
Felicity, your smile

Gwen Evans, a lost girl who has found nothing but betrayal and sadness in this harsh world. She's not joyous, she's not trying to fit in with other teenagers, she's just trying to get over the whole high school bullshit. Asher Miller, a cheerful and jolly boy who throws smiles at everyone's faces. He can't see someone in a bad mood and tries to do anything to cheer anyone around him. What happens when they cross paths? And what happens when she finds out that there's a side to him that she never thought she would see?

Waniya_Ehtesham · 青春言情
10 Chs


Gᴡᴇɴ Eᴠᴀɴs

I woke up for school at 7:00 a.m. with only one goal on my mind for today

Treat Asher like he deserves to be treated.

I got ready for school, and left the house with earphones plugged in my ears while Friends by Chase Atlantic bursted through them.

I hummed along to the tune while making my way to a cafe I know near the school. I'm thinking of getting Asher a milk coffee, he once told me about how he loved milk coffee with a decent amount of sugar. Just because I ignore him doesn't mean I don't listen to him.

I entered the cafe and went to the counter where a girl my age was working. She had blonde hair with brown eyes. Her face was round and she had freckles on her face. She looked beautiful.

Bi panic.

"Hello! Good morning. What would you like to have, ma'am?" She asked.

"Good morning," I looked down at her name tag, "Kenzie. Two milk coffees with medium sugar, please." I smiled at her. She nodded at me before she went back into the kitchen.

She came back a few minutes later with two cups and put it in front of me.

"Here you go, amour."

I paid her and turned back to leave before I heard her voice, "hey?"

"Yeah?" I asked.

"What's your name?" She asked.

"Gwen." I answer.

"That's a pretty name, like you."

I blushed at her words before speaking, "Th- um, Thank you, Kenzie."

Stuttering? Seriously?

"You're beautiful too. Like, really beautiful." I said.

She chuckled at my comment before speaking, "You think so, amour?"

"I mean— yeah."

"Call me Kenz."

"Okay. Bye, Kenz." I said nervously.

"Bye, amour." She smirked.

Can she stop calling me that? I'm blushing so hard right now and it's not helping at all.

I left the cafe with a smile on my face. She complimented me. Today is going good already. I just hope it all goes well with Asher.

A few minutes later, I was stood in front of Asher's locker, waiting for him. I waved my hand at him as I saw him approaching me.

"I got you coffee!" I told him before handing the cup to him.

"You didn't have to." He said.

"Ah, shut up." I smiled at him.

"Good to see you're trying to earn the forgiveness." He said as he sipped from the cup and I hummed in response.

"Still mad?"


"Okay..." I paused before continuing, "You'll still sit with me, right?"

He looked up at me from his coffee cup, smiling softly, before speaking.



Here I sat, alone, again. Because Asher is sitting with Ms. Touchy. I know he doesn't like her, he's doing this to piss me off. But I don't care, to be honest.

Britney looked at her right where I was sitting and smirked when she saw that I was looking before putting her hand on Asher's shoulder in a rather seductive way.

What the fuck?

Asher, who was busy in making a paper boat, looked up at Ms. Touchy's hand on his shoulder. His gaze followed Britney's and settled on me.

He looked at me for a few seconds before looking down at his boat and speaking, "Can you please remove your hand, Bethany? I don't like the smell of your nail polish."

I snorted at the situation. Asher knew her name but he still used the wrong one. But it was quite amusing, to be honest.

Britney glared at me when she heard me snort, before coughing awkwardly and removing her hand.

She wasn't going to bother him now, that's for sure.

Mr. Ravi soon came and started teaching. He started the topic of our assignment that he gave us, in which Asher and I were paired together.

"Mr. Miller, why aren't you sitting with your partner?" He asked.

Oh, this is going to be good.

"Sir- um.. because I—"

"Because he doesn't want to, sir." Britney cut him off.

"I don't remember asking you, Ms. Spears." Mr. Ravi said. The whole class, including me and Asher chuckled at that as Britney gasped audibly.

"It's Ms. Martin, sir." Britney said, in a rude tone.

Mr. Ravi totally ignored her as he turned back to Asher. "Sit with Ms. Evans."


Asher stood up with hesitation and came to sit beside me in his usual seat. I smirked at him as he leaned back in his chair. "Welcome back, señorita."

"Shut up." He smiled.

"You really can't hide your emotions, can you?"

"There's a difference, Munchkin. I can hide my emotions, I can't hide my smile."

"Whatever you say."

"I'm not kidding— you know what? I'm supposed to be mad at you."

"Tell that to yourself."

"Shut up."

"Make me."

Woah, where did that come from?

Both of us went silent for a few seconds, processing what just came out of my stupid mouth. What was I thinking? I swear to god, this guy right here brings out the worst in me.

We both stared at each other, Mr. Ravi teaching in the background now being the only sound in the classroom we could hear. We suddenly bursted out laughing, a bit loud for everyone to hear, might I add.

Mr. Ravi stopped teaching and stared at us dumbfounded, the whole class was now looking at the two of us as we caught our breath from the laughter break down we just had.

"Detention." Mr. Ravi sighed, before continuing teaching.

We looked at each other again and started laughing again, out of the blue.

"Shut up, both of you!"


Asher and I sat in detention, obviously because of laughing so fucking hard in the middle of class.

"It's bullshit. Laughter is a natural thing. Now I have to wait half an hour for this shit to be over." Asher said irritatedly

"Calm down, señorita."

"I'm mad at you."

"Then who are you talking to? No one's here except for me."

"Well, I'm talking to myself. I like talking to myself. I'm a psychopath." He shrugs.

"Whatever you say." I said.

I leaned back in my chair, stretching my body. I groaned slightly from the impact. It's literally so orgasmic.

"Fuck, Gwen, don't do that." I heard Asher whisper from beside me.

"Do what?" I asked, genuinely.

"Don't— don't groan." He stuttered.

"Why not?"

This guy is confusing me.

"Because it's unattractive." He said, hesitantly.

"Okay." I said, dropping the topic as the detention incharge, Ms. Dara, came strolling in the room.

"It's just you two?" She asked. We both nodded our heads, confirming her assumption. "Well, why are you guys here?"

"We laughed during lecture." Asher replied in a monotone.

"Just for that shit? These teachers really like wasting my time, don't they?" She said.

"I know, right? That's what I said." Asher said.

"Do you guys have anywhere to be?" Ms. Dara asked.

"Yeah, we kinda have an assignment to do—"

"Then get out of here and don't tell anyone I let y'all go."

I like her.

"Wait— really? Thank you, miss." I said, as we rushed out of detention before she changes her decision.

That went good.


"Your place or mine?" I asked Asher as I was sat behind him on his motorcycle. We're on our way to finish our assignment, or that's what we think but we're probably going to talk all the time like yesterday, well, he talked and I listened. He's mad at me but that doesn't hold him back from talking to me all the time.

"Let's go to mine." He said.

We were riding in a comfortable silence before my eyes caught something.


Asher stopped the bike in a haste, probably panicked by my shout, which caused me to jerk forward harshly and grip his biceps as my face landed in the crook of his neck.

"Fuck." He whispered, inhaling a sharp breath.


I removed my hands from his biceps and leaned back as fast as I could.

"What is it?" He asked as I got up from the motorcycle.

"I have to buy something." I answered.

"Make it quick."


I rushed to the flower shop I spotted. I was met with sweet scent and beautiful sceneries of different types of colourful flowers. I searched for the flower I came here to get.

A rose.

My eyes settled on a corner where all types of roses were sitting gracefully. I rushed to that corner and picked up a red rose. I got the rose and turned back to the counter where a woman who looked like she was 30-35 was sitting.

I placed the rose on the counter in front of her before asking her. "How much?"

"It's okay, dear, I don't take money for one rose." She said, shaking her head with a smile.

"Why not?" I smiled, along with her.

"It's just a story." She answered.

"I got time." I said.

Well, Asher did mention to make it quick but a story won't hurt anyone.

"Well, long story short, when I was your age, I got a rose for my crush and I didn't have any money on me so the shopkeeper told me that if it was for someone special, then I could get it for free."

"And then what happened? Did you give it to him? What did he say?"

"I'm married to him now, dear." She smiled, holding up her hand so I could see the ring on her ring finger, "and I have two beautiful twin daughters."

"That's really cute." I chuckled.

"Yeah, go off now, he's waiting for you outside." The woman said as she looked out of the window behind her.

I followed her gaze to see Asher leaning against his bike, which was now parked on the side of the road.

"It was nice meeting you. Goodbye." I smiled at the woman as she nodded her head with a smile.

I reached for the door and opened it, holding the rose behind my back as I walked out. Asher looked up as he saw me walking out of the flower shop.

"Flower shop, huh?" He asked as I got closer to him.

"Yeah, I just thought I'd get something for my date with Harry Styles." I joked.

Asher eyed my hand that was behind my back but turned back nevertheless. I reached for the sleeve of his yellow hoodie and turned him back to face me.

He raised his eyebrows, as to question 'what the fuck?' I brought my hand that held the rose forward for him to take the red flower he told me he liked so dearly.

"Forgive me?" I whispered so only he could hear what I was saying.

Asher looked at the rose in my hand then back into my guilty eyes. His face suddenly lit up with a charming smile as he took the rose from my hand.

"Okay, fine, I guess." He shrugged with a playful look on his face.

"Really?" I asked, surprised. It worked?

"Yeah, really." He smiled.

Fucking finally.

Without any second, or even first thought, I jumped up and brought him forward with my hands securely around his neck. I felt him stiffen as I hugged him tightly.

He brought his hands to my waist slowly as he regained his posture, loosening up. He held me close with his arms tightening around my waist, and I returned the gesture by tightening my arms around his neck.

It's really weird, you know?

A stranger, bumps into me, annoys me during classes, calls me by a stupid nickname, then gets mad, and then forgives me. Somehow, he made me feel comfortable around him. Maybe it's just his personality, but he makes me feel like I can do or say anything without being judged around him. He doesn't judge me.

I pull away slowly, my hair sticking a bit to his head as I was hugging him with such pressure. Asher brought one of his hand from my waist and tucked the strands of my hair, which was sticking to his own hair, behind my ear.

Our faces were just inches apart so I leaned my head back a bit. "I had more plans to convince you to forgive me but I guess this one worked well for me." I chuckled.

"Yeah, I'm just a very forgiving person, what can I say?" He said, scoffing sarcastically, his one hand still around my waist. "You have no idea how many jokes I had to keep to myself because I was supposed to be mad at you."

"You can tell me now." I said.

"Fine, but let's just go to my apartment first."

"You live in an apartment?"