
Fate of the Future

John Hawkins is a 17 year old high school student who wakes up in the future one day confused as ever waken up back in reality the next day. This is the adventure John Hawkins and his friends to survive the fates thrown at him. If he doesn’t survive these fates within a week, they’ll become his destined fate until the end. ______ Hello, this is the first novel I’ve ever written. I don’t have a lot of experience writing nor have I read a lot of books myself but I love creating stories. Since we are all going through a tough time with Covid-19 I thought I would use some of my spare time to write a novel. If you like my novel I would appreciate if you can show some support. _______ Thank you for reading.

MixSkillz · 科幻
6 Chs

Adjusting to life

I was so caught up with all the changes that I hadn't even thought about Mandie and Theo. I guess me and her are no longer together I wonder what happened. I checked my phone to see if Theo was still there, and to my suprise he was.

I called my boss and told him I couldn't go at the moment because I promised my wife and kids I would make them breakfast he understood and left me off the hook. I was a bit surprised I thought bosses were a lot more strict, I guess I would have it easy for now.

"Oh non-sense honey! You don't need to stay and make breakfast your job is important!"

Great... so much for that.

"Well in that case. Can you drive me? I'm tired and I don't feel like driving."

I'm still yet to look outside and see what's changed. On top of that I still have no idea what my wife's name is or anything about her. I guess I'll wait for her to call me or something I just hope I don't have her contact name has honey or wife.

During the car ride I decided to give Theo a call and see what he's up to and see if at least that's the same.

"Hey Theo, hows it going."

"John? Is that you? What are you doing calling me it's been so long! How you been!!!"

"How long has it been?"

"About a year and a half not sure."

"Aren't we best friends?"

"Ya but we both been really busy lately."

"You're married right?"

"Did you hit your head or something? Ya I'm married you were best man at my wedding with Leah."

"Whose Leah."

"your wife... dude. You guys were dating at the time but you guys were there. Do you not remember?"

That is where I messed up. I should've assumed my wife's name was Leah because why else would he mention a name like that.

"Did... did you just ask Theo who I was?"

"Uh... hey! I was just seeing if he remembered you thats all... ha...ha...ha..."

The car ride was silent for a while. I just looked around and I honestly was amazed at what I was seeing, the buildings the homes. It's not much different from 2020 but its definitely an improvement, the cars as well. My wife's car or is it my car? Doesn't matter the car is really cool. To open the door and put down the window were holographic and voice activated. Finger print activated to turn on the car, not even a key anymore. An emotional monitoring feature for those who suffer from road rage. My wife has it activated so I'm a little scared. It's only been 14 years and I'm already married with two kids.

My wife arrived at my workplace. It's at a company headquarter building. I never thought I would work here. I wondered what position I held at this company and I guess there was only one way to find out. My wife wished me a good day and it was time to head inside.

It was a massive building, the inside was white with a big front desk and a receptionist, there was lounge chairs for people to sit. Pretty plants all around the place. Even a small indoor cafe. I headed to the front desk where the receptionist greeted me.

"Hello Mr.Hawkins welcome back here is your daily pass."

"Hello and good morning thank you."

I saw a chart it was a position list. I looked for my name and there I was (John Hawkins Financial Analyst) huh, who'd of thought. I headed to my office as I casually asked the receptionist where my office was and used the excuse I had to rush here and I can't think properly. Thanks to her I found out I'm on the 15th floor. Upon reaching the 15th floor I was greeted by my boss who walked with me to my desk telling me about what happened. Apparently nothing happened and it was resolved on my way here.

I spent the entire day just figuring out what to do, I managed to get no work done and I was worried about what to do but it's really hard to focus when I'm trying to figure out what happened to me.

My wife picked me up and I arrived home, she told me she was gonna cook dinner so I was happy because I could finally relax and try to figure out what happened. So let's break it down. Yesterday I was talking with Theo about the future then I went to sleep woke up and I was here. I can't stop asking how this happened.

After dinner I told my wife I just wanted to go to sleep but she wasn't having it with me.

"John! What's your problem today? We didn't talk all day, and in the car and you haven't even said a word to your kids at all."

I can see why she would be mad... I mean I don't even know my own kids names or who they even are. I don't know how old you are or who you are. I don't know what you liked or who your family is. You're a stranger and it's hard for me to act like we're a family.

"I'm sorry, I just haven't been in the mood today I'm going to bed."

It was only 7:30 when we finished dinner and I headed to my room. I wasn't tired at all what was I gonna do. I took the time to look through my phone seeing my contacts I found my sister... I wanted to talk to her and see how much she's grown and changed. Does she have a boyfriend? Is she in Canada still. She is only in her 20s. I wanted to avoid calling her though because I wanted to figure out my own situation first. Should I tell Theo what happened? Or should I just try to live in this life. Trying to figure something like this on my own could really screw me up mentally so I think I should talk to Theo. I guess I'll do that tomorrow. I'll try falling asleep.

"Yo John, did you finish last nights homework?"

I'm in class again. Didn't John ask me that yesterday. Why is he wearing the same clothes as yesterday?

"Good morning everyone hand in your work and take your seats. If you didn't finish it see me after school."

"Mr.Knight I thought that assignment was due yesterday?"

"No you must be mistaken it's due today."

I was so confused. I took one look outside. It was winter again... it... was... winter... again. Was that just a dream? It felt so real. If this is the same day, then... that means it's around the time that Mindy is about to walk in.

"Ohhhhhh John, hi!!!!"

I was right. I lived this day before. But how does something like this happen. Before the final countdown for the work I quickly scribbled in all the answers and handed it in. Theo still stayed behind after school and I was able to go on that date with Mindy after school.

"Ohhh John what do you wanna do! We're in this huge mall can we go shopping for some clothes?"

It felt so weird being back home but I was really happy I was with Mindy again and I was at my normal life. Me and Mindy had a blast. We ate food, bought some clothes, watched a movie together and talked a lot. It truly was a good day.

After I arrived home my mom and my little sister were there in the living room and greeted me. I was happy to see them and see myself as a 17 year old again. After hanging out with my family it was time for bed. I was scared to sleep. What would happen if I slept again. Would I wake up in the future again? It seems unlikely since I didn't stay after school with Theo but that talk with him made me want to take life seriously so what if because I didn't talk to him would I have still been the same? Have I become a failure. No... I still have the memory of what I spoke about with Theo... Wait... what did I talk about with Theo? It seems like I have the memory of the going to the future and returning home but I can't remember the talk. If I go in the future tomorrow and come back again and do something different. Will I forget my date with Mindy? Like it never happened. I didn't want to sleep, but after being out for so long I was really tired. I had to sleep.

Will I wake up tomorrow as 17? Or am I gonna be in the future again. I... have... No... idea.

This is my second chapter. I know I have some improvements. If people enjoy the 2 chapters I have written I’ll do my best to make a more organized plot direction and introducing a proper inciting incident.

Thank you for the read.

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