
Tracked and Found

Rider's chains were tied around Atalanta's neck, the glow of the chains indicated that it was nullifying the magic inside Atalanta making it difficult for her to break free.

Once Rider had a hold of Atalanta with her chains, she began running around the place, using Atalanta's body to smash nearby poles and buildings.

After Rider had felt like Atalanta was weakened, she then released her chains from her neck, which led to her crashing to the ground.

Saber dashed toward Atalanta from behind, she had her sword held in position that was ready to strike.

Her eyes didn't sway once from her target, even while in mid-air, the dark energy Saber was releasing was still cracking the ground with its force.

Saber was now close enough to land a hit using her skill Encounter, but then Atalanta pulled an unexpected move.

Atalanta gave out a loud shrike, with her body brimming with dark magic, a dark streak started forming on the ground.

Saber instantly stopped her approach and took a leap back, she held her blade forward as she looked to the sky to see a red magic circle covering the area.

The magic began pouring down rains of arrows, Rider and Saber dare not take it head-on, the force the arrows took with them as they hit the ground was enough to cause explosions with the impacts.

Saber immediately stabbed her blade to the ground and a dark red barrier immediately covered her, blocking all the arrows, while Rider rotated her chains to deflect all the attacks.

Once the magic circle cleared the whole place was covered in dust from the stampedes of the earlier arrows.

Saber noticed the crack on her barrier before dispelling it, "Just come out already… I'm getting tired of your troubles'' She uttered calmly.

Atalanta whooshed out of the dust from Saber's left with her clawed hands stretched out.

Saber was quick to notice, before she could even pick up her sword Rider sent multiple chains at Atalanta which sent her falling to the ground.

"We are wasting too much time with this" Rider uttered, she landed beside Rider and was starting to feel frustrated.

"I was just thinking the same thing, we should use our noble phantasms and finish this off," Saber said, with her eyes still facing Atalanta.

"Okay I'm with you, but you have to be careful not to drain too much Mana from him" Rider voiced out.

"My master isn't so weak" Saber held her blade to the side and a rush of dark energy poured out of her sword.

The whole place became covered in the mana as heavy wind began blowing, causing Saber's hair to dance behind her.

Rider sighed, "Since when did you become so cheesy" She removed her visor from her eyes and immediately whooshed toward Atalanta.

"Come to me…. Bellerophon!"

A magic circle suddenly appeared in front of her while she was running, and a white horse then charged out of it and went straight for Atalanta.

The horse's body was covered in a lot of Mana making it moves like a missile that had just been launched.

The horse collided with Atalanta leaving the place to explode on Itself, the street went collapsing on itself.

Almost like an earthquake had just happened, every building close by was brought to the ground leaving only broken pipes of water sprinkling out of them.

Atalanta somehow survived the attack, her left hand was on the floor and most of her fur had been burnt off.

But she were also gradually healing, she gave out a loud shriek, that was suddenly stopped by the loud booming sound that came in.

She looked at Saber whose noble Phantasm had already been fired up. She already knew she wouldn't be able to survive another noble Phantasm.

She tried to run but was immediately tied down by Rider's chains, Rider pulled her past her and straight for Saber.

Just with the glimpse Rider made with Atalanta already turned the left side of Atalanta's body to stone.

She tried to maneuver her body in mid-air but the speed at which she was thrown was too fast.

"You did well… I'll end your suffering here" Saber slashed her hands horizontally, the energy went hitting Atalanta in mid-air and slicing the top of all the skyscrapers it came across, even clearing the clouds in the sky.

Once she had finished her attack, Saber stabbed her sword to the ground and walked towards Atalanta.

The ground scorching with heat and the sound of buildings falling down just added to the sparking sounds of the billboards that has been damaged buy the Noble Phantasm.

Atalanta was back to her normal self but her body was slowly dematerializing, "How unfortunate is it that I was given a master like mine" Atalanta articulated, closing her eyes to find closure.

"You have every right to resent me, but I did what must be done," Saber said, before turning away.

"I couldn't, I don't think the children would be proud to see me as a monster, it's better this way" Atalanta smiled.

"Before I go… there's something you should know about your master… ".

. . . . . .

Saber had Rider on her dragon as they were both flying toward Shiro's location.

Muramasa had already tracked Shiro down and immediately told Saber and Rider about his location.

"Can't your dragon go any faster?" Rider complained, standing on the dragon's back.

Saber didn't answer and just kept on riding, the amount of anger building up inside her required her to keep her mouth shut.

At the moment the only thing she could think of was how she was going to deal with the adductors.

While they were flying they suddenly rode past Astolfo who was heading in the opposite direction on her Griffin.

Since they didn't know each other neither side stopped to talk, instead they kept on speeding away.

It wasn't until Astolfo had gotten a few feet away that she suddenly realized the obvious, "Purple hair, dark clothes…. Those are his servants!" She exclaimed.

"Come on girl, let's turn back" Astolfo voiced out, veering around her Griffin to fly after the Dragon.

. . . ...

Scathach carried Shiro in her right hand while using her left hand to deflect the knife attacks that jack the ripper was pitching at her.

She took a a spring back and placed Shiro on the ground, "I can't go all out if he's here" She muttered, looking at Shiro who was drawing breath heavily on the ground.

Scathach suddenly sensed something above her, she looked down to see a dragon sending a blast from its mouth.

She immediately grabbed Shiro and leaped away, but before she could get far, Rider used her chains to tow Shiro closer to her.

Rider immediately held him in her hands before landing on the ground, she positioned her head on his chest to hear if his heart was still beating.

A look of relief and joy suddenly hit her face, "Thank goddess" Rider let out softly.

Looking to be right she spotted Jessica and Kooya entering the car and endeavoring to escape.

Rider wanted to go catch them but she also didn't want to leave Shiro alone, "Damn it!" She groaned.

Out of nowhere, Kilgharrah in her human form touched down in front of the car and used her right hand to stop the car in its tracks.

Using her legs she kicked the car to the side, crumpling it over several times.

"Who are you? You don't seem to be an enemy to my master" Scathach said, with a a mild expression on her face.

"That's of no importance to you" Saber voiced out.

She was standing behind Scathach with her sword aimed at her neck.

. . . . . . .


Well here it is, Q/A

Who do you think is the strongest so far?

And thank you for you dedication to this book, words aren't enough to express my gratitude.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

Kirito_K5creators' thoughts