
Fate of a Ronin

Ku_kulkan09 · 玄幻
2 Chs


[The cold winter wind blows against young Jung's coat as he lay in wait, patiently for the big black furred wolf lurking behind a giant oak tree up in the white mountains. The wolf strolls out from behind the tree fully aware of the arrow pointing in his direction, in the trembling hands of the boy crouched in the snow some ten metres away from her.]

"You know she sees you right?" a calm light voice sounded from the tree beside Jung. Startled, Jung rolled to his right and aimed at the tree. "How did you get up there?" Jung sized the straight tree trunk, wondering how the boy climbed up a tree with no branches low enough to enable climbing. "You'd be dead by now if she was interested in you." The tree boy suddenly jumped down and landed beside Jung. "What would a tree boy like you know about hunting?" the tree boy sized Jung up and laughed. "Look who's talking." he dusted the snow off his trousers and extended his right hand to Jung. "This tree boy is called Kim. What's your name?" Jung looked at the boy's hand and back at his face before switching his bow to his left hand and takes the boys hand in a handshake. "I'm Jung. What did you mean when you said that the wolf knew I was there?" Kim sighs and signals for Jung to follow him. "Nothing you see on this mountain is what it seems. You don't just wake up one morning and decide to take a hike through the white mountain, without actually knowing what's up here." They arrive at a rock shaped like a table and they both sit on it. "you're from below the mountain, aren't you?" Jung looked at Kim as though to ask...how did you know but realized that he would know what he was about to be told it he lived on the mountain. "Yes..." Jung immediately turned towards he's left-hand side as he heard a shuffling in the small shrub behind them. "it's my younger sister" Kim says before Jung can react. "she's been following us since the tree." Jung sighs and smiles shyly as realises that he must have looked like a fool for getting frightened over nothing. "Why doesn't she come out?" he notices the frail cute person trying her best to hide herself behind what could be said to be a gathering of twigs. "Just let her be. Shell come around with time." Kim slides down from the rock. "Well Jung..." Jung slides down the rock and takes a step towards Kim. "Where are you off to?" Kim reaches into his pocket and pulls out a flat surfaced stone. He points it at Jung. "Take this and come to the frozen lake on the south side of the mountain tomorrow morning. I'll be there." a confused Jung watched Kim walk to the twig bush and pull his sister out by the hand. "What do I do with the stone?" he takes a step forward as he shouts. "Skip it across the lake!" Kim's sister shouts back at Jung as she struggles to walk in the snow behind Kim.

Four years later...

[clang!! Sticks clash together. Jung and Kim press their sword sticks against each other in a contest to throw the other of balance.]

"You're getting better" Kim tells Jung as they push each other away and bend to catch their breaths. "don't make a joke of my swordsmanship!" Jung points his stick at Kim. The two are standing on the same rock in summer playing sword fight. The pair should be in their late teens and have grown into fine young men.

"That's your problem. You're way too serious." Kim mocks him and laughs. Jung swings his stick again in an attempt to hit Kim. "It's better than been clumsy!" Kim ducks and moves to the right, at the same time, raising his own stick for an attack but Jung didges his attack and starts to run into the woods behind them. Kim runs after him shouting. "Coward... come back here and face me!"

The chase continues as they run down a steep mountain side. This time, they have dummy arrows they'd built just for the occasion.

"Be careful going down. You might get hurt." Kim calls out as he fixes an arrow to his bow and continues chasing after Jung. "Watch out for arrows!" Jung shouts and makes a quick turn to face Kim who seems to have forgotten that Jung also had arrows. Jung released his arrows and it hit Kim in the forehead before he could react, causing him to fall backwards onto the dirt floor. "One point!" Jung calls out and takes shelter behind at tree. Kim pulls himself up and fixes his arrow in the bow. "Damn it. Seriously!" he immediately jumps behind a tree as Jung comes out from behind his tree and fires an arrow at him. The arrow misses him so he takes the chance to fire an arrow in Jung's direction before he could have the time to pull out another arrow. He misses. "don't shoot while I'm talking!" kim calls out as he prepared to fire another arrow. Jung had quietly changed hideouts in other to snick up on him. "You shouldn't even breathe when you're shooing arrows." Jung called out from somewhere. Kim was shocked to see that Jung was no longer in his previous location when he came out to shoot at him. Suddenly, Jung calls out from somewhere to Kim's right. turns and an arrow crash into his head. "Two points!" Jung screams happily as Kim tumbles to the ground. Kim gets up and they both start running again. Kim fires an arrow at Jung, but it passes in front of Jung. Jung is stunned but quickly recovers and fires his arrow. Kim dodges it and hides behind a tree. "If you must breathe silently and not talk, I might as well be a carp!" Kim pulls out four arrows and gets ready to shoot. "that's why you got hit." Jung also prepares to fire. "Shall I tell you what you must do to not get hit?" Kim askes "sure, tell me!" Kim smiles and runs out from behind he's tree. "Bring it on!"

Jung comes out from behind his tree but it shocked as Kim jumps over a lying log, with four arrows at his bow. Jung releases first but his arrow misses Kim. Kim releases his arrow and they all hit Jung in the chest. "Will you surrender?" Kim stood in front of Jung, with his arrow aimed at his head.