
Chapter 1 - Luciel Arkanaghel - Part I

As the teacher keep on rambling about history and the humanity's hero Dante , I slowly felt my eyes shutting down as I slowly fell asleep. It was honestly boring and it was a story I heard hundreds of times over and over again. My eyes shut , and I fell in the realm of dreams, however I felt that something was not right. I was in a strange place , and I felt very uneasy.. There was something off about this place , it was dark.. but hot , and it was... sinister , something about this is not right , I said in my head , and another fact that made me feel uneasy , is that I was aware that I was sleeping and dreaming , I was lucid dreaming again. You might ask 'again?' , well yeah , for some reason , I was always having frequent lucid dreaming, there were rare instances when I don't remember what I dreamed of , but as I said , they were very rare even though for most people it's quite the opposite, apparently it's because I have a very strong spiritual sensitivity or whatever , at least that's what the Father that took me in told me. Anyways , back to the dream, as I walked around in the dark hot room or whatever place I was , suddenly a big gate appeared in front of my eyes , it had a big pentagram on top of it , with the satanic symbol of Behemoth in the middle of it. It's eyes we're burning , like it had lit torches instead of pupils. As I approached it , a loud , sinister and echoing voice called for me "Come , Luciel". It's voice was so loud , it instantly covered the entire place with it , and it sounded like it spoke inside my brain. I took a step back , it startled me since it came out of nowhere, just so you know , I don't get easily scared , and I am mostly calm in any serious situation , however this time , maybe for the first time in a while , I felt my heart almost stopping upon hearing this sinister voice. It called again "Come , Luciel". As it called again , the eyes of the Behemoth started to burn even brighter, this time I took three steps back. Suddenly the whole place started to shake violently , and this time , I swear I saw the Behemoth's eyes look at me straight in the eyes.. It was the worst feeling ever , I felt like he was about to devour my soul and existence , I was scared for my life , my whole body felt like it was covered in ice , like my blood flow stopped , leaving my body to freeze from within, I couldn't even breathe , I didn't even know if I was alive or dead at that moment , until excruciating pain covered my whole body out of nowhere, I began screaming from all my lungs 'It hurts' , 'IT HURTS' , 'IT HUR-' and bang , I suddenly felt a stinging pain on the top of my head, I opened my eyes , and I saw all my classmates just looking at me with worry in their eyes , like they saw a total freak going nuts on the street. I looked at my hands , I didn't understand what was going on , I was covered in so much sweat , like you would be after running a few kilometers non stop.

-Luciel Arkanaghel, you are to report to the principal office!

It was my angered teacher , Priest Leonli Arch-Noel, he was our history and Dark Arts history teacher.

-How dare you sleep in my class? Is it that boring for you? Mr. Luciel?

-N-no sir , of course not! H-how could it be , I was just tired from not sleeping all night. I stood all night thinking about the final test...

-Hmph , in any case you are to report to the principal. Such behaviour should not be allowed in our sacred school!

-Yes sir...

-Now , you are all free , and remember to revise what you learned today.

-Yes sir!

The whole class shouted in unison.

-Hahaha , you did again didn't you , Luciel?

It was my friend Bel Alvarez , you could say he was my best friend , I've known him since we were little kids.

-C'mon , you understand me right? His lessons are so boring , I just can't help but fall asleep...

-Hahaha , you right!

He said while giving me his usual goofy smile.

-But Luciel , what kind of nightmare you had to make you scream like that?

His face turned into one of worry.

-I don't know.. It was lucid as usual , but for some reason I can't remember....

I was telling the truth , I only remember being in a hot dark room , but anymore than that... I can't quite remember..

-I see..

He said while still looking a little worried.

-But still , you screamed so loud , it actually scared us.. It even scared mr. Leonli , who of course , didn't noticed you we're asleep until then..

He started to laugh a little after saying that.

-Yeah.. I still don't know what it was , but still , it makes me a little worried... But well , it may just be a normal nightmare you know?

I chuckled as I said that , even though I was still worried about that dream...

-Well , I guess I gotta go to the principal's office now , any more delay and I'll be in more trouble.

-Haha , off you go then! Be careful and try to come back alive!

He smiled at me as I got up from my chair and started going towards the principal's office

-Yeah don't worry , I'll be alright... See ya later!

-See ya laters!

And so I went to the principal's office...

Idk why i'm writing this , but still , it's the first time doing this kind of thing , please don't be too harsh on me.I know i'm probably not cut for this kind of thing , but well , I was bored and I got this idea of story out of nowhere and I said why not try to write. English is not my first language , so yeah , you might find grammatical errors and such, and also I suck at expressing myself but yeah , I welcome any kind of criticism. so yeah , I hope you enjoy this mumble jumble I wrote :)

Iamanthony2creators' thoughts