
Fate/Surviving in Ancient Greece

Reincarnated as a demigod in Ancient Greece of the Fateverse, Eschios just wants to survive. Follow his journey as Eschios rises from a demigod to one of the greatest heroes in Mythology. *Not Bl *One or two updates every day *Romance Included *Continues after Mc's death (As a Servant) +If you can, please promote this work as a reader! +Please be respectful to other readers and the author. If the author bends the story to what the readers want, it could turn out worse. +There must be absolutely NO LEVELS OF FIGHTING OR DISRESPECTING FELLOW READERS

LordOfCactus · 漫画同人
25 Chs

My teacher starts firing arrows at me

Eschios pov:

Learning under master Chiron was a really good choice. He knew so many things. He's not called the teacher of heroes for nothing.

He wasn't always teaching me and the other students one way of fighting or learning, but he tried to draw out the hidden potential within his students.

Out of all my abilities and talents, the one master Chiron rated the highest was my speed. I mean, that's obvious.

What am I going to do with my beauty in battle, hypnotize them? Wink and make them have a heart attack?

"Eschios. No one, from the past to even the future, will be able to catch up with your speed."

"I think you're overestimating my abilities, master."

"No. You're underestimating yourself. All the others are complimenting your beauty, but your body's speed is what is really special about you. If you make up the right mind, no one will be able to catch you after you run."

If I make up the right mindset, I'll be faster than anyone? Like Atalanta from the Calidon boar hunt and Achilles from the Trojan war?

Alright, I'm going to pour all my training into speed now. I got my durability covered with my body's blessing from the Styx river, so I should be ok.

So I'll be racing all day! Good choice master!

.….. Why are we in a cave, again?

"So Eschios, we'll only do a hundred arrows and end today's lesson. Don't worry, I've heard from lady Selene about your special body. Arrows can't hurt you."



Ladies and gentlemen, at that moment, I found out. Why the two of us were in a small cave, and why master Chiron was pulling out an arrow and pulling the string after putting it on. And also why he was smiling.

Chills ran from my backbone to the edge of my toes. Master was planning to shoot arrows at me in this small cave, and he wants me to dodge all of them.

Goosebumps appeared on my skin.

Mother told me before that my invincible body takes attacks if the will of the attack is something other than to hurt, with it only working for the ones with divinity in them.

Chiron has divinity. Oh no.

For example, like now, if master's desire to have me improve is mostly taking up his reasoning for this, then...

"Eschios, you're going to be dodging arrows that I shoot in your direction. By doing this, you'll increase your speed and agility."




I moved my legs as fast as I could, dodging all the arrows.

AIt seemed as if master doesn't have any idea about the special conditions of my durability. He just knows that I'm invincible to attacks.

When moving my legs, I also tracked the movements of master with my eyes, and observed in which direction he shoots the arrows.

After seeing me dodge twenty arrows, he then increased the level by firing three at once.


Can I sue him for student abuse...?

Think, think, think... Eschios. Think of those arrows as the hands of my sisters, trying to dress me up like a lady.

Projecting thoughts like those into my mind, I could predict which direction the arrows would be fired at by the end of the class.


Narrator pov:

Five-year-old. Eschios was five years old when he began to learn under Chiron. Chiron mostly focused on improving Eschios' speed and agility, while training his strength and teaching him combat skills, and teaching literature and surviving lessons.

Eschios, with his beauty and his status of being one of the top students of Chiron, quickly became famous and popular throughout the whole school.

And he hated every part of it.

Some of the other famous students other than Eschios were:

Heracles, the demigod son of Zeus with inhumane strength and durability.

Asclepius, the demigod son of Apollo with advanced knowledge of medicines.

Castor, the prince of Sparta, who has an aggressive personality and great combat skills.

Currently, the most famous of Chiron's students were those four.

However, Asclepius only focuses on his studies and nothing more, Heracles unintentionally always has a scary aura around him, and Castor is violent to all humans who approached him, so the only approachable one was Eschios.

"Oh~! It's Eschios~!"

"Hi~! Eschios~!!!"

"Fufu, your beauty is blinding us yet again, Eschios."


And Eschios became an idol to the students. As the days passed by, Eschios was getting more beautiful.

Against his will, his beauty was over genders and was stunning.

Although Eschios' beauty had better effect on beings with divinity, it also worked on humans as well. He was sure people wouldn't leave him alone when he becomes an adult.

Ignoring the other students, he sat on the seat right behind Heracles.

Heracles' back was like a wall that protects him at all times in these situations.


"I've heard that when you sigh like that, good luck runs out of you, Eschios."

"I can't help it when others send me these sticky looks of lust and the men confess to me, Heracles."

Eschios said to Heracles, who told him that sighing is bad. Telling Heracles that he got confessed by yet another boy, he squinched his face in disgust.

People in these times think of gay love as "true" and "righteous" love, especially one between a pretty boy and a man. Eschios couldn't agree with those ideas of pedophilia and hated always being put into gay situations when he was straight.

"Uh... Sorry."

"No... It's nothing, you don't have to apologize."

As he didn't fully understand how Eschios feels, Heracles apologized to Eschios, who was behind him.

Although it gets awkward with each other sometimes, Eschios and Heracles were secretly glad to have each other as friends.


Narrator pov:

The afternoon's lesson was a combat class. The combat class usually took place outside, and the rules for the lesson were simple.

Each student finds one other peer to fight, and the winning condition is when they manage to defeat, restrain, or get the opponent to forfeit.

To make the fight fair, attacking weak spots like the eyes, reproductive areas, and neck are not allowed. And Eschios' opponent was...

"Let's get this over with, Heracles."

"Of course. I won't go easy, since it's you who I'm against."

-Heracles, who always gets the highest grades in physical classes.

The other students were all fighting, like Castor, who beat Asclepius in one second, but no one between the two could make a move.

Heracles of strength vs Eschios of Speed.

It was a battle between the opposites, so many were watching their fight.

The one who moved first was Heracles. Heracles first moved his hand, swiping it in Eschios' direction to try to restrain Eschios.


"He disappeared!!"

"Wh-What happened!?"


Heracles' right hand, which was aiming for Eschios, grabbed the empty air instead.

And as Heracles' hand grabbed the empty air, Eschios grabbed his body then kicked his back.

Even though his attack succeeded, Eschios backed off with a frown.

In the place where he had been right before, Heracles' spinning kick swung with such force, it created a gust of wind.

After Heracles spin-kicked, Eschios quickly moved right in front of Heracles, seeing an opening in his balance.

However, even after using pankration, a type of greek wrestling, Eschios wasn't able to hurt Heracles that much.

"What's up with that durability?"

"I can't catch you, either."

The only match still continuing then was Heracles' and Eschios'.

Other students were all sitting and chatting after being done with their match, but Eschios and Heracles' match was still being continued after hours.

Eschios used his sharp senses and inhumane speed with his agility to dodge all of Heracles' attacks, and Heracles guarded and endured all of Eschios' hits with his mountain-like strong body. Because of this, the fight kept going on.

"Alright, the match is over! You two can rest now."

Finally, after Chiron stopped the match, the two collapsed on the ground.

The other students all clapped their hands for them, thanking and praising them for the amazing match.

"I never want to *huff huff* fight with you again. What's *huff* with that body? If not for my blessing, my body would have been injured *huff* by hitting it..."

"*cough cough* You're too fast... I can't eve- *cough* -even catch you..."

(A/N: The blessing that Eschios has and later Achilles will have works on the things that "attack" them, but it doesn't work if an attack has been done with a friendly intention. When you hit something, it returns the force as the same, especially when Eschios uses his speed to hit something. Eschios' blessing interpreted this as an "attack" since it is returning the force that was used to "attack" without changing anything, so the blessing guarded him against it. That's the reason Eschios can attack with his speed)


Eschios pov:

It's already been four years since I began to be taught under master Chiron.

Unable to sleep, I came out of my room and looked up at the night sky filled with stars.

I learned so many things under my master's teachings. I learned martial arts such as pankration and some type of martial arts that are similar to boxing and capoeira, and I also learned weaponry of any kind and mastered it after so much hard work.

Because of that, Castor calls me the "Weapon sage".

I also learned how to take food supplies from nature, how to cook, how to farm, survival skills, and learned medical things with Asclepius.

I chose to live independently in this harsh Ancient Greece, so I need to learn any useful skill that can help me.

I still haven't given up on my dream of being called the "Farming genius".

Hm, I sense Heracles and Castor looking at me. Being wary and cautious of others since I was little, I can sense almost everything around me quite well. My sisters unintentionally trained me well.


"Can't sleep as well, Castor, Heracles?"

"Yes. I'm guessing you are the same."


Look at that, Castor's got his usual angry look on his face. It doesn't mean anything, but it's just like a passive skill. I always wish I had that. People wouldn't approach me, then.

It seems like the other two couldn't sleep as well, so they were looking up at the stars, like me.

"Eschios, what are you going to do when you learn everything that you need to learn from our teacher?"

"I... want to find a peaceful place where I can live in peace. I'll think of what I'll do next from there."

You might call me planless, but the whole reason I'm learning all this stuff is to survive and live a happy life independently.

"I see... so you're going to build your kingdom on a peaceful land from scratch... Just what I expected from you, Eschios."

How does your thought process work that way, Heracles? Kingdom? Eh? You're overestimating me a bit...

I then noticed Castor looking up at the sky with a sad look on his face. He looked... like he was longing for something.

"Something on your mind, Castor? You look like you just broke up with a girl."

"...Shut up."


Violent as always.

"I was supposed to be there."

Castor said, pointing up into the night sky, to the shining stars.

"No, higher than that. I was greater back then."


What does he mean by that? Wasn't Castor always a human in mythology? What?

"I was as great as Zeus."

As great as Zeus? That's his dad, though. Is he in the chuunibyou stage of his life? But he looks really serious.

He wasn't even that weird recently. Could it be that he was someone powerful who was reincarnated, like me? What should I-

"I was a god, then people lost faith in me as a god. Forgotten, dethroned from the glory. Damn humans."


So, the mythology books don't show anything, huh? Wait... What about Pollux and Helene and Clytemnestra? Were they gods as well? Just you? I'm so confused.

"Your brother and sisters, are they... like you as well?" I asked, carefully.

"Helene and Clytemnestra aren't, but... Pollux is. She didn't suffer the same fate as me."




"And also, I don't have a brother, idiot."



A/N: Poor Eschios is just so confused right now... Just to make it clear, the only fate he knows are Fate/Zero, Fate/Stay Night, Fate/UBW, and Fate/Heaven's Feel. Heracles didn't look a lot like his adult form when he was young, so Eschios didn't recognize him.