
Fate Of My Destiny..K.Th

Do You Believe In Fate ? If You Do ,Then Do You Also Believe In Destiny? My Life Has been Playing Dirty Games to me since the day I was born...sometimes I was even closed to get dead...but my fate always pull me back from the door of death...to make me suffer...my destiny? well Destiny is something that you choose by yourself but my fate is always choosing my Destiny... But you know when everything is dark you will always find a light ..if life is a game you will find a clue...but what if the Light & clue ..is your worst nightmare you can ever think of...? "I'll Give You Everything You Want " "I Want To End This,I Regret Believing You ! " "You Choosed Your Own Fate " "I Hate My Fate . .I Hate Myself..." "Your Destiny ? That's Me Baby ! " Will you come with me ? To see my worst journey of my life which is getting played by two things called Fate & Destiny? Note: All Characters,scean & story is based on authors imagination it has nothing to do with real life..Copyright belongs to @Ddevil.S

Ddevil_Staeswife · 作品衍生
18 Chs

I'll Take Her Home...

Taehyung's POV

Finally I won..she said yes ...I smiled as I looked at her what are you doing to me little girl...."Mr.kim shall we go now ?" she said as she looked at me I looked at her and said "you didn't buyed footwear and accessories?" she looked away and said "I don't need it " I smiled well that's true accessories she doesn't need it her beauty is enough to make me go crazy...I sighed what am I thinking ...Kim Taehyung get yourself together you have a girlfriend for God sake...suddenly jungwoo came from behind her "taehyung hyung" he yelled as I watched how Y/n flinched at his voice...she suddenly became nervous what's wrong with her..."Are you okay ?" I asked as she nodded yes and walked towards me "oh jungwoo ya what are you doing here ?" I asked him in a cold voice as he smiled looking at Y/n and said "was just passing by ..and aren't you Lee Y/N?" As he moved little closer to her she held the hem of my shirt...which made me looked at her why is she so scared .."Stay away " I said firmly as he moved back and smiled at her "you don't remember me Y/n ?" he said as I looked at Y/n she nodded as no and said "Mr.kim I want to go home " I sighed as I held her hand...and was about to go but suddenly jisoo came from behind Jungwoo and said "tae what are you doing here ?" I looked at her "Shopping " I said as I didn't left Y/n's hand as she was shivering a little with jungwoo's presence...."And who's she ?" jisoo asked firmly "Jieun noona's sister " I said as she smiled ...

Lee Y/N's POV

"Why don't we sit and talk?" jungwoo said as I looked at him and immediately looked down even after 3 years he still has this much power on me..."yea come tae " the beautiful girl said as she held Mr.kims hand and pulled him and Mr.kim pulled me .....what's going on here...we sat down...in the cafe Mr.kim sat beside me as the both of them sat infront of me "hii Y/n am Kim Jisoo Taehyung's girlfriend " the girl said smiling why does it hurt....its not like I like Mr.kim I smiled at her and said "nice to meet you unnie am Lee Y/N " she smiled back and said "did you Graduated today ?" I nodded smiling as she congratulated me "and this is my brother Kim jungwoo" she said as I didn't dare to look at him...my bully "what do you wanna talk about jisoo i have no time " mr.kim said coldly isn't she his girlfriend why doesn't he smiles at her...."Would you like to drink something Y/n ?" jungwoo asked as I immediately nodded as no and said "umm Mr.kim I'll get going now " I was about go stand up but Mr.kim held my hand and said "I'll drop you let's go Bye jisoo" he dragged me with him..."hyung aren't you busy I can drop her " jungwoo said as Mr.kim stopped and said "she is my responsibility for now..so don't worry I'll drop her " I looked at Mr.kim as my heart again skipped beats but its wrong...he already has a girlfriend.....Come to your senses Lee Y/N..."let's go "

Time skip

We are in mr.kims car now.. I sighed as I kept looking out suddenly my phone rang I looked at it and a smile came on my lips...my crush "hello ?" I picked it up as I heard his sweet voice "oh Y/n yaa where are you ?" I smiled why can't I stop smiling I might look idiot "Am going home oppa and you?" I said as he chuckled and said "okay then am waiting infront of your house.. come fast we have to go to club to celebrate your graduation " i smiled and said "sure oppa bye see you " I kept the call....

Lee Jieun's POV

I came back home after my meeting and saw jungkook waiting out of our house "ohh sister-in-law " he said teasingly as I sighed and laughed a little "yaaa what are you doing here ?" I asked him as he smiled showing me a basket of chocolates & said "am here for your sister " I smiled "you do really like here don't you?" I asked as his cheeks became red and he looked away "noo it's not like that we we are just friends " I chuckled as I ruffle his hairs and said "come wait inside " he nodded as we both got inside....I came to my room as he was in the leaving room my phone rang "honey ?" it was namjoon "yes honey?" I said as he giggled and said "how about we go on a little trip for 3 days ?" I looked at the calendar "joonie we have only 5 days for our wedding and you wanna go on a trip ?" I said and he said "let's go together you,me our Y/n my brothers ?" I sighed and said "okay I'll ask Y/n about it " I can already see his smiling face..."I love you baby " he said as I smiled and said " I love you too babe now bye " I kept the call.

Kim Taehyung's POV

She was looking so happy talking with some oppa on her phone...why am I feeling jealous it's not like I like her or something we just met an hour ago ...."umm so which university are you gonna go ? " i asked her as she looked at me her smile fading slowly "umm am not going to any university am gonna work " i looked at her but again at road ...."Why ?" i asked as she chuckled sadly and said "Just I don't wanna study any further " i sighed "the what is your dream ?" i asked again to keep hearing her voice which was giving me unknown pleasure "To Earn money " she said laughing a little I chuckled "Then did you find job ?" I asked again as she glared at me "wahhh Mr.kim why do you keep asking questions your so curious person aren't you ?" she said as I chuckled and said "I usually don't ask someone this much questions unless am interested in them ...." I said cockily...

Taehyung is Straight Forward....

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