
feather of love

They say all good boys go to heaven, but bad boys bring heaven to you..' What happens when a sweet and gentle girl meets a cold hearted and overly possessive man ? While his distant and disdainful nature pushes everyone away, her warm and determined demeanor unconsciously make people feel comfortable. Two people, different from each other and yet quite similar. Unique and still, strangely too compatible. Special on their own, but somehow fate mysteriously aligns them together our life and Faith have another plan to change and play Like a board of chess the winner of the heart will keep it forever. Mia used to a normal noble girl with her loving family always beside her. Untill one fateful night of her 16th anniversary everything changed ... Her mother mysteriously passed away by an unknown cause. Rumours speculate it to be some sort of illness while others say she was poisoned! What seemed to be the happy family transformed into a prison.. a once free bird, now caged due to her father's controlling nature. However Mia is not your usual girl. She is smart and knows how to lie while her true goals hidden locked inside a box. While he knew, he chose not to ask anything untill she revealed it....

Aria44 · 奇幻言情
56 Chs

Ethereal Awakening

"I was in the magic Tower, beginning to train on my magic, but the problem was, I was in the same routine for literally three weeks. Me and my mother got closer, but eventually, she had to finish her work, and for me, I had to get better in magic. But because I've compressed all types of magic, it's hard to distinguish. Now, I am just holding the crystal ball, trying to make it shine green without cracking. I am not successful, and I get so mad I throw it away and leave the magic Tower. All mages were pointing; I didn't care. Sylvia didn't have time for me because she's always training and she's really excited about magic. So, I went to the field just to get some fresh air. My heart aches because I feel inadequate. Even if I finish and find my mother, I still have this feeling kicking, as if I am not enough. I still have to work harder, more and more. I hope this is enough, but when I put my hands on the ground, I begin the same training on the crystal ball, just trying to make something, at least.

I put my hands and look at the sky, crystal blue as if it is nothing. I begin thinking of simple things: earth particles, literature, dirt, and all of that. But am I thinking in the right direction? The question makes me wonder. So, I begin to change my point of view. What if I think about the big picture of the element of Earth? What if I think about it as a big boulder? So, I closed my eyes, imagined a big boulder in front of me, and I have to slice and dice it with my bare hands. My first attempt and I just go and hit it, but of course, nothing changed, not even a little bit of it fell.

I sat down in my mind, thinking not about the weakness of it, but more about what I can do to make it change. So, I put my hands on the boulder, thinking about what the real meaning of Earth's element is. It's mostly about life, about living creatures, about being calm, about being hard, then no one can change, full of determination. And I am a person who is already full of determination. So, I think about all my determined moments: the time I met Sylvia, the time I saved her, the time I opened my heart, the times that I was so determined to change everything. Suddenly, the more time I begin to think this way, the more I feel the cracks under my hands. I begin thinking as if nothing I have in my mind, as if the blue sky disappears, as if my surroundings disappear, and I have just a boulder and my determination.

After a few seconds, the boulder turned to dust. I opened my eyes and saw around me, jungles, and no one could see. I opened my eyes and I was still in my place, resting on a branch of a tree. In my hand was a small ball that really wasted my time because sometimes it gets so boring, and my mother is so overprotective. But now I feel a little bit of power in the palms of my hands, so I really want to try it.

I got so excited, so I got to the ground, picked a little bit of dirt, and put it on my palms. First, I tried to focus all my mana on this dirt to shape it. I began shaping it into different things: first a sphere, then a cube, then more complex shapes, making it more stretchy or making it more like a heart. I was enjoying this time, but suddenly I saw three mages surrounding me, seeing what I was doing with that dirt, looking confused, playing with dirt.

"Hello, it's nothing important. I am just trying something simple, you know, shaping dirt into different things. It's so simple, you know." Two mages suddenly began to write. They were really nerds, and all of them were still looking shocked. I didn't give too much attention because sometimes they are really creepy. So, I went towards the magic Tower and got in, but as I expected, my mother came toward me and hugged me. I could barely breathe. I am really innocent. I don't have to go through the punishment of hugging.

"Mia, how many times do I have to tell you? Going to the field without anyone is really dangerous." I didn't want to show any type of attitude with her because it's still like knowing her for the first time. I didn't hear from her for two years, and, to be honest, my memory is not the best. So, it's just like being with your mother for the first time. And she is in the same situation. Technically, I'm between 18 and 19, and she left me when I was like 16. Some people say it's nothing; some people disagree. But for me and my mother, it just shifted everything. My old relationship with my mother disappeared. Anyway, I let her hug me as long as she wants because I can feel her overreacting and overprotective personality.

After a few minutes, I really got curious and wanted to tell her about my new ability, but it feels so cheap. I didn't feel like my abilities are that powerful. But anyway, I will tell her."

"So, mum, I tried something. You know, we are training about me trying to use the Earth element, and I did it. I can shape any type of dirt into different shapes. Some of them circles, some of them spheres, some of them complex."

My mother and the others just looked at me, astonished. Why is everyone so shocked? I know I am new in magic, but that doesn't mean I am a crazy person who experiments for no reason. I really just did it out of boredom. My mother looked at me so proudly and put her hands on my shoulders.

"You became an activator in magic, my baby. But anyway, what do you mean by shaping? Like changing the ability of soil or doing something else?"

I explained to her that when I use this type of magic, I get certain feelings. When I sense it, I start shaping the soil, as if it were bread dough that I can alter or mix with other things, turning it into different shapes. So, I took three types of soils - one with rocks, one without, and one just sand. First, I changed things with sand, and then I added some rocks to it, shaping it in a hard way. My mother started getting impressed slowly, as if I was doing something new. After that, I combined this mixture and placed it on the soil, creating a perfect block of rock.

She looked at me puzzled, feeling the rock. She glanced at me and saw the mana flowing in my veins. Suddenly, she began pressing her finger on my heart so hard that I felt the pain. I stepped back a little, looking at her, not understanding her behavior.

"Mother, you're pressing so hard, it's hurting me. Please stop!"

She looked at me and put her hand on her chin as if she was wondering. I used to get so annoyed, not even getting close to her. But she had some crazy ideas. So, she sat down and got so She sat down and got so gloomy. I looked at her, trying to understand her point of view, but nothing worked. My favorite cat came to me and began to play. I didn't have time to focus on the cat more than my mother.

"Mother, did you feel or see anything wrong with me? Because when I showed you the magic I did, you got so gloomy. Did I do something wrong?"

I clenched my fist, feeling as if I had done something wrong. Not the concept that I am bad, but just feeling that my mother would not be satisfied with me in any way possible. Suddenly, she made eye contact with me, and the sun was slowly going down. The stars began to show off.

"Look, you have so much magic. But you have to understand, you can't use magic recklessly. At first, you have to unlock your Mana. Your heart is not fulfilled with enough energy, that's why you have a hard time casting any type of magic. It's strange; you can do the simple things. But when I look at your mana flow, your magic can go to your palms, but not your heart. So something is wrong."

I looked at her, still puzzled, listening to every word she said, trying to understand the situation. But I remembered that she said there were already blocks, and I never used mana before. So, do I have to train more? I already feel so exhausted just to show her what I can do.

"Mother, I think in another way. I think I have really low stamina, magic, and Mana. Because when I showed you my magic, now I feel so dry and tired. So, I think I have to train more to have more mana."

Her face was full of surprise, but she smiled softly, petting my head. She got up, looking at me softly, as if she was telling me to follow her. I couldn't follow her towards the magic Tower. Instead, she showed me a really beautiful place with a small pool.

"Tomorrow, you have to go in this pool to raise your energy. Every day, I will make a routine for you because you need it. But for now, let's sleep."

I agreed, but slowly I began to feel dizzy. When I returned to my room, I already felt like passing out. So, I just threw myself on the bed and slept as if I had been on a long journey. I felt my heart struggling and slowly fading when think about what I told my mother. But for now, let me just finish training.

my guys volt 2 on the way to expect everyday is update the Sunday Monday Tuesday

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