

Just as she was beginning to think this world wasn't all that bad, yet another girly man showed up, eyeing her like something to be possessed. Fenrir was so angry that, strangely, a very powerful urge to just break down and cry welled up inside of her. She just couldn't understand how a person could believe themselves so above everything that they said and did whatever they wanted, even if their acts were cruel and unjust. He even had the audacity to try and frame it in a way that made it seem as if she were the one to have made a mistake. It was maddeningly frustrating...

Though she didn't will herself to do so, Fenrir's claws began to grow slightly longer as her hair began to take on a bristly quality. Her scarlet eyes began to glow like hot coals and an oppressive atmosphere expanded out from her body, putting pressure on everyone present. For the normal disciples, it was as if a primal sense of self-preservation had been provoked within them, urging them to flee. It wasn't a simple fight-or-flight response, but their instincts, which weren't that developed in humans to begin with, telling them that only death awaited if they were to stay.

Even Wen Xiulan, who had been the closest person to Fenrir, felt like a reaper had descended upon the world and was ready to claim the souls of everyone present. She had been planning to let Fenrir flee the mountain, buying her some time by interfering with the Sect Master and then taking the matter up with the Grand Elders later. Now, however, she found herself praying that Fenrir, should the latter emerge victorious in the coming struggle, be merciful upon the Sect. Not everyone was as arrogant and selfish as the Sect Master himself and, though there were many greedy cultivators that sought the bodies of women with Yin constitutions, there were also good people like Fenrir's Master...

Tian Gengxin, though it felt like he was staring into the maw of a massive beast, couldn't help but let a grin plaster itself upon his face. He had noticed that the girl was a bit hot-tempered and lacked the general sensibilities of a Cultivator. By enraging her, spurring her to lose control and attempt to attack him, he would be well within his rights to 'educate' her himself later. Thus, barely resisting the urge to laugh, Tian Gengxin held out his hand in a goading gesturing, smiling arrogantly as he said, "Come, girl, let this Tian Gengxin see-"

The moment she heard the man open his mouth again, Fenrir kicked against the incredibly durable mountain face and caused cracks to spread out several tens of meters as she launched herself upwards with fierce momentum. She had tried to use [Shundo] to close the distance at first but there was strange energy around his body that wouldn't allow her to set an anchor point for the instant movement. Thus, unable to kill him the 'easy' way, Fenrir decided that she would rip him apart limb by limb using pure physical force.

Eyes widening slightly, Tian Gengxin shot backward in an attempt to evade his assailant, a wall of green flames forming in the air around him to deter her attack. He was surprised by the raw power displayed by the girl but considered it a blessing since she wouldn't 'break' easily later on. Now, he just had to-

Unable to even finish his thought, Fenrir, now shrouded in a radiant blue aura, shot straight through the green flames as if they didn't even exist, the glow in her eyes now so fierce that it left afterimages in the air for everyone to see. Tian Genxin's eyes became round like saucers this time as he pulled a massive longsword out of his interspatial ring and tried to cut Fenrir's limbs. To his absolute shock, and the terror of the entire crowd, Fenri's aura suddenly transitioned into the shape of a massive wolf's maw that clamped down on the 2m long blade and instantly destroyed it. Then, seemingly without any time passing, the giant maw opened its mouth once again and the only thought passing through Tian Gengxin's mind before the irresistible energy devoured him was that there were some monsters in the world that should be left unprovoked...

(Fenrir's Commentary: 'That was the first time I ever devoured a person...Master...I'm sorry...*sniffles*...')