show my fangs at others when in danger, but I sense that it wouldn't happen any time soon…'

It was in that year that I enlisted into the Preparatory Military Academy, developed my already overdeveloped battle intel, and graduated at the ripe age of 15.

So now that I was a highschooler, it was finally the time for me to enroll into the prestigious LEA to finally become a Knight.

'I've been waiting for so long…'

I was indeed very excited.

LEA was a grand school that graduated numerous heroic figures and Knights, and cadets from all around the world were sent to train in it.

Having finally joined this great palace of massacre… It felt so good! But of course, I was nervous.

'I'm finally going to LEA!'

I almost jumped off my seat from the excitement, but I realized that I was in a bustling bus, so I had to calm down.

I straightened my blue skirt and fixed my bag, before looking out the window again, observing the stunning visuals of LEA.

It was very vast and spacious to the point where one could easily get lost (and exhausted), so they provided a bus as a way to ease transportation around the school, as well as smartwatches with an advanced AI system that could guide students.

I was sitting alone in the backseat of the bus, looking out the window, entertaining my eyes with how beautiful the Academy looked.

Endless greenery stretched beyond, grand buildings loomed over us, and various advanced technologies veered about.

It was so magical!

I inwardly chuckled.

'This is where I shall hone my skills to become a powerful hero and rid this fantasy world from its dooms! I must succeed, no matter what!'

I clenched my fist in determination.

'I am *so* going to overpower everyone!'

Hello! This is my first webnovel so please bare with me. Anyways, I hope you'd enjoy this blasphemy!

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