
Fated Story System (paused)

______ Paused for the moment... Due to my need to edit my story... I have paused this story... And it might be paused for a bit until I can get a solid schedule made for myself... If you have miraculously found this story, I am 1) surprised, and 2) flabbergasted... since I have paused this one for like 2 months... But you can try and read it if you wish. It might be slightly bland and with some boring text... but after edits it should be better, flow better. Also the last chapter I uploaded I think I added a semi end for the moment, but its not going to be the actual end of the story... ______ What if you were to die in the next moment? What if death gave you a new chance as long as it was an interesting story? Join Lucras in his adventure with the system that's sole purpose is to make his life and story more….Interesting. And his journey to find out that the worlds outside aren’t so simple. __________________ This story is set in the cursed universe, where multiple other books tell tales of adventure. These books characters will interact with one another and it will be an neat experience seeing two different sides. Though you are not forced to read the others as these books are good all by themselves, not requiring information from another one of the books. Cover art by @etqtay on Instagram.

Unknown_AR · 奇幻
28 Chs

Muddy Bear

As he assessed himself, he became worried due to the pain and the amount of blood pouring out. He quickly covered up his wounded and tried to calm down. A slightly panicked voice then gave him bad news.

[Sooooo, I have some some slight bad news… I finally got some of my ability back and if your not healed in the next 20 minutes, you will die]

'WHAT? WHY? How do you expect me to be fully healed?'

[Since this is important, I have an ability to tell fates, but in this world something or someone is blocking my ability. But I can slightly see some fate lines, and after you killed the wolf thing, I can see some lines connecting to one of the monsters and it gives me a life and death feeling. Go back to the plants and eat one of each type. The originally didn't show effects because there was nothing for it to do. Now that you are injured and low on stuff, it should show some effects. Then I can give descriptions to items so you don't die.]

While holding his injures he moved over to his bag again, and opened it. Inside was a collection of multicolored plants, some were vine and some looked like herbs. Randomly grabbing plants, he was about to eat all of them at one, but after calming himself down slightly, he just grabbed one of each type.

Eating a plant that looked like a blueish green cilantro, he felt something move inside of himself, like wind. A voice rang [It replenished some mana you had, name it]

'Mana Replenish plant'

A blue screen appeared

{Mana Replenishing herb

Mana recovery +7

Description: A blue-green plant found inside of a mana rich area, it is usually closer to the ground}

Lucras grabbed another plant, which he ate and felt nothing, realizing that it did nothing so he ate another. After five nothings he ate a pink vine leaf, and felt itching on his injured arm and thigh.

[That is helping you recover, increasing you recovery quickly.. Eat more of those and give them a name]

'Health vine leaves'

{Health vine leaves

Health +5

Description: A pink vine that grows on the side of large trees in a mana rich environment. It seems to cause rapid recovery in those who eat its leaves.}

Lucras grabbed more leaves and stuffed them in his mouth and checked his status.


Name: Lucras Tiller

Title: Swordsman

Effects: Ghostly Friend,<Hidden>, Rapid recovering.





Strength: 0.9

Speed: 1.3

Stamina: 0.5

Health Factor: 0.5

Mana Factor: 0.13

Intelligence: 5

Passive: Anxiety(-), Green Thumb(+) Lv 3, Sword knowledge(+) Lv1: Increases understanding of the sword passively, no matter what you do as long as you swing your sword you will learn something.

Active: Last strike lv1: Using 10 mana, you can charge your sword with mana and strike your enemy with your mana power strike, causing massive internal damage.


As he watched his status, he saw that it increased all the way up to 50. He was also surprised that he got a new title, passive, and active ability. 'What is the new title?'

[It came after you strike that wolf with your mana, so you gained the title of swordsman and gained all of its abilities. Hurry up and get ready. You got a two minutes before one of the monsters learns of your existence and comes at you.]

Lucras raced back to the wolf, due to him leaving his sword in the wolf's body. After retrieving it, he heard some loud stomping steps coming toward him. Steeling himself, he prepared to strike. He though over what had happened with the wolf and prepared if the initial strike.

Soon he saw his new enemy, a large bear creature that looked slightly larger than brown bears, and also weirdly it was walking on its two feet. It had black fur and sharp claws. Slowly preparing himself as it seemed that the bear hadn't found him, he lunged forward and stabbed at the bear monster. Sadly the stab was stopped short and he had officially notified the bear of his existence.

Turning towards him, it lashed out its claw toward Lucras. Thankfully after learning from the wolf, Lucras thankfully dodged down and leaped back. The bear started to move forward, and then Lucras figured out this monster's weakness, speed. This bear seemed to have a higher defense than the wolf and its strength seemed to be the same, but it had terrible speed.

Since he figured that out, he started to run around the bear to check his hypothesis out. Trying to stay behind the monster and not in front of the monster, so he didn't get clawed. Seemingly annoyed, the bear started to light up slightly, and then it stomped down. The ground seemed to respond by making a shockwave that completely knocked Lucras off his feet.

Turning around the bear slashed its claws again at Lucras who fell, and slashed his side as Lucras tried to roll away. Pain raced through his side, and in response, he ate some more of the pink leaves that he thankfully remembered to grab. Which got him in response to an itchy painy feeling from his side. As he quickly got up, he tried to get behind the bear and slash it again, and while being not as deep, blood started to come out.

Coming up with his new strategy of moving away from the bear when it did the glowing thing, and while staying behind it and slashing it. A few minutes went by as he continued this with the bear getting more and more annoyed and angry. It did stomp a few times with its ability thing which he didn't have time to question, and it seemed to become more and more tired too.

Lucras was also getting tired as his low stamina was starting to get to him. He decided to both stab and slash at the bear. The feeling of familiarity started to come to him with his sword. It felt like he really realized what he could currently do. Quickly stabbing and stashing out at the bear, causing it more pain that it started roaring out.

Lucras felt great with his strategy, as he was finally getting used to fighting and being in this world. He then decided to try his new [Last strike] ability. As he remembered the feeling of what happened with the wolf, he stabbed once again into the bear. But to the bear's misery, it felt the pain bloom from its back become so much more intense that decided to go all out without worry about later consequences.

Lucras quickly backed up because the bear glowed slightly again, so he quickly catches his breath and tried to recover some of his stamina. But to his shock, the bear didn't make a shockwave, but the ground seemed to liquefy slightly and climb up the bear slightly making mud boots while still having a large area of muddy ground.

Then the bear quickly raced toward the shocked Lucras, as it was much faster than before. As it claw came toward him, he realized that he wouldn't be able to dodge. So raising his sword again, he blocked the claw with his sword thankfully as he realized if he didn't manage to block it, he probably would have been incredibly injured or dead.

He felt that his good arm was now at least fractured as pain riddled through him, which almost made him drop his sword. So quickly as he was being launched back, he switched his sword hand and tried to land safely.

Thankfully for the new muddy ground, it was softer and made his landing slide, which probably saved him from more injuries. He got up quickly and steady himself as he saw the bear monster come closer to him. Wishing he had listened to the name of the last strike and saved it for the last strike, he prepared himself to try to use his left hand. As he felt the deathly being coming towards him, he also wished he had grabbed more of those pink leaves to recover more.

Moving toward the bear due to him not wanting to wait any longer, He decided to experiment as if there was a time to try something new it would be now. He slid to the right side of the bear and slashed at its leg and used the mud. The mud boots seemed to make it slightly harder get through, but he successfully got through. Then using that slash to slow himself down, he got back up and stabbed the bear in the back again, and then using the bear's back he kicked off the monster to reposition himself.

[Nice slide...]

'Please be quiet for a few minutes so I don't die...'

[Oh fine... I was complimenting on your heroic slide. Now that you don't accept your gift I will give you the gracious gift of me talking more.]

Sighing he prepared himself to fight the muddy bear now with an annoying sidekick.

I am making the chapters longer, also he atleast is getting better at doing things like all MC should...

Also if you like it then vote... And I will continue to write...

If you have recommendations for making things even more crazy for the poor MC, then comment it and if I like it and it fits into the story, then I will add it.

Unknown_ARcreators' thoughts