
Fear to Fortune: Contracted Marriage to My CEO Savior

Sierra Nirell is working hard towards her dream and has a new well paying job. However, she's suffering from bullying and harassment from her co-workers. During Halloween at a "team-building" exercise, Sierra is tricked into going into the haunted house where she is ditched and left alone. A handsome stranger saves her and bears witness to the bullying she's facing. Now he's offering a contracted marriage - she'll get protection from her co-workers and he'll get investors off his back. The deal seems sweet at first but marriage isn't always what it's cracked up to be......

Thalia_Ilace · 现代言情
20 Chs

In His Arms, In His Bed

 Sira's eyes slowly opened, the world around her a blur as she came back to the conscious world.

 The rain outside had slowed to a light pitter patter.

 Sun rays poked through the gloomy clouds, leaking into the room.

 Sira sat up and rubbed her eyes, looking around in search for Azul.

 However, she found that she was waking up alone.

 She grabbed her cat plushie and headed out of the door, looking for that familiar face, her stomach growling.

 'I wonder if he's eaten already?'

 There weren't any particular scents in the air indicating that he'd cooked anything yet.

 She glanced in the kitchen to find it empty.

 'Did he leave or something?'

 As she headed further down the hall, she could hear his voice getting louder.

 She placed her hand on the knob of the door at the end of the hall, preparing to open it, when his words stopped her in her tracks.

 "I know and I've got her to agree. We just need to schedule a date where our schedules align now. My wife will be there, don't you worry."

 Her eyebrows furrowed. Was this what he was referring to when they'd made their deal?

 She pressed her ear against the door, trying to hear more of the conversation, curious as to why he really needed a wife in the first place.

 "Yes. I promise you. I think you'll approve of her. Of course, there is no one better than my wife."

 "That date works, I'll let her know-" Just then the door opened, causing Sira to topple forward, resulting in her face smashing into his chest.

 Without skipping a beat, he wrapped his arm around her and held her close to him as he continued to speak on the phone.

 "Alright, I'll see you then. Goodbye." He said before hanging up.

 Sira squirmed in his arms, trying to pull away from him.

 "Eavesdropping? You could have just come in and listened clearly instead."

 She tilted her head back, her chin forced to rest against his chest as she stared at him, "What were you talking about?"

 "How audacious, you're not even going to apologize for such a bad habit?"

 Azul feigned disappointment as he held her tighter.

 She pressed her hands against his chest and tried to push away, but he only held her tighter.

 "Alright, alright, I'm sorry I eavesdropped!"

 As she pushed against him again, he let her go, causing her to stumble backwards.

 Azul reached out and grabbed her wrist, pulling her back upright.

 "It seems like you're safer in my arms." He said as he placed his phone in his pocket.

 Sira's jaw dropped, the corner of her mouth upturning ever so slightly as she stared at him with astonishment, "Wow. What a pickup line."

 "Was it wrong? You came into my arms last night too."

 "H-Hey!" Sira pouted, clenching her fists, "I didn't come into your arms! I got into your bed! You're the one who grabbed me and trapped me there!"

 "Oh right. My mistake. You came into my bed last night. That sounds much worse than coming into my arms."

 A red hue flushed on her face as her face contorted, knowing that she had just dug herself deeper than before.

 "Anyways, since you're so eager to hear the conversation on the phone, would you like for me to tell you? Come, sit."

 He motioned towards the small couch in the corner of the room.

 "Yeah, I'd like to know what you've apparently scheduled me for."

 Sira walked towards the couch and sat down with Azul following suit.

 She curled up on the sofa and placed her elbow on the back, resting her head on her hand as she stared at him.

 He mimicked her position, smiling at how comfortable she looked and how she seemed to make herself at home on his couch.

 "Well, like I said, I needed you to be my wife to get some people off my back. One of those people called and asked about you. So, I we scheduled a meeting."

 "A meeting? One that I have to go to I presume?"

 Azul slowly closed his eyes and nodded, "Yes. You'll be attending with me as my wife."

 "And when is this meeting? What do I have to do? Who are we meeting with? Why do they want to meet me?"

 Sira began firing questions at lightning speed and Azul could practically feel her words crashing into him like a barrage attack.

 "Hold on, hold on. One question at a time, there's no rush. The meeting is next Saturday, it'll be a dinner at a restaurant."

 Sira sighed, "What should I wear?"

 Azul shook his head, "Don't worry, I'll pick you up earlier that day to take you shopping. It's an…..expensive place."

 Sira's eyebrows furrowed, "Who do you have to be meeting at an expensive place like that? What do you mean you'll take me shopping?"

 "It's just a meeting and I mean I'll take you shopping for a dress, for something to wear. You can't go in just anything. You need something expensive."

 "But with who? Expensive? Now that I think about it, you wanted to buy me a wedding dress too. Can you even afford these things? Surely a freelancer doesn't make that much-"

 The cogs in her mind were beginning to turn now. Was he renting this house or did he own it? How could someone with his income afford all of this?

 "You let me worry about that. Why don't you get ready, and I'll make us breakfast. The power is back on and it should be okay to take you back to your apartment now."

 Now that he mentioned it, she realized that the lights and heater were on. As she headed upstairs to change, she couldn't help but wonder about this upcoming meeting more and more.

 'Maybe he has rich parents or something and he's trying to avoid an arranged marriage? Maybe if he didn't get married he'd lose his inheritance or something. That's usually how it goes…right?"

Hello dear readers~

I had a bit of an issue writing this chapter. My mind just really fought me on the whole thing. I couldn't decide what direction to take this one and what the contents should look like. So I decided on this~ I hope it's to your liking! Let me know in the comments~

- Thalia

Thalia_Ilacecreators' thoughts