

Ignoring the increasing volume of the outside, Fenrir walked to one of the information desks where there was a young woman with long black hair, tied loosely in a braid. Within her hair, she had two white sticks in her hair with bands of gold around the ends and, as she looked towards Fenrir, her fair complexion became progressively paler as she asked, "This...Young Miss...how can the Mercenaries Guild help you today...?" Never in her life had she seen a young girl with such a fair and icy complexion, causing people to instinctually double-take only to become stunned when they saw her scarlet red eyes...

Squinting her eyes slightly, Fenrir coldly stated, "I need information. If it is cheaper to obtain, I also wish to join the Mercenaries Guild. If not, I will take the information alone." Knowing that some information would likely only be accessible to members, Fenrir knew it would likely benefit her if she joined before procuring the information she required. As expected, the woman nodded her head and pulled out a piece of paper and a jade tablet, explaining, "The Guild does provide information cheaper to its members, so I will process your registration. However, there are rules and regulations you will have to follow after you join..."

Fenrir noticed that the woman looked over her shoulder, observing the crowd gathered near the entrance with a hint of fear on her face. When she turned her eyes back, the woman became even paler and quickly started explaining the rules and regulations she mentioned. Apparently, it was against the rules to fight and kill other members of the Guild, at least within the boundaries of the cities that had Guild branches. If there was fighting outside the city, as sometimes missions could be very competitive, that was just considered the fate of the losers. As for other things she needed to be aware of, there were several grades ranking from F, being the lowest, and SSS, being the highest, at least for 'general' mercenary ranks.

Above SSS, there were the ranks 'King', 'Emperor', and 'God', bold titles that designated people with Cultivation Realms above the Qi Refining Realm. When Fenrir asked her to explain in better detail, the woman went on to detail how ranks were assigned, and how they corresponded to Cultivation Realms in general. From this, Fenrir learned that the weakest Cultivation Realm was called the Elementary Refining Realm, where the practitioner would focus on developing their body, mind, or spirit. Generally, anyone within this realm was stuck at F-Rank in the Guild until they had completed a number of quests.

Beyond the Elementary Refining Realm, there was the Qi Refining, Foundation Establishment, Core Formation, and Nascent Soul Realms. Even further above that, though it was only a legend, there was the Immortal Realm but, as there hadn't been anyone in the Oyone Continent to reach it in the last thousand years, it was called the False Immortal Realm. Each of the ranks, F-SSS corresponded with one of the nine stages of the Qi Refining Realm, though it was possible to earn higher ranks based on your completed quests. As for the King, Emperor, and God ranks, they were associated with the Foundation Establishment, Core Formation, and Nascent Soul Realms respectively.

When the woman was finished explaining, Fenrir nodded her head and said, "Then you can put my rank down as a King." The moment these words left her mouth, the somewhat chaotic Guild became absolutely quiet as the majority of the surrounding Mercenaries, all of the Receptionists, and even a strange blue cat, all looked at Fenrir as if she was a monster.

(Fenrir's Commentary: 'Since I'm a girl, should I have said 'Queen' instead...? King sounds cooler...difficult decisions...')