
Fear the rage of the old man

This is the story about an old man that fought wars, killed people, seeked revenge and obtained it but after that he was alone. Will that change now that he is in Orario? Stay and find out Danmachi AU, i dont own anything except my OCs and this was made out of boredom. English is not my first language so please bear with me book moved from the novels to fanfic

DanielArz · 漫画同人
16 Chs

Beware of the Storm

Once Clarion heard the Start. He tossed Draupnir, toward the level 3 with poisoned daggers, with an immense speed that turned Draupnir into a blue and gold blur because of the lightning attribute.

The result?? Of course the level 3 couldn't dodge because of the speed it came. A blue and gold blur. Just like that, it pierced his chest and was pinned to the wall while getting shocked by the lightning attribute.

This caused the crowd to become silent because it happened too fast for the eyes of a low-level adventurer or a normal person. But then, as if powered by the same strength of the toss, the crowd roared in excitement because this action meant a fight to the death.

Both levels 4 of Thor's familia were stunned but shook it off soon enough to dodge a screaming Clarion that swung Shadowmourne with murderous intent. Sam jumped sidewise to dodge but the momentum of Shadoemourne let it get carried toward his position as Clarion followed him.

Alice rolled to the left and got away, she saw Clarion follow Sam and thought of helping but then she turned her eyes to the low levels of both familias. Seeing them struggle because of their low stats she decided to just end their fight and rushed toward the position of Jeff and Saba.

As Sam dodged another swing of the big axe he saw Alice rush toward another side so he decided to keep the focus of Clarion on him so that Alice could do her thing and said with a condescending tone to Clarion "You think your familia will survive once I kill you. You seem to be stronger than all of them, so once you die, I will have a sweet time with those girls hahaha"

This triggered anger in Clarion as the Cestus glowed brighter than before as he turned his head toward Jeff and Saba, they were fighting the others at level 1 but saw Alice throw her punch toward the face of Jeff. Being a level 1, Jeff couldn't dodge nor could see the attack, so in the end, he received a punch strong enough to break his head and throw him to the ground.

Saba saw this and got distracted long enough for his enemy to pierce the sword on his stomach and the other level 1 struck him with a kick to his chest pushing him backward and coughing blood and bleeding from the stomach.

"That's what you get for messing with us." Said Alice with a dark tone and cold eyes that would turn someone into stone if they looked at her. She turned her head to the left and saw Adrian fighting the two remaining level 3 with Violet and Claire and managed to knock down one of them.

"ALICEEEEE!! JUUUUMP!!!!!" She heard someone say to her but she didn't notice an incoming giant glowing red gauntlet to her head. It was Clarion's hand that went directly to her head and she moved her head out of the way that the hand scratched her face but instead grabbed her hair and tossed her to the ground hard enough to make cracks appear around her head.

Clarion clenched his jaw when he saw the deaths of Jeff and Saba, it fueled his anger, and his anger fueled him to strengthen himself. He jumped toward the one who killed them, breaking the ground in the process, and tried to grab her head but instead grabbed her hair so he turned and threw her to the ground, breaking it and stunning Alice.

Sam saw him jump toward Alice and already thought her dead so he went to kill the remaining level 1 and one of the level 2, Amon, that was fighting against the level 2 but was on the losing end. Among noticed him and rolled over to the other side but still got scratched by Sam.

Clarion lifted her head and brought it down with force and in a fast motion 4 times making her bleed from her damaged face and clenching her jaw to calm the pain but then Clarion turned her around and went directly to her neck and tries to kill her by strangulation.

Alive put up a fight and tried to break free lit of her predicament by punching Clarion directly in the face but he just took it all and continued to put pressure on her neck, so much so that her vision was starting to get blurry and started to lose strength. The levels 1 rushed to her aid and tried to help her.

One tried to tackle Clarikn off of her but instead of moving him, he didn't accomplish anything. The rest tried to cut him, strangle him, and pushed him but nothing could move him. Clarion pressed and pressed till he heard a whisper coming from Alice "M-M-Mons-Ter" and then stopped moving.

Clarion got enraged when he heard her words and thought 'You made me do this' then he turned his head, ignoring the levels 1, and saw Amon getting pinned to the ground by the level 2 and then proceeded to get beheaded by Sam. Clarion saw the fear in his eyes and it persisted even when his head rolled over.

Adrian roared madly when he saw the head of Amon rolling on the ground and rushed toward Sam, stopping his fight with the remaining level 3 and leaning alone Claire and Violet.

Claire struck the level 3 in the stomach and pierced one of her daggers on his right leg. The level 3 grabbed her neck but struck once again in the head this time by Violet.

All of this happened in seconds but to Clarion it happened slower because of his perception and his altered state when he heard a voice say 'didn't you promise to keep them alive? Weren't you the one that said that would bring victory?'. This triggered Clarion as he roared with all his air, then lifted his hands and closed them.

A red zone started to expand through the arena, making the levels 1 freeze in fear as Clarion brought down to the ground with all his might his hands and shouting. Once his hands hit the ground cracks started to appear everywhere, even on the walls of the arena. He threw off balance everyone standing and all of them turned their head toward Clarion who stood up with the levels 1 hanging from his body.

Clarion's scars glowed blood red as he grabbed the head of the level 1 pushing him from the front and smashed it. With his right hand, he picked up the one strangling him and used him as a bat as he smashed the other 2 killing all of them.

He stood there with blood all over his body, which was starting to boil because of his skill. An ominous purple hue glowed from his left eye as he glared at Sam who froze in fear. All of a sudden a spear flew toward Violet and pierced her heart, killing her instantly. The level 3 with the dagger in his leg used this opportunity to kill Claire her remaining dagger after he disarmed her.

Adrian was pinned to the ground from behind as he was looking for Mallet when they heard a scream and a sickening crunch that came from Sam. Clarion used his eye skill to the limit and killed Sam with the pressure coming from everywhere. Then he jumped toward the one who killed Claire and punched through his chest and threw the body to the level 2 pinning Adrian making him lose balance and Adrian stood up and killed him.

They heard someone say "That lightning...haaa... Really took a toll on me...haaaa...". Adrian jumped shouting madly towards him and slashed his head, something he dodged hardly enough, and slashed his poisoned daggers toward his stomach area. Clarion stopped them with his eye and Adrian took the chance and killed him.

After that, Clarion fell to his knees, as he looked at Violet with his spear piercing her heart. His spear killed her. HIS spear destroyed her heart. Clarion looked at her with sadness and remorse in his eyes and as if understanding the situation, it started raining. Clarion thought 'How did he get from the wall? How was he strong enough to throw a spear? How did he survive a spear with lightning burning him?'. Those questions repeated over and over as he was on his knees looking at Violet.

Adrian looked around for Mallet and found him with a purple wound on his back and froth coming from his mouth. He was stunned after he saw his state, and how he died, it didn't matter to him, he knew it was a painful death, and that was what concerned him. How didn't he notice him? How could HE, the captain of the familia, leave him unaided when he needed him the most?

The crowd was stunned, to say the least, as everything happened very fast. After Alice killed Jeff and then Saba. Everything happened pretty fast but very bloody. They didn't know if they should shout in celebration or if stay silent. They stayed silent as they could see that the battle took its toll on the remaining members of the Bast familia.

Clarion was cradling the head of Violet after he unsummoned his spear and the blood coming from the hole where previously was her heart, poured over all his legs. A heartbreaking scene for everyone. They couldn't see an old adventurer but in their minds, that scene, that moment, it was as if a father cried for his daughter.

The gods looking at the battle through the arcanum of Hermes were surprised. Some were sad for Clarion. Others were excited about such a battle, but two specifically, looked at the scene with their eyes opened but with very different feelings.

Bast, one of the two that looked at Clarion was crying. Tears came from her eyes as she remembered what Clarion told her about his past. 'she died exactly like your daughter'. Thought Bast and cried even more.

Loki, the other one who looked at Clarion, had her eyes opened fully because of the surprise. She saw Clarion completely dominate the levels 4, but even if he was stronger than the 2 of them, nay, stronger than everyone, even when he was stronger, he couldn't do something to stop the slaughter of his companions. He distracted one or managed to kill one, the others already killed 2 of his familia. He killed 2 and already died 4.

'You were strong, but not enough. You destroyed the ground but that caused the one pinned to the wall to break free and that resulted in 2 getting killed. Truly a maddening experience' thought Loki as she looked at Clarion looking emotionless at the corpse of Violet.


That's all for today, I hope you liked it byeeeee