

Roman of House Trambelio, or Roman Trambelio for conventional reasons happens to be the object of disdain for many a people and rightfully so, born into a major magus family with a partially defunct leg and lacking one eye, Roman would no doubt be disdained by the mostly elitist and aristocratic Magi. Maybe even thought of as a breeding mare. The fact that he was engaged already spoke volumes upon volumes regarding that. But, It wasn't as if all hope was lost. Yes he was slightly crippled and no type of healing worked but, had anyone sought to understand why it was so? If they did, did they ever succeed? The truth of it was, they didn't. Roman had died before and reincarnated, passed through the origin of all creation, the Root, retaining a self. Some part of his soul was sapped hence the dysfunctions but he'd gained much for it, a power that may shake the very world given time to truly manifest. Question was, what would he do with it? === You can find up to 7 chapters ahead at, patre0n.com/stoned_face

Dreizehnn · 漫画同人
93 Chs

A Heavenly Assailant

New York, America,

An uncharacteristically massive and equally intense thunderstorm rolled into the American city some would proclaim an architectural marvel with it's high rise buildings, residential areas and the sheer population it supported, not to mention the numerous integral establishments littered throughout it..

The winds howled violently, uprooting anything not nailed to the ground and sending it for the skies and heavy rain 'crashed' against the concrete and stones of it's relatively empty streets and roads, the populace had, in a moment of intelligence, isolated themselves in the comfortable safety of their homes.. unfortunately, those not privy to 'homes' didn't get the opportunity to do much.

To the masses, it was simply an unprecedented natural event but to those affiliated with the magical world it was clearly much much more, the magical energy flowing about was so immense, so dense that it could easily become poison...

This was NOT the doing of a magus, some 'thing' was coming and not knowing it's nature was as equally terrifying as somewhat connecting the dots.


Sitting atop an assuming building's rooftop, Roman hummed with his eye closed... All he could offer the people here was a silent apology, this was among the few things Roman disliked about human nature. For the masses, the suffering of others was something they could only bat an eye to at most before going about their days, they wouldn't recognise danger up until it came knocking on their doorsteps..

What he was about to do, was.. necessary.

Nagao Kagetora, solemnly stood by her Master's side, the War God of Echigo while delighted at the prospect of a war held no love for his current actions despite understanding them as necessary, "Mast- Roman, can you go through with this?" She'd sworn herself to him so she wouldn't act on her discontent BUT, their connection made it more than apparent that whatever aversion she had for this paled in comparison to his.

"....." Heartless, standing opposite her failed to understand their hesitance, as pragmatic and coldhearted as he was, the necessity of such a step wasn't lost on him... No, he understood it more than anyone..

For progress, for revolution, sacrifice was necessary..

If there were no casualties, they'd simply move on instead of linger.

Humanity would move forward the most only when faced with an obstacle that threatened them collectively, it would birth progress and cull the stagnation they'd begun to show.

Who had time to ponder upon what one identified as when there were beings that could remove them with not a shred of hesitation, with no effort and with no more than a thought?

Perhaps this would make them understand live and let live, judging others and being judged wouldn't matter if they had to face a threat would it?

"I don't like this one bit." Roman sighed, staring at the few people scurrying for their homes to avoid the coming storm.

Would he compromise on his principles to bring the magical world to light? To show it's necessity and to enter open conflict with the Church?

The decision was an easy and simple one,

"Es ist Zeit für eine Revolution!!"

(A/N: For native germans, point it out if this incorrect, my german guy is out of commission for a few days.)

The Magician grinned widely, throwing out his hands as the ocean to the city's side lit up in a massive explosion of raw magical energy... To be specific, the ritual arranged by Heartless over it, with the anchors being present on ships ordered in the shape of a pentagon.

At the same time, an invisible protective barrier was cast over the city.

He would make them understand, but in his own way, death was for those that deserved it not for those simply going about their days without harming a soul. As ever, his own shitty upbringing didn't give him the right to take that anger out on others by needlessly and wantonly killing them, becoming as he was now didn't change that.

Purple lightning arched across the skies before crashing into the port, tearing asunder all that man had made in his glory, tearing to shreds the docked ships, destroying all that had come in from the seas.

Clouds rolled into existence from seemingly nothing, perhaps concealing something behind them.

To the few that dared peep out, it was nothing more than an erratic storm.

Helicopters flew about chaotically, their pilots losing control in the strong winds that had all of a sudden begun bombarding everything more violently than ever before. Vehicles flew into the skies, crashing into infrastructure, tearing it down.

Amidst this chaos, Roman had stood up with his eye shining crimson, a massive grin etched across his face staring into the mass of clouds.

"I can't control it, no God can. None except the Goddess of Love."

Understandably, the Ancient God of Evil was more excited than he should have been, destruction being one of his most primitive callings. Especially when not caused directly by himself.

The citizens of New York watched on in confused awe, not understanding the sight before them while any and all magi rushed to places that would allow them to observe a phenomenon thought impossible.

And then it happened.

Several lightning strikes crashed into one another, lighting up the night sky as if it were day.. Surely, a testament to the wonders of nature but no, that wasn't what sent the 'ignorant' into a shocked daze.

"My... God.."

"Wh-What is that?!"

They didn't run, they didn't move.. They couldn't...

Grasped by fear, frozen, awed and in denial.


Not even the deafening roar that upset the very seas broke them out of this stupor.

Even as the Earth quaked and broke apart, even as the tides rose well above a hundred metres and broke down the national monument that was the pride of many, bringing it down to the ground.. Debris and ruins were all that would have remained were they too not swept away by nature.

What they saw in that brief moment was something perhaps the whole of the nation did, or perhaps even the whole world..

A titanic golden beast that reached the heavens, staring down at them with, towering well over even the tallest of skyscrapers as it approached with slow, mighty steps that sent the ground below it into a destructive frenzy.

A force of nature that destroyed all in it's path as it moved it's head about in a state of unfounded rage, kicking it's legs up and down while eventually rearing it's head and releasing deafening, equally destructive roars.

Shrouded by storms, it's body was mostly skeletal, surrounded by numerous wing-like appendages that moved chaotically as it stomped closer, laying waste to entire city blocks in one fell swoop as the lightning that came crashing down with each step destroyed even more..

(A/N: Look closely, that's just the head.)


"I don't know what the fuck it is but run!"

It was only then that those not yet swept away realised what was going on and the city descended into chaos.. It's denizens running for anywhere they deemed safe... There were those that surrendered themselves to their fate, understanding that something like this was far beyond their understanding or power.

"Splendid." Standing near Roman, Heartless clapped his hands in a sophisticated manner, a smile on his pale face..., "Something of this magnitude, I doubt any other that one of your calibre could accomplish... this is simply beyond magi."

The ritual employed the concept of the Jewelled Sword of Zelretch, one he himself had procured, except at a far basic level.

It would simply connect them to a parallel world.

That was all he'd done for this.

The rest was Roman, locating a Divine Beast that would destroy wantonly once summoned, dragging it over through the connection by employing the rift in Heartless' heart and then using magical energy to stay the world from attempting to send it back.

Something like that would require magical energy no magus had access to which affirmed his theory, Roman Trambelio Hauth was no magus... If he was one once, he was no longer one.

The being he'd summoned was.

"Gugalanna, the Beast of Heaven..." Heartless' dull eyes shone, this brought them one step closer to what they both wanted and he couldn't be happier, not that he could actually express such a thing before falling to his knees exhausted, a hand over his chest...

The spatial rift in place of his heart allowed him to switch places, Roman had made use of that to switch him with Gugalanna, a beast located in another world. The Magician then proceeded to drag him back, an act considerably easier than actually bringing over the Beast through a small connection.


Gugalanna roared, lowering it's head before charging into the city.. It rammed through the tall twin towers before running at the Empire State building, blowing apart everything in it's path exhibiting raw power and destruction.

Kagetora's hand twitched as her eyes shone brightly, the grey haired woman squirmed in place, releasing her Divinity and armour in that same instant.

Roman smiled, softly patting the shorter woman's head before nodding his head,



With fervent eyes, the Dragon of Echigo summoned her beloved stallion and grabbed onto a naginata, charging through the skies in a stream of white lightning,


"Is this being broadcasted?" Roman glanced at the huffing Heartless, his eye still crimson and some part of his black hair grey, "I can almost see them panicking." This was going to be pretty fun.

With an act like this, he WANTED to see how it'd be covered up.

How would they cover up a battle that destroyed New York?

If they thought this was the only location this was happening in, they were sorely mistaken.

"Of course."

Heartless affirmed, if that wasn't the case, there would be no point to this destruction..

"But why can I sense no life in the city?"

"....." Roman deadpanned at the magus, "Fuck you think I am?"

Still, materialising a football out of nowhere, the Magician threw it into the air before pulling back his leg and kicking it as soon as it came down,

"BOOM, bitch!"

It hit the Bull of Heaven in the side of head and exploded, enveloping Gugalanna's head in flames aggravating the beast more than it already was but not giving it enough time to react as Kagetora crashed into it's head, releasing streams of white lightning that decimated the ground when they eventually crashed down.


Did you see this coming?

Roman summoned Gugalanna into New York and it's just rampaging, destroying everything in sight. Can anyone really deny that the magical world exists after that?

Of course Roman understands the consequence of his actions but this brings back mystery, an actual Divine Beast fighting a God that has no qualms about announcing their identity. If you've read the Case Files of El-Melloi, you probably have a hint about what that would mean. if you haven't, don't worry about it.

So the problem of the more people practising magecraft, the weaker it collectively becomes ends up solved anyway.

And remember, Roman is a human supremacist in the end.

How will the Mage's Association react? How will the Church react?

Can Kagetora win?

Will Roman fight?


On my quest of finding the type of fic I wanted to read with the knight joining Round Table on this site which lasted about 20 minutes as a whole an hour before I posted this chapter, I found several. There's Fate/ Against Fight, Fate/Discovery, Fate, A Tale of Two Kings, Fate/Disturbance and a bunch of other fate fics, then I got distracted by this Makima cover on a book, got a call and that somehow ended with me tripping on ice and then rolling around for a few minutes cause I couldn't breathe right and now I'm in bed? Life sure is weird sometimes..


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You can find up to 7 chapters ahead at patre0n.com/stoned_face