

Gong Xinyue hadn't made it far from the Branch of the Devouring Moon Sect when she was corned by a group of four people led by a middle-aged man with dark red robes. He had the appearance of a scholar but, with several parts of his attire covered in fresh blood and a sadistic smile on his face, it was clear he was anything but.

With a long black fan in his right hand, the man looked at the cornered Gong Xinyue, remarking, "I did not expect to meet a little fairy that uses flames...how curious. Tell me, girl, how do you deal with your urges when your Yang energy runs rampant~?"

Hearing the man's question, Gong Xinyue's expression darkened as her hair began to flicker even more violently. At the same time, scarlet flames ran down the length of her whip, causing the man's brows to raise as he placed the tip of his fan against his lips, the same sadistic grin still present on his face.

Without needing to be told, the three younger men around the man moved to block off the obvious paths of retreat, giving Gong Xinyue nowhere to run. They wouldn't let her flee and, even if she tried to commit suicide, they were determined to intervene.

Understanding her chances were slim, Gong Xinyue began burning her own potential, using her vital essence as a source of fuel to empower her attacks. This caused her hair to gain a blood-red hue as her whip flickered through the air, snaking in a complex manner as she attempted to at least cripple the weaker men surrounding her.

Before the whip could find purchase, a black fan intercepted its path and, without any suspense, cut through the thick cord. This caused a plume of flames to erupt but, with the wave of his left hand, the middle-aged man was able to condense the foreign flames into a small ball that burned atop his palm without singing his flesh in the slightest.

Gong Xinyue had blood dripping down from her lips after burning her own potential but, rather than give up, she instead extended her right hand and shouted, "Explode...!" in a shrill tone. This caused the wisp of flame atop the man's palm to erupt but, while it might surprise and injure others, he was able to create a vortex with his own Qi, guiding the flames upward and away from his disciples.

Seeing how easily he dealt with her attacks, Gong Xinyue was beginning to feel helpless. She began to make a blade out of Qi with her right hand and, without any hesitation whatsoever, attempted to pierce her own heart. Death was preferable to whatever the men had in mind for her and, while she may not have a Yin elemental Cultivation method, this didn't mean she wouldn't be toyed with until her death.

Having already expected Gong Xinyue to attempt suicide, the two men at her flanks quickly moved to entangle her arms as the middle-aged man swept his fan down in a smooth manner that easily diverted the lethal strike away from its intended target. This caused Gong Xinyue to immediately try to bite her tongue but, just as she opened her mouth and tried to pull free from her attackers, they were all brought to stunned silence as the fan-wielding man's head vanished.

The three men surrounding Gong Xinyue couldn't process what had happened before, following in the footsteps of their teacher, their heads also vanished from their bodies. They then fell powerlessly to the ground, leaving a stunned Gong Xinyue standing before a woman with midnight blue hair and scarlet red eyes...

(Fenrir's Commentary: 'This one smells familiar...')