
Fate/Stay At Home

A cliche Chat Group Fanfic with Amakusa Shirou inheritance. I don’t own the characters and they belong to their creators. English isn’t my main language.

Heartless1190 · 漫画同人
27 Chs

Kana Kojima

(3rd POV)

"We will end here for now. Class dismissed!" Kana said as she packed up her things. "Also, Kotomine-kun, please meet me at the teacher's office before the lunch break."


Shirou was surprised when Kana called him. The class looked at him with pity even if they didn't know why the teacher called him.

'Why did she call me? I didn't do anything,' Shirou thought. 'And somehow It feels like I saw her somewhere before…'

Shirou suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder as he looked over at the owner of the hand. It was a tall boy with spiky dark green hair and purple eyes.

"It's just the first day and you are already targeted by the Demon Teacher? How unfortunate of you! But if you are lucky enough you might just return in one piece" He said with a smile, almost a mocking one.

"...It's that bad?" Shirou asked with a sweatdrop.

"Maybe," He said while shrugging his shoulders. "I heard that every student called by her becomes an entirely different person the next day, even the most problematic ones weren't spared"

"..." Shirou looked at him with an 'are you serious?' expression.

He chuckled as he extended his hand. "My name is Yahiro Takigawa, but you can just call me Yahiro. Nice to meet you"

"Kotomine Shirou, and you can just call me Shirou too. Nice to meet you", Shirou said as he shook Yahiro's hand, but as soon as he did, he felt something off about Yahiro as they shook their hands, but he managed to maintain the expression on his face to not be suspicious.

"Well, I have to go to the toilet, quickly. The next class is about to start" Shirou said as he got up and Yahiro nodded and returned to his seat.

As Shirou walked out of the classroom, he heard Albion's voice inside of his head.

'Be careful Shirou, he is a devil and a strong one at that'

'So that was a devil, although I already felt the air was strange around him when I saw him' Shirou thought as he used [True Name Discernement] on him.

'Lars Astaroth, although I judge him just because he is a devil, but...' Shirou thought while remembering a certain scum devil who had a fetish for nuns. 'I won't hesitate to kill him if he is proved dangerous'

Even if it was Shirou's first time killing someone, he wouldn't be so disturbed like normal people, after all, he received memories from Amakusa Shirou who led many soldiers to battlefields.

Shortly after, he returned to the classroom right before the next class started.


*Ding* *Dong* *Dung*

The last class before the lunch break ended. Shirou got up from his seat and everyone looked at him with pity.

"Good luck!" Yahiro said.

"Thanks, I guess…" Shirou said and acted normal

He walked out of the classroom while the classmates were looking at him like a departing soldier.

Shirou only looked at this with his twitching eyebrow and walked to the teacher's office. He opened the door and surprisingly, only Kana was there at her desk.

"Oh you arrived, Shirou-kun," Kana said with a smile, but this immediately surprised Shirou as he didn't expect the Demon Teacher to call him by his first name.

"Come here," She said as she patted the chair next to her.

Shirou entered and closed the door before walking next to her and sitting there.

"What is with that expression? You don't remember your onee-san anymore? We used to play when you were little" She asked and felt hurt that Shirou didn't remember her.

"When I was little…?" Shirou muttered but then a certain memory flashed inside his mind.

He remembered when he was still a little, his father was often busy with church stuff, so he would call over Kana to watch over Shirou and play with him sometimes, but one day she had to move out to Tokyo to continue her studies at college.

"Kana-nee?" Shirou said in surprise as he finally remembered from his memories.

Kana smiled brightly as she put her arm around Shirou's neck and pulled to her breasts. "So you still remember your onee-san!"

Shirou didn't try to resist and blushed slightly as he enjoyed the soft mountains under her clothes, but then his [Mind's Eye (Fake)] started tingling and the blush on his face disappeared.

*Knock *Knock*

"Kojima-sensei?" They heard a feminine voice on the other side of the door.

Kana immediately released Shirou with a light blush on her face and Shirou sat up straight with his stoic face, although his heart was still beating hard.

"Come in," Kana said after calming down and the blush on her face disappeared, and her usual professional expression reappeared.

'I am glad that I have Mind's Eye,' Shirou thought as the door slid open and a young woman entered the office.

She has long straight brown hair tied in a ponytail and goldish-brown eyes. She was Aoyama Nanami, one of Shirou's classmates and was now working in a part-time job to gain funds to become a voice actress.

"Kojima-sensei, can we talk for a bit?" Nanami asked with slight hesitation.

Kana looked at Shirou and he nodded. Then Shirou stood up from the seat and walked to the exit as Nanami entered the office.

"Excuse me," Shirou said while bowing slightly before closing the door and walking to the cafeteria to buy lunch.

'Right, how much money do I currently have?' Shirou thought as he checked his wallet but suddenly froze.

There was only a 10000 yen note in his wallet, which was practically everything he has now.

'I need to find a job soon, or else…' Shirou thought as he took his 10000 yen note out and waited in line to buy his lunch.

Even though Shirou could exchange his coins for yen, he didn't want to spend it recklessly when he could earn it himself.

"Maybe I should write a light novel or something…" Shirou muttered, but then he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Yo" Yahiro saluted with a plastic bag in his hand. "I bought some extra bread, so wanna eat with me?"

"Sure, that saved me a lot," Shirou said as he followed Yahiro to the rooftop.

"Are you sure we're allowed to be here?" Shirou asked cautiously, there was a sign saying 'Entry Forbidden'.

"It's alright, no one will come here," He said in reassurance as he was unlocking the door lock with a clipper.


The door was unlocked as Yahiro pushed it and the both of them entered the rooftop. Then Yahiro found a comfortable place to sit.

"Here," Yahiro said as he threw a yakisoba bread and green tea bottle at Shirou, who caught them effortlessly.

"Thanks, I will repay you in the future," Shirou said as he opened the plastic bag and opened the bottle cap.

"Then I will wait for that time," Yahiro said as he opened his yakisoba bread.

The rooftop was filled with silence and only munched sounds could be heard.

"So…" Shirou said as he finished chewing. "Can you tell me more about this school? You seem to have been here for a long time"

"No problem," Yahiro said and raised his hand with a finger up. "I will start with the teachers then. First, is our homeroom teacher, Kana Kojima, known as the Demon Teacher. Then there is the Eternal Single Teacher, Chihiro Sengoku. And finally, the Iron Fist, Shizuka Hiratsuka, and surprisingly, all of them are single and their luck with men are terrible"

Shirou laughed internally when he heard those nicknames that were given by the students.

"There are more, but now we move on to the students. First—"

*Ding* *Dong* *Dung*

"Oh, the break is already over?" Yahiro said as he finished his lunch and got up. "Let's go, we don't want to be late"

Shirou nodded and followed him, but suddenly his phone started vibrating.

"Hmn? Shirou?" Yahiro asked as he saw Shirou stop following him.

"You can go ahead, I have something to do"

"Alright," Yahiro said as he went down the stairs.

After checking that Yahiro was away, Shirou pulled his phone out of his pocket and saw a notification from the chat group.

[The first Dimensional Quest has been generated!]

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Heartless1190creators' thoughts