
Fiance Is A Crime Lord

It was the year 1970 on the world calendar and the Flower Continent was celebrating the day of its founding. Within each of the fifty cities, there were citizens roaming the streets and having a wonderful evening. Though, every other day of the year, the cities were filled with both bloodshed and tears, this day every major power would halt their advancements and allow the entire continent to be filled with cheers and laughter. Unlike the other four continents around the world, the Flower Continent when solidified, decided to have an iron rule put into place for its citizens. This rule was that any citizen would be allowed to try and achieve power by any means necessary, if it did not impact the government’s job of both dealing with controlling the populace and threaten the government’s rule. Declaring such a rule, allowed the government to allow its populace to become stronger while the weak suffered greatly. Having many military achievements and wanting to expand its power into other continents and smaller lands, by giving the populace the choice of either joining someone locally or joining the government, they would be able to recruit enough soldiers to match their goals. The consequences did not settle in at first, but once some notable physically dominant figures within the cities and surrounding areas got word of what this actually meant, things spiraled out of control. What was able to occur overnight, those who held the highest amount of wealth, started to hire these figures to help them take control of their particular districts and had given themselves the title of “Crime Lord”. Release rate: 1 chapter/day (minimum)

DFF123 · 现代言情
27 Chs

Chapter 7

-The next day in Maple City-

A young woman who recently turned sixteen years old had woken up. She was wearing her white nightgown covered in beautifully drawn roses. Her pitch black hair, though messy, was incredibly shiny and thick.

This young woman was instantly recognizable from every citizen located within the city of Maple City. And there was more than just a single reason why this was.

Yawning as the sun finally hit her eyes, she stretched out her arms as she brushed her messy hair out of her face. This young woman was Peng Zedong, the daughter of the leader of the Peng family.

She was like an angelic figure that every man in her age group coveted not only in the underworld, but in the government as well. Many would come seeking her presence and would treat her to many man made priceless gifts, but she would never accept any as more than simply friends.

This went to show how highly Peng Zedong thought of herself and how she wasn't willing to give herself to just anyone who came into her life seeking more than just a simple friendship. Burdened with unmatched beauty caused her to learn many of these lessons early on.

As time went on, her father in order to continue the pure Peng family bloodline, constantly invited eligible bachelors but none were able to impress this young yet fierce woman. So finally her father had no choice but to publicly announce an arranged marriage.

As one would guess, this caused a big stir across the continent and of course Peng Zedong was unwilling to move forward with it. She could only keep quiet about this matter since she understood if she publicly denounced this new fiance of hers would cause her family's pride to be taken down quite a bit.

Since the beginning of this process, Peng Zedong let down so many individuals from top rated groups in the Flower Continent, that her father had no choice but to look at newer individuals who had the potential to live up to such an arrangement.

He was very proud that his daughter had such high expectations since the higher up the ladder her fiance would be, the easier it would be for the Peng family to thrive even if they had no plans to personally expand outside of their own district.

"Ah, you are awake Peng Zedong. Please allow us to properly take care of you." one of Peng Zedong's assistants told her as she gestured for several maids to make their way into the room. This was not an unusual setup since Peng Zedong was taken care of like the angel she appeared to be to the outside world.

Quickly, the maids helped Peng Zedong into her private bathroom while the remaining maids started cleaning her room. The night prior, Peng Zedong had some friends over so her room was looking rather unsightly.

Since the Peng family was the most influential power within the city, Peng Zedong although making every other girl her age jealous, was still able to have quite a few friends of her own. At the end of the day, their goal was to use her, but Peng Zedong also were using them in many ways in return so she didn't mind and took it as more of a business transaction.

"Remember Peng Zedong, your father wanted you to accompany Yao Ling into the city today. Since last night, it was clear that she missed you and wanted to enjoy the day with you before heading back home." the assistant present told Peng Zedong as she hopped into the bath.

The maids present in the bathroom with her started to create a bubble bath as they rolled up their sleeves to rub Peng Zedong's body down to clean it. It was old fashioned, but her father doted on his only child so such treatment wasn't unexpected.

This had been a common occurrence in this big mansion for Peng Zedong since she could remember and so she just always went with the flow, even if she would rather do these types of things herself. Even those who controlled the government, couldn't even have this level of treatment as part of their daily routine.

"It will be wonderful to see her after all of these years. The last time I saw her, time was so much simpler but now I am engaged to a man I haven't even met yet!" Peng Zedong replied before a paid began to wash her hair.

"Did my father mention when I will even be meeting this man? Or will he prevent that from happening so I am unable to publicly humiliate him in order to remain single for a true man to pick me up and carry me down the aisle?" she asked her assistant as she walked out of the tub after several more minutes.

"Peng Zedong, your father is not purposefully preventing you from meeting him, it is just that it has only been a single day since he sent word to all of his friends and families about it. You can't expect to meet that type of man soon anyways even if you wanted to."

"Being a businessman himself, your current fiance that your father decided to hook you up with has recently been building himself up. Because of this, there is no telling how much free time he has throughout his day to set aside meeting you as of right now."

"Your father has assured me that the moment that man has some free time to spare, that he will be introducing himself to you. I haven't even been able to meet him which should tell you a lot about how important a figure he is in Maple City." the assistant reported to Peng Zedong without holding any details back.

Even though her father was the head of a top rated family in the underworld of the Flower Continent, he made sure to prevent his daughter from knowing anything about it. However, it was hard for Peng Zedong not to feel that something was always off.

It was a custom since they lived in a wonderful and spacious mansion, for her father to invite all of her sworn uncles over for meetings during several nights every week. It was even stranger, that her father would rarely show up to his own company's building in the downtown area of their district. Yet, she trusted that her father could handle himself, so she let all of these negative thoughts go.

"You can tell my father that I will be waiting in my room until Yao Ling finally comes over. Part of spending some girl time together is helping her do my makeup and picking out our outfits for the day anyways." Peng Zedong told the assistant before dismissing her and all of the maids as one more maid brought her some mixed fruit for breakfast.