
Fate/Stay Night: The Epic of Gilgamesh

The chaotic Fifth Holy Grail War. The one summoned by Emiya Shirou was not a golden-haired, emerald -eyed girl knight, but the Golden King of Heroes—Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh "The Golden hero king" and friendship woven by the weakest Master and the strongest Heroic Spirit. It is another "The Epic of Gilgamesh" untold in history. Gilgamesh "Fate/Prototype"

Kudou_taiki · 漫画同人
22 Chs

Wishes and Thoughts

As expected, one might say.

Inside the chapel, it was just as majestic as it appeared.

Rows upon rows of pews. A central altar. They harmonized perfectly, creating a sacred space for praying to God.

However... something was off.

For a church, the air should be pure. If people who served and prayed to God gathered there, it should naturally become a refreshing space. Yet... the air here was stagnant to an unbearable extent.

It wasn't physically dirty. Both the exterior and interior of the church were kept clean. However... this space itself was ominous.

Pure yet wicked. Magnificent yet filthy. It could be said that the impurities were internal rather than external. This church... its very existence was distorted.

"Kiritsugu. I know you're there, so come out."

To dismiss the inexplicable intuition, Tohsaka's voice shook the air.

At first glance, there was no one in the chapel. However, Tohsaka was looking directly at the central altar with absolute certainty.

"Sigh... You really are a disrespectful disciple, as always."

Footsteps echoed.

When did he appear there? From behind the altar, a tall figure approached us.

Clad in well-toned, slender monk's robes. A cross hung from his chest. And... there was an air of intimidation about him.

It was immediately clear. This man was the priest of this church. He was none other than the overseer of the Holy Grail War, as mentioned by Tohsaka.

"Hmm. If you didn't respond to my call, I thought you had brought another peculiar guest. So... I see. Is he the last Master, Rin?"

"That's right. He's technically a mage, but mostly an amateur, so I couldn't just leave him be. It's customary for those who become Masters to submit their registration here, right? And while we're at it, teach him about the Holy Grail War."

"I see. Then we must express our gratitude to this young man."

Saying that, the tall priest slowly turned his gaze towards me. I could feel my spine stiffen under his stare.

Eyes as dark as the depths of hell.

Different from Archer's eyes, which were not of a human's. While still human, they exuded something inhuman, a dim and distorted mire. Combined with his mask-like expression, it emitted a profound sense of oppression.

I had an intuition. This guy... he must be dangerous.

"Welcome to the Einzbern Church. I am the one entrusted with this church, Kirei Kotomine. What is your name, young man?"

In a gracious gesture, the priest extended his right hand, showing hospitality.

However... even in that movement, I sensed danger. Determined not to succumb to the pressure, I stared at the man while tensing my abdomen and spoke.

"Emiya... Shirou."

"Emiya... Shirou."

Goosebumps rose.

It was nothing. The priest, Kotomine, simply repeated my name as if confirming it.

But... that smile. The faint smile that twisted his mouth sent an indescribable chill down my spine.

It was as if he had encountered something delightful. However, that joy... carried a faint tinge of sadism, like a cat discovering a mouse.

"Let me express my gratitude, Shirou. Thanks to you, Rin was brought here. If it weren't for you, she would never have come here until the very end."

The priest's polite voice. Tohsaka clenched her shoulders with indignation at his words.

"Hmph. Even I didn't intend to come here. But I can't just leave an amateur alone. Dealing with that aspect, I'm sure you'll excel. You'll train him from scratch."

"I see. I see. So that's how it is. Very well, you've asked me for the first time. I can't thank you enough, Shirou Emiya."

Kotomine, the priest, chuckled softly.

...What is it? Despite his words, I couldn't feel even a hint of gratitude from this man.

Though he showed a smiling face on the surface, I couldn't help but imagine that he was secretly mocking us... such an unsettling thought crossed my mind.

Suppressing my inner fear and maintaining a calm expression, the priest... once again looked down at me with composure.

"Well then, let's begin. Shirou, how much do you know about the Holy Grail War?"

"I heard about it from Tohsaka... The Holy Grail War is a ritual where magicians compete to obtain the Holy Grail, which grants wishes. The magicians are called Masters, and they summon Servants to fight each other... I think that's the general idea."

"But I don't really understand even if you tell me that. If being a Master requires being a proper magician, it might be better to choose someone else."

"...I see. You truly don't know anything, do you?"

Hmm, the priest scrutinized me. It felt like there was even a trace of pity in his eyes.

"Well then, let's start with the explanation."

With those words, Father Kotomine began to speak slowly and deliberately.

--According to him,

The Command Seals that reside within me are the Stigmata, and they won't disappear until I obtain the Holy Grail. If I want to quit being a Master, there is no option other than obtaining the Holy Grail.

The Holy Grail chooses worthy individuals to possess it, pits them against each other, and selects the one and only owner.

As the Holy Grail is a spiritual entity, a Master cannot touch it. This is one of the reasons why Servants are necessary in the Holy Grail War.

And, the act of eliminating not only other Servants but also anyone who can touch the Holy Grail apart from one's own Servant becomes the essence of this ritual.

However, Servants are "Heroic Spirits." Being beings that surpass humans, it is nearly impossible for any magician to defeat a Servant head-on.

Therefore, in the Holy Grail War, not only Servants but also the lives of the Masters are targeted. If there are no Masters, Servants lose their ability to stay in the physical world.

However, even if my own Servant were to be defeated, as long as Command Seals remain, I can form contracts with other Servants. That is why killing the Master is the most efficient way to fight--

Having finished speaking up to this point, the priest looked at me. Thanks to Tohsaka's prior explanations, I could easily understand what he was talking about.

...But, I have one question here.

The priest explained that the Command Seals are the qualifications of a Master. Then, doesn't it mean that once the Command Seals are used up, that person is no longer a Master?

"Oh, I forgot to mention one thing. If you are a Master, you must cherish your Command Seals."

As if seeing through my question, Kotomine added.

"...Why? If you use up your Command Seals, then that person is no longer a Master. And if a Servant loses their contract, they can just find another Master."

"That's right. Without Command Seals, that person is no longer a Master. However, Command Seals are powerful magic in themselves. If someone were to use them up... they would be an irredeemable fool."

Mocking me with a sneering tone, Kotomine laughed.

...I still don't like this guy.

Is he mocking my ignorance, or perhaps enjoying this situation? Either way, there is no way this guy has a good nature.

"Shirou Emiya, the Command Seals themselves are the bond that ties the Servant.

--At times, do you think you can defeat your own Servant in battle?"


There's no way I can do that.

I couldn't understand the intention behind the priest's question... but that golden Servant is far stronger than me.

With the ability to predict the future and armor that could even deflect Lancer's magical spear. Even if Archer were defenseless, I wonder if I could even manage to harm him.

"Then let me ask you another question. It's a pointless assumption, but--suppose you were summoned as a Servant. You have a wish entrusted to the Holy Grail and have manifested in this world with the determination to obtain the Holy Grail. --However. Your Master decides to terminate the contract. Even if the connection with the Master is severed, the Servant can remain in the physical world to some extent. However, it is unlikely that a new Master will be conveniently found. Before you, there is the Master who betrayed you and discarded your wish. If left alone, they may even become your enemy. You no longer have Command Seals to bind yourself. In such a situation--what would you do?"


I was speechless.

If I no longer have Command Seals... a Master is nothing more than someone inferior to a Servant. In other words, I would be easily killed.

Once the contract is terminated, the relationship with the Servant also ceases. If the Servant, whose contract has been severed, still intends to obtain the Holy Grail... it wouldn't be strange for the former Master who betrayed the familiar Servant to face revenge.

--I recall Archer's crimson eyes.

He claimed to have no interest in the Holy Grail. But at the same time... he was unfathomably ruthless.

As a Master, I would be of no value to him. In that case, I am convinced that he would kill me without hesitation.

"Even so, if you wish to abandon being a Master, that is fine.

In that case, I will guarantee your safety until the end of the Holy Grail War--I am not so idle as to concern myself with you, but it is also a rule."

"A rule? Who decided something like that?"

"Of course, it is the Holy Church. Do you think I, who serves God, would be dispatched as an overseer otherwise?"

The Holy Church.

An organization that one would normally not have any dealings with, as it operates behind the scenes of a major religion spanning the world.

Its roles are varied, but one of them includes the recovery of "relics."

In other words--the Holy Grail confirmed in this Fuyuki City. Even if it involves magicians, if it is connected to a relic, the Church cannot remain silent.

With that, I was convinced. Although he said overseer, this priest must also serve as a monitor for the Holy Grail War.

"The Holy Church has been dispatching overseers since the Third Holy Grail War.

This Holy Grail War is the fifth in total. As the previous one was ten years ago, this will be the shortest cycle to date."

Muttering so, Kotomine suddenly smiled as if he remembered something.

"Speaking of the previous war... do you remember what happened ten years ago?"


That smile.

The word "ten years ago."

Just with that, I instinctively felt it. This guy is about to say something... something bad.

"In the final stages of the previous Holy Grail War, there was a Master who touched the Holy Grail. I don't know what that person wished for. But as a result, that incident occurred. --About five hundred casualties, over a hundred buildings burned to the ground. That great conflagration, still considered of unknown cause, is the scar of the Holy Grail War."


I lost my words.


That means.

--People in anguish.

--Buildings collapsing.

--Devastated land.

Endlessly--corpses. I want to die.

Yes, that is the very depiction of hell.

That horrifying sight is the reality of the Holy Grail War.

The one who obtained the Holy Grail simply through a wish... Five hundred lives were discarded like dirty rags.

Even such cruelty is allowed to pass in this Holy Grail War.

The problem lies not only with the Servants summoned for this ritual. The Holy Grail itself can become an incredibly dangerous weapon.

How can I just let this absurdity go on?

"Emiya-kun? ...Are you okay? You look pale... If you want, maybe you should rest?"

Tohsaka called out to me, concerned about my state. With her words, I managed to suppress the nausea.

"Thanks, Tohsaka. I'm fine now."

I waved my hand to the worried Tohsaka and assured her that everything was okay.

Meanwhile, Kotomine was looking down at me with a pleased expression.

...I am convinced. This guy is enjoying my suffering.

Realizing that, anger boiled within me. How can this guy be the overseer of the Holy Grail War? ...What a joke. I won't rely on someone like him.

If he finds pleasure in watching me, then I'll use him. At the very least, he should answer my questions.

"Hey. You mentioned a Master who touched the Holy Grail... Does that mean there was someone in the past whose wish was granted?"


In that instant, for the first time, the calmness disappeared from the priest's face.

As if recalling something from a distant past, his gaze shifted upwards. In that intense expression, I was momentarily stunned.

"There was indeed someone who obtained the Holy Grail. No... I should say, someone who was able to obtain it.

But in the end, that man had a change of heart.

I don't know what he was thinking. But the fact remains... the Holy Grail was not completed, and the only thing left was that disaster."

Kotomine spoke eloquently.

However, his tone couldn't conceal his deep regret and slight self-mockery.

It was as if he had witnessed it firsthand, with a distant look in his eyes. Though he was looking in my direction, it felt as if he wasn't seeing me.

Sensing something from the silent priest, Tohsaka muttered discontentedly.

"Well, of course you would know the details. After all, you were one of the Masters from the previous war."


Surprised, my voice slipped out.

This was strange. This man claimed to be the overseer of the Holy Grail War. If that's the case, he shouldn't have been a Master.

The arbiter himself is participating in the game. In that case, the game itself would no longer be viable.

Noticing my question, Kotomine clasped his hands behind his back and began to explain once again.

"...Ah, the overseer of the previous war was not me, but my father. It was deemed inappropriate for the overseer's son to become a Master. I lost my Servant right away and was taken under my father's protection. My father passed away during that time. Since then, I inherited the role of overseer and have been entrusted with this church."

Saying so, Kotomine quietly looked into my eyes.

There was no emotion in those dark eyes. Only a calmness to appraise Shirou Emiya as a human.

"The discussion ends here, Shirou Emiya. There is no need for further explanations. Decide now whether you will participate in this battle... the Holy Grail War."

The priest's inquiry weighed heavily on me.

...I understand. There is only one path I should take now.

Though I still can't fully grasp it, I have been chosen as a Master. There is no turning back... I must confront this.

Moreover... I no longer have doubts or hesitations. I am a magus. Therefore, I must stop the threat of other magi and Servants.

That is the true form of a hero of justice.

I take a deep breath.

I no longer have any doubts. All that's left is to express my determination.

"Fight. I can't let a tragedy like ten years ago happen again."

How did he perceive my declaration? Kirei Kotomine nodded with a satisfied smile.

"Very well. I acknowledge you as the seventh Master. At this moment, the current Holy Grail War has been accepted. From now on, magic battles in this city are permitted until there remains only one person. Compete to your heart's content, following your pride."

His words resonated solemnly throughout the church.

In that instant, I understood. I no longer have a path to retreat.

That arrogant Servant, whom I have no memories of. From this moment, I have no choice but to strive together with him to overcome the Holy Grail War.

I feel my body trembling ever so slightly.

But I have made my decision. Once I have decided, I can no longer show fear.

"Yes. So the Holy Grail War has begun. Let's go, Emiya-kun."

With just those words, Tohsaka turned her back on the priest. I couldn't help but look at the priest's face in disbelief.

Kotomine, on the other hand, gazed at his departing disciple with an emotionless expression. It seemed he had no more words for Tohsaka.

Letting out a sigh, I followed after Tohsaka. It had been a short time, but I felt exhausted.

...This priest who calls himself Kirei Kotomine.

Seems like I have a strong aversion to him. I can't quite explain it, but he's incredibly annoying. Yet, his words linger in my ears.

In an attempt to escape from the oppressive presence of the priest, I headed towards the exit following Tohsaka. Without realizing it, Tohsaka had already gone outside.

I slipped through the church doors and stepped into the outside world. There was no longer any purpose for me in this place. All that's left is to return home through the night streets.

In that moment...

"Rejoice, boy. Your wish will finally come true "muhahahahaha"."

With a celebratory tone, the priest declared, his laugh also like a true villain.


Let's go back in time for a moment.

After Shirou Emiya and Rin Tohsaka, the two Masters in the Fifth Holy Grail War, disappeared into the church, what remained were their Servants.


A tall young man stood arrogantly with his arms crossed.

Even though he was clad in modern clothes, the golden radiance couldn't be concealed.

His crimson eyes were hidden, and his golden hair stood on end, as if piercing the heavens, adding to his handsome appearance.

However, despite some slight changes in his demeanor, his overwhelming aura of intimidation remained undiminished. The overwhelming radiance that even the darkness of the night couldn't approach exuded an air of dignity and holiness, perfectly complementing the atmosphere of the church.

The striking presence alone made it clear that this young man was an exceptional Heroic Spirit. The majestic and imposing figure he possessed was beyond what an ordinary Heroic Spirit could achieve.


But if it is said that this Servant is extraordinary, then the other Servant was equally exceptional.


A petite girl stood gracefully.

Despite wearing a yellow raincoat over her silver armor, there was an intense tension emanating from her.

Her emerald eyes were clear and without any blemishes. Even the finest jewels would pale in comparison to her gaze.

Her beautiful golden hair was tied up, exuding a softness akin to silk. Her fresh and well-defined features exhibited a beauty rivaling the golden youth.

However, this beauty was different from an enchanting one. The endlessly refreshing aura she exuded almost gave off a sense of purity, much like that of a noble sword.

She resembled an ancient statue, a peerless beauty. Her gaze pierced through the golden Heroic Spirit like a blade.



A single word escaped her delicate lips. Her voice undeniably carried a tinge of animosity.

It was not at all strange. The Servants manifested in this place were destined to kill each other. Therefore, Servants neither saw each other as allies nor harbored any friendship.

However, in the Holy Grail War, strategy was paramount. Depending on the situation, Servants and Masters could even form alliances.

That was only natural. Each individual Servant posed a threat equivalent to a catastrophe. If they couldn't defeat a single Servant, then they could gather multiple forces.

The situation with Saber was similar yet different.

Saber's Master and Archer's Master were not technically allied. They were silently in a state of ceasefire, although none of them explicitly stated it.

However, Archer's Master, a boy named Shirou Emiya, was an anomaly, accidentally entangled in this Holy Grail War.

For a normal mage, this would be seen as an opportunity to crush an ignorant boy and eliminate a corner of the Holy Grail War.

But Rin Tohsaka, Saber's Master, did not choose that path.


If someone is ready to fight, Rin wouldn't show mercy either. Despite her young age, she was a top-tier mage with exceptional talent. She had long since made up her mind about the Holy Grail War.

Nevertheless, Rin couldn't simply mercilessly eliminate an ordinary person.

Beneath her superficial facade, Rin was a kind person. She treated even Masters with fairness and honesty, including Saber.

Although Saber had manifested as a Servant, she was first and foremost a knight. The innocent people were her responsibility, and that included the young boy who became a Master. Giving him the minimum knowledge about the Holy Grail War and putting him on an equal stage with herself was the right decision, aligned with her sense of chivalry.


However, that Servant... The golden Heroic Spirit was incompatible with her ideals.

Saber's participation in the Holy Grail War wasn't the first time. Ten years ago, during the Fourth Holy Grail War, she was summoned as the swordsman Saber.

At that time, she faced off against one of the opposing Servants, the archer known as Archer.

In the previous Holy Grail War, Saber fought against numerous Servants. She had some knowledge of Archer's disposition and tactics.

However, his way of fighting was beyond common sense. His thoughts, actions, and Noble Phantasms were all beyond Saber's imagination.

What she remembered was Archer's combat style. His use of Noble Phantasms, which should have been the ultimate weapon for a Heroic Spirit, was inexplicably akin to throwing pebbles. If her memory served her right, he even possessed a flying Noble Phantasm.

She could discern that the arsenal of weapons used by his hero numbered in the dozens. In their final battle of the previous war, Saber was mercilessly overwhelmed by the sheer quantity.

And above all else... His thoughts and beliefs. His way of looking down on everything but himself was something Saber could never accept.

Even if they were to cross swords now, Saber was confident that she would not lose. Her current Master had a better compatibility compared to the previous one. The magical energy supplied to her even surpassed her previous Master.

However, even so, Saber couldn't have complete confidence in defeating that man.

An enigmatic Heroic Spirit whose true nature was still unclear. A power she couldn't grasp, even as the highest-ranked Heroic Spirit. That's why Saber... was wary of him to the utmost.


"Hmph. You certainly have a fierce expression, Saber."

Archer seemed to have seen through her emotions. He slightly narrowed his eyes as he observed Saber's movements.

With his mocking tone, Saber's grip tightened on her silver gauntlet. She couldn't afford the slightest carelessness in front of this Heroic Spirit.

"...Well, well, don't make such a scary face. We are Servants, and our exchange should be with swords, not words, Archer."

"Ho... In that case, would you like to play with me using that sword, Saber?"

Archer's eyes took on a mysterious hue. The glimmer of his blood emitted an unmistakable color of murderous intent.

The chilling aura, which made one's whole body freeze, even warping the space itself, was suffocating. Any ordinary person would lose their sanity just by being in that presence.

However, Saber was far from an ordinary human. She had endured countless gazes filled with killing intent and hatred. As the king of knights, she didn't even flinch in the face of Archer's gaze.

A suffocating silence filled the air for a moment. After a brief pause, Saber calmly shook her head.

"...No. My Master doesn't wish for me to fight your Master. If you make a move, I won't show mercy. But as long as there are no orders from my Master, I have no intention of pointing my sword at you."

"You're wrong, Saber."

Saber was caught off guard by his denial.

The unexpected response from Archer made Saber's thoughts momentarily stop. Seizing that moment, the golden youth changed his expression.



With an evil yet confident smile... Archer looked down on Saber.

"You're scared of me, aren't you?"

In an instant, sharp cracks ran across the floor before Archer's eyes.

The cause of the ground splitting was evident. Saber had slammed her sword down in anger.

The space was now dominated by the killing intent that emanated from Saber, her emerald eyes filled with rage.

"Don't spout nonsense. Are you trying to insult me, Archer?"

"If that's what you think, then why don't you come at me with that sword? Didn't you just say with your own mouth that Servants should fight with swords?"


Archer stood with his arms crossed, not even raising his weapon.

However, even in an unarmed state... Saber couldn't confront her archenemy.

She recalled the previous Holy Grail War. This hero had shown an unconventional fighting style, using his Noble Phantasms as bullets.

Although it seemed absurd to voluntarily give up one's Noble Phantasms, there was no doubt about the threat they posed. The bullets of his Noble Phantasms exceeded the speed of sound and could even topple mountains with a single strike.

However, that wasn't the true threat of Archer. This Heroic Spirit possessed countless weapons that seemed to be Noble Phantasms.

Even if he launched an attack with his thrown Noble Phantasms, one or two would not be enough to instill fear. With Saber's holy sword and physical abilities, she could easily deflect them. Even if they increased to five or ten, her confidence remained unshaken.

But what if it reached twenty or thirty?

As far as Saber remembered, in their previous battle, Archer had simultaneously deployed thirty-two Noble Phantasms. It was unimaginable to be optimistic when facing such a limit.

If she were to endure attacks from that many Noble Phantasms, Saber wouldn't emerge unscathed. At this very moment, Archer's Noble Phantasms could be aimed at her from above, the sides, beneath her feet, or even from behind.

Tension made sweat trickle down Saber's neck. Her heightened vigilance unequivocally declared that challenging Archer recklessly would be a foolish move.

"So, as I thought... Saber, you know who I am, don't you?"

His words were delivered with a cold and resolute tone.

The young man who obliterated the atmosphere with his presence pierced through Saber with his crimson eyes.

"But it's strange. Even if your memories are lost, there should be no reason for you not to feel something when you see someone you used to know. Furthermore, you called me 'Archer' instead of my true name. If we were acquaintances, you should address me by my true name. In other words..."

Calmly, stoically.

Archer analyzed Saber with an extraordinary keen eye.

Saber's reaction when they first met, her cautiousness not to let her guard down even though she knew he wouldn't come to take her life, her unnatural movements that suggested she knew "something" was coming, the excessive hostility leaking from her words—multiple factors converged within Archer. Even without his memories, this Heroic Spirit pieced together Saber's state with his intellect and perceptive eye, reaching a conclusion within moments.

"Saber. How many times have you participated in the Holy Grail War?"

In response to the young man's question, the girl remained silent. Her reaction spoke volumes, more eloquent than any words could be.

Silent, Saber. Mockingly, the golden youth laughed sarcastically.

"This is interesting. The same hero indulging in such a game multiple times. Do you have so many items of fate scattered in this world? Or perhaps, are you such a renowned Heroic Spirit? Or..."

Archer's gaze caressed Saber's body.

With a lascivious, lewd eye that seemed to lick over her, Saber's body tensed at the discomfort of his gaze.

As if finding even her reaction delightful, Archer's smile grew deeper. Without bothering to conceal his mockery any longer, he opened his distorted mouth with a smile.

"That means... you must have an earnest wish you want to entrust to the Holy Grail."

In contrast to his expression, his voice was cold and relentless. Saber lowered her face in response. Her petite body trembled slightly, and her grip on the sword tightened.

While continuing to gaze down at her, Archer's eyes remained icy. They harbored no trace of emotion.

Archer didn't speak, and Saber remained motionless, her face still hidden by her hair. The only sound in the air was the faint rustling of the wind.

Eventually... still looking down, the girl shook her head slightly.

"...You wouldn't understand. My wish is something you can never comprehend."

Her words lacked the strength they had moments ago. A weak, trembling voice carried an unmistakable sense of bitterness.

Upon hearing her voice, Archer's eyebrows arched. He dispelled his mocking smile that belittled Saber and shook his head as if he couldn't help but feel weary.

"That's hasty, Saber. There are different kinds of wishes. There are wishes that are too small, wishes that exceed one's station, and wishes that disregard one's own well-being. There are as many wishes as there are people, but their essence remains the same. In other words... it's the hope of humans to say, 'This is how I want it to be.' There may be differences in good and evil or in magnitude, but there is no distinction of value."

Archer's words surprised Saber, causing her to raise her head.

The golden youth who had only mocked and looked down on others. It was surprising enough for him to make a statement acknowledging others.

But at the same time, it felt off. Just a moment ago, in that boy's house, what did this man say?

"Archer. Weren't you just mocking the wishes of us Heroic Spirits?"

Despite that, why are you now saying something that acknowledges our wishes? Archer's face twisted uncomfortably at Saber's accusatory gaze.

"You fool. I mocked not the wish itself but the means to achieve it. The Holy Grail, which grants your wishes? It's ridiculously absurd.

Listen, Saber. Dreams are meant to be seized with one's own power, and wishes are meant to be fulfilled with one's own strength. Isn't it too convenient to enjoy only the results without paying any significant price?

First of all... changing things as one wishes without any effort is not the way of humans. That's exactly the same as those pathetic gods who are worshipped there.

Disturbing the world and rectifying it is the role of humans. To not be swayed by counterfeit gods is just common sense."

With those words, the golden youth looked disdainfully at the towering church beside him. There was not a trace of reverence towards the gods in his attitude.

Only a sense of disgust. As if he disliked the gods. Archer conveyed that message with his entire being.

Once again, Saber displayed surprise in her emerald eyes. Archer shrugged his shoulders as he stared intently at her face.

"What's wrong, Saber? Was my talk that surprising?"

"...No. I believe what you said is correct."

Ten years ago.

During the previous Holy Grail War, Saber couldn't understand any of this man's words or actions.

His thoughts appeared nothing but arrogance and deviation from the norm. He claimed the Holy Grail as his own, mocked others' wishes, and even proposed to her. This golden Heroic Spirit, who confronted her, evoked no emotions other than discomfort.

But now... the words spoken by this man strangely resonated within Saber's heart. She was surprised by the fact that she considered them to be true.

Wishes are something one fulfills with their own power.

Ah, indeed, that's right. To achieve results, one must make efforts. If one wants to gain benefits, they must pay the price. It's a fundamental rule.

However... even if one makes efforts and pays the price, what should they rely on if they still cannot obtain compensation?

"...Nevertheless, I have a wish I want to entrust to the Holy Grail."

The words slipped from Saber's lips.

The previous Archer had mocked her wish. But this Archer is different from before.

She has some knowledge of the Holy Grail War's system as a summoned Heroic Spirit, although she doesn't fully understand it. The Servant summoned by the Holy Grail is the "manifestation" of the "core." Naturally, with each occurrence of the Holy Grail War, the Servants are re-summoned from the "core." Saber, who continues to maintain her memories, is an exception among the Servants.

In that case, if the Archer who spoke of the absence of value distinctions in wishes were to return a different answer than before...

Beyond that battle, Saber's wish has changed. Ridiculed by Archer, advised by Rider, crushed by Berserker, she has lost confidence not only in her past wish but also in herself.

Perhaps it was her lack of composure that moved her. This time, she desired confirmation that her wish was correct.

Unconsciously, Saber found herself about to reveal her wish to the man who had mocked her.

"...I once protected a country as its king. However... I was not a suitable human for that role. As a result of my mistakes, that country perished. That's why I... want to redo that selection. If the Holy Grail is said to be omnipotent, it should be possible to choose a king more worthy than myself."

Once again, she might be met with that mocking gaze.

The fear was undoubtedly present within Saber. But... more than that, her heart held a longing.

A Heroic Spirit who possesses unwavering confidence and composure that penetrates to the core. If it's this young man, he might have a different answer than her.

Even if he looks down on her and mocks her, that's fine. Regardless of who laughs at her or who understands her, Saber was determined to persist in her own deeply cherished wish.

However... even so. Saber held a slight hope in Archer's words.


An unexpected response, one might say.

Without laughter or mockery, Archer simply gazed down at Saber with an expressionless face. Naturally, Saber found herself looking up at him.

The scarlet and emerald eyes intersected. After a few moments, Saber's crimson eyes moved slightly.

"I see. You wish to erase your own mistakes and pretend they never happened. That's a wish that anyone would have at least once. No one can claim to have never thought, 'If only I had done this at that time.'"

Saber's expression was filled with surprise at the words that could be interpreted as affirmation.

Looking down on her with a cold gaze, Archer continued his words.

"But Saber, that's the miracle of tampering with history, the domain of gods. Great power comes with great responsibility. Do you truly understand the meaning of that?"


Those words pierced the girl's heart sharper than anything else.


Saber was stunned and wide-eyed, unable to comprehend. She had long been prepared for contempt and mockery. She knew from the beginning that her chosen path and the existence of this Heroic Spirit were incompatible.

But... she had not anticipated this form of denial.

This Heroic Spirit. This arrogant and insolent young man... with a pitiful and melancholic expression, he gazed at her, rendering her unable to even think. His attitude, his words... they were beyond Saber's current understanding.

All she felt was a faint pain in her chest. Yet, she didn't even understand why she was feeling that pain.

Without realizing it, Saber instinctively uttered words of protest.

"What... do you understand about me?"

"You fool. I have no knowledge of your circumstances. I do not know about your life, the burdens you've carried, or the mistakes you've made. Only you, as the person you are, know those things.

But... you alone have declared that you will throw away the responsibilities you know and bear. What else is that if not a betrayal to the people who worshiped you as their king, Saber?"

Archer proclaimed without hesitation, breaking the silence. His dignified and radiant presence, coupled with his uttered words, struck Saber's heart forcefully.

A betrayal to the people? Ridiculous. Such a thing is impossible.

Isn't it the fact that a flawed individual like her ascended the throne, ruled over a country... and as a result, not only betrayed the people she should have protected but also destroyed the country itself, the ultimate betrayal?

To change that... to change the outcome, she seeks the Holy Grail for the sake of the people, for the sake of the nation. What is wrong with that?

Moreover, this arrogant Heroic Spirit, who only mocks others, can never understand her. Her desire to dedicate herself to the people and the nation, to pledge peace and prosperity, is the image she holds as a king. It is incompatible with the image of this man, who is nothing more than his own self.

...And yet. Saber could not find the words to refute this golden hero.

With a pale and lifeless face, she stood still, unable to express her feelings. Archer snorted softly as he looked down on her trembling shoulders.

"Do you not understand? Well, it doesn't matter. In any case, it's about time."

With those words, Saber turned towards the church. The doors, which had been closed tightly like a clamshell, were wide open without her notice.

Archer crossed his arms again, as if losing interest. His gaze was fixed on two figures approaching.

Even when she saw her Master approaching, Saber's mind remained blank. She couldn't even think of welcoming words at this moment.

Her mind was filled with Archer's words.

The word "betrayal" uttered with his dark eyes. That single word formed a mist that enveloped the girl's heart.

"I... I have not made any mistakes."

The weak and feeble words slipped out, perhaps reflecting her true feelings. The girl's words vanished into the night, carried away by the wind.


Tap, tap.

Quiet footsteps echoed in the empty space.

Apart from the one producing those footsteps, there was no one else in this tranquil chapel. Only the statue of the Son of God stood in its designated place.

The man, walking with firm footsteps, eventually approached the front of the statue and slowly lifted his head. Before his gaze stood the crucified Savior.

With a somber look, gazing vaguely at the statue, the man in a monk's robe muttered to himself.

"Emiya Shirou... It was a peculiar fate for that man's son to become a Master."

A joyful expression appeared on his mask-like face.

Although his hands were making the sign of the cross, as if offering a prayer... his twisted smile was far from the attitude of a person praying to God.

What was so amusing? Unable to contain his laughter, the man extended his arms as if embracing someone.

"Ah... Indeed, I must know the answer after all."

His voice rang out again, as if confirming his innermost thoughts.

Indeed, it was both a reconfirmation of his own inner self and a declaration of his devotion to God.

With a twisted smile and eyes that resembled an abyss, this man devoutly continued to offer gratitude to God.

Regardless of good or evil, this man truly believed in God. His faith was undoubtedly genuine, and there was no doubt that this priest served as a priest.

"For what profits is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?"

The man uttered a verse from the New Testament, recorded in the Gospel.

The Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 16.

In this chapter, the Savior asked his disciples about the value of life.

"Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?"

Even if one gains the entire world, it is meaningless if they lose their soul.

There is no doubt about it. It is an unchanging truth, and that's why the world continues to revolve correctly. There is still no way to purchase life. That's why life is more valuable than the world.

But... that is only one perspective, one way of thinking that values life above all else. This priest, while serving God, holds another perspective, another set of values. In other words, he possesses something he considers more precious than life itself.

Yes. For example... the answer he wants to see, even if he has to sacrifice the entire world.

Ten years ago, the man determined his answer and deemed it satisfactory.

However... it was an answer, but not the answer. Merely being handed the solution to an equation without seeing the process leading to it is not satisfying.

So, this time, he seeks not only the answer but also the path that led to it. For that purpose... yes, he is willing to even challenge God with his own hands.

When he firmly believed in his own path and set his purpose, the Father whom the priest had dedicated himself to serving did not appear. However, the King who was closest to God watched over this man.

Not a human, nor a god.

Too distorted to be human and too impure to serve God, this priest possesses a view different from both. He was acknowledged by the one and only king who had obtained everything in the world and ruled over heaven and earth as a transcendent being.

"This, too, must be the guidance of the Lord."

Speaking to himself with a chuckle, the priest continued to offer a quiet prayer.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Kudou_taikicreators' thoughts