

The Prologue rewrite is now out! Please remember that this is an A.U, and I am a brand new "author" as this is my first story. To preface this book, I would like to go over some things before we begin. Artoria will have her identity hidden from everyone, except Godrick (mc), Mordred, Morgan, Merlin, and Viviane. To make it easy on myself, she will be wearing her "Lion king armor", and her helmet will distort her voice, that way keeping her identity hidden. (Prologue) Another Major change that I'll be making is with Alaya, the Root, and Gaia. Alaya will be the collective consciousness of humanity (which is canon). But, in my story she will have more of a personality and ego, and will be subject to corruption through human emotions like Greed, Envy, Pride, and things like that. The Root will be a dormant consciousness meaning that it will be depicted as a female who runs the universe (kinda like toaa, or the presence from Marvel and DC) but is asleep for some unknown reason. Gaia is the will of the planet, that will do anything to survive. I know this might be contrary to Fate Canon, but I promise, it will work out! Please at least give it a chance! Other than a couple things here and there, I think I've covered most of the things that I've changed. Thank you so much for reading, and I hope that you enjoy my novel! In this novel, we will be introduced to a new timeline. A new Artoria who is a mixture of her Goddess Rhongomyniad "form" and the normal Artoria. As well as a new Britain. In this timeline, a new menace has risen to destroy the whole of Britain, and thus Artoria goes on a campaign of war to kill this new mysterious Warlord. In doing so, she reunites with her estranged sister Morgan, who has had a change of heart seeing the land she owns raped, burned, and pillaged. The two of them, though still cold towards each other, resolve their differences for the time being, though Morgan still seeks to usurp the Throne from Artoria for a while. Morgan conceives Mordred, but instead of a homunculus she is born as a human. The story begins when Artoria finds a strange young boy, having been chained to a large stone, and whipped by the Warlord. She takes the boy in, and raises him as her own alongside Mordred. This is his story. The story of Godrick, the Knight of Ruin. I do not own anything, or anyone from the animes, novels, or series that take place in this fanfic

greenbaypitbull · 漫画同人
69 Chs

60. Completely Outmatched

(A/N: I like knowing what weapons and armor look like, but I also like the idea of letting you all imagine what Caliburn looks like to you. Post pictures of what you are using to imagine Caliburn!)


*Drip* *Drip* *Drip*

Jeanne regained consciousness and scrunched her face as rain drops fell on her face.

Opening her eyes she found she was on her back, looking up at the stormy sky. Lightning flashed across the sky, and thunder followed immediately, shaking the ground she laid on.

Turning over to her side, she got to her hands and knees before she reached out and gripped her lance that lay next to her.

"Godrick?" She asked breathlessly, looking around her for her Companion.

She was in a wasteland. The trees had all been eviscerated from existence, and half of the mountain they were near was completely gone, blown to hell by Godrick combined might of his self detonation, and Caliburn.

Jeanne started to feel uneasy as she looked around her, unable to find her Juggernaut.

"There." Jeanne heard Artoria's soft voice. She turned around, and saw the Saber looking towards something she couldn't see.

Rin was standing over Shirou, who was holding his left arm that was bleeding profusely. He had a deep gash along his bicep from some unseen wooden shard, or rock spike.

Illya was next to Berserker, who was breathing heavily, having expended himself beyond what he could handle. Having taken that last attack from Gilgamesh, he now began to fade into blue particles.

"Please don't leave me." Illya quietly said as she clung to his face.

Heracles let out a long deep breath before he stood up, and with his final breath, spoke to Illya for the first time.

"Stand… Tall…" His deep and guttural voice said before he looked in the direction everyone else was, before fading into blue particles completely.

"No…" Illya said as she fell to her knees and began to weep silently.

Jeanne stood, and walked to where Artoria was standing, and saw what everyone was watching.

Gilgamesh had escaped the blast of Godrick's self detonation, but had been grazed by its destructive dome. As a result, he was injured, and his armor was damaged. Large parts of it fell from his arms and chest as diluted blood ran down his face, arms, and chest as he gazed towards the figure approaching him.

Godrick, with Caliburn held in his right hand, walked towards the King of Heroes, a determined demeanor about him.

"I knew it would come down to the two of us." Gilgamesh said, pulling EA from a golden ripple that appeared next to him.

"I always knew." He continued.

"You and me!" He shouted, pointing EA towards the approaching Juggernaut.

Jeanne started to walk forward to go help her Companion, but Artoria held out a gauntleted hand to stop her.

"No. This is his fight." She said, her eyes never leaving her son's back.

Gilgamesh was getting frustrated as the Juggernauts' lack of words, as he knew Godrick could speak now while he possessed the sword Caliburn.

"Nothing to say!?" He raged.

"I have killed Kings greater than you." Godrick said, his deep voice echoing through the clearing.

It was a lie of course, as the King's Godrick had killed had been on the same level of his mother or lesser. His words accomplished his goal though, as rage darkened Gilgamesh's face.

"Nothing more than sheep herders, calling themselves Kings over their piles of dirt and shit!" Gilgamesh hissed.

For the first time, Godrick raised his head and laughed. It was deep and rich, and it took him a moment to regain himself.

"Exactly," He said as he gestured towards Gilgamesh with his sword.

"As I said, greater than you." He finished as a smile came to his face.

"How dare you…" Gilgamesh seethed. "My people worshiped me as a God!"

"Don't make me laugh!" Godrick shouted back. "You were never a God! You're hardly even a man!" Godrick taunted, causing Gilgamesh's face to turn red from anger.

"I have all the treasures of the earth! Do you really think you can win?!?" Gilgamesh shouted.

"You have all the treasures in the world, yet they won't keep you from dying face down in the mud and shit like the rest of us." Godrick retorted, his grin only growing.

"ENOUGH!" Gilgamesh screamed, pointing his Sword of Rupture at Godrick, who stopped walking.

The pair were about ten feet from each other now, and Godrick, who had stopped, raised both his arms to either side of himself.

"Come then, King of Heroes. I'll give you one free shot." He said cockily.

"I'll make you regret this…" Gilgamesh said through gritted teeth before raising his sword to the sky.

He began his incantation for Enuma Elish, and the world seemed to respond to his call.

Red lightning began to crackle around the drill-like blade that began to spin as Gilgamesh continued his incantation.

Artoria and the others began to panic, as they realized they were directly behind the Juggernaut. And while he was big, the beam that would shoot out of EA was bigger by far.

"I can't protect us!" Jeanne shouted as she ran towards Illya, picking the girl up and sprinting full speed out of the area. She had used a lot of her energy to protect everyone from the rain of weapons before, so she could muster the strength to do it again so soon.

Artoria picked Rin up, and did the same while Shirou began to run as well. He was stopped however by a fist to his stomach, which threw him backwards a dozen feet or so.

Breathing hard, he looked up to see Archer, who was missing his left arm. He stood in front of Shirou, gazing down at him with a look of scorn.

"We are going to stay right here. Just the two of us." He said coldly.

"Archer I- I don't understand, we have to get out of here!" Shirou said once more before getting to his feet, and trying to run past the Servant once again.

Archer caught him by his collar, and threw him back to the ground. The red light behind him shadowing his face as Shirou looked up at him.

"Please, let's ge-" Shirous words were cut off by Archer stomping down on his face, forcing his head into the mud.

"You don't understand. This is what I've wanted all along. Your death." He hissed.

Archer had played the good Servant while Rin was his master, and genuinely wanted to help her win the Holy Grail. But he also wanted to be free from this torment that was his life. When they had planned for him to defect, he was all too happy to play the part, thinking he could help Rin.

And with that goal accomplished, all that remained was his own objective.

He knew the Juggernaut would kill Gilgamesh, so he didn't have to worry about that now, which only left one last thing.

"Let me show you what your foolish decisions lead to, so called "Hero of Justice"." He said with scorn before reaching down and grabbing Shirou by the throat, and throwing him out of the destructive path of EA, which had finished charging.


Seeing Gilgamesh finish his incantation, he pointed the blade straight at Godricks chest, and said the fateful words.


The catastrophic beam of EA hit the Juggernaut, who felt nothing.

He knew he was taking damage, but didn't feel it at all. But he could definitely feel his reserves of energy filling up at an incredible rate.

His hair blew wildly behind him as he took his first step forward. Then another.

Walking as if he weren't in an Anti World rank Noble Phantasm, he soon reached the source of the beam, and stood there unfazed.

Gilgamesh's eyes shot open as Godrick stood not six inches from the tip of the Sword of Rupture, letting it pour over his chest.

The energy dyed Godricks face a bloody red, and highlighted the unconcerned look in his eyes.

"WEAK!" Godrick shouted as he raised his sword up, and brought it down on EA, knocking it to Gilgamesh's right.

The beam suddenly stopped as Gilgamesh had to bring it back up to block Godrick's backswing, which threw him to the ground behind him.

'Such humiliation!' The king of Heroes thought to himself, summoning his armory, and firing it at the figure before him.

Hundreds of golden ripples appeared all around Godrick, and shot their payloads, only for him to disappear in a crack of lightning.

He reappeared in front of Gilgamesh, and grabbed his face before shoving him into the ground.

He then lifted him and used the flat of his blade like a baseball bat, throwing him towards the remains of the mountain not far.

Gilgamesh hit the mountain hard before sinking to his knees. Godrick appeared in a crack of lightning, and drove his knee straight into Gilgamesh's face, making his head snap back and crack into the stone behind him.

Godrick, who had unsummoned Caliburn, reached down and grabbed the king by the back of the neck once more before shoving his face into stone. He then ran to his right, bringing Gilgamesh with him as he dragged his face through the stone.

"GMMM!" Gilgamesh's screams were muffled by the jagged stone as he tried to fight off the Juggernaut, weapons shooting at Godrick's back the whole time.

The Juggernaut finally stopped as he pulled Gilgamesh from the stone before throwing him back into it, causing him to bounce back towards Godrick, who met him with a right haymaker.

Gilgamesh smashed into the rock behind him once more before Godrick grabbed the back of his head, and brought his right knee up to meet the King of Heroes face.

Godrick then hit him with a couple quick jabs to the stomach before he punched him in the face with his left fist, followed by a right uppercut that threw him back into the mountain.

"COME ON, GIVE ME MORE!" Godrick shouted as he pounded Gilgamesh into the stone behind him, periodically grabbing stones that fell from above then before smashing Gilgamesh over the head with them.

Right, left, right, left, Godrick's fists didn't stop as he jackhammered Gilgamesh into the mountain before he grabbed Gilgamesh by his tattered chest armor before raising him over his head and threw him to the ground, after which he delivered a vicious kick to Gilgamesh's ribs, causing a loud 'CRACK' to sound through the crater of the mountain and sending him hundreds of feet away.

As Gilgamesh landed, he got to his hands and knees quickly before throwing up a stomach full of blood, which he stared at in disbelief.

"No-" he said in a raspy voice, trying to recover from the ordeal he had just been through.

He had lowered himself to train with the sword, worked with people lower than him, and humiliated himself by being beaten by this filthy mongrel… For what?

"I expect more from the King of Heroes." He heard the Juggernaut say as he slowly approached.

"I really had hoped you would have put forth more of an effort. but here we are. In the mud." Godrick said, stopping before Gilgamesh, who looked up at him with his red eyes.


"Not - yet!" Shirou said in great gasps of breath.

Archer had pulled him into a reality marble, which held countless amounts of weapons, and an endless sea of sand.

"Don't you see." Emiya said, having revealed everything to Shioru.

"This is what your foolish decisions lead to. I live devoid of meaning save killing! Devoid of companionship! DEVOID OF LOVE! Who would ever love a killer like us? I've killed more people than any war ever has!" He screamed, his true feelings coming to the surface.

"I know." Shirou's quiet voice rang through the reality marble.

"You know?" Emiya said scornfully.

"You know NOTHING!" He shouted.

Shirou got to his feet shakily, having been injured in their fight before he looked up to Emiya, who stood not far.

"But if not us… Then who?" He asked calmly.

Taken aback by his words, Emiya shook his head, not understanding what Shirou was getting at.

"If not us, then who will do the task you've been given?" He asked.

"ANYONE ELSE, I don't care who has to do it!" Emiya retorted in disbelief at the convention he was having.

"This can't be a real conversation I'm having right now." He said to himself, bring his hand to his forehead.

"That's what being a true Hero of Justice means. Making hard decisions so that others don't have to. I'll carry others' burdens, so they can have a happy and meaningful life. That's what I want. I want to help others smile freely." Shirou said before continuing.

"You don't hate being what you are because of the endless killing. You hate being what you are because you have no one to help you with your burden. You have no one. You're all alone. You said it yourself. You wish for companionship. For love. You have denied yourself so much that you began to hate what we stand for. You need someone to stand by your side and be your rock when you are feeling down. Let me help you with your burden by telling you this. If you and I are truly the same person, then I will learn from your mistakes. I won't push everyone away. I'll find someone who loves me for me, and is willing to stand by my side. Who will reassure me that I'm doing the right thing when I doubt myself."

Shirous words hit Emiya like a ton of bricks. He was right. Emiya didn't hate himself because he felt like a monster. He hated himself because he had been forced to deny himself over and over. He was all alone. But if he had someone to fight for, someone to tell him he was on the right path…

"But Who…" Emiya asked, his voice trembling.

Shirou chuckled a bit before shrugging.

"I have no idea. Rin? Saber? I don't know. But I promise you this. I'll find them. We won't be alone. I'll learn from you, and make sure it doesn't happen."

Emiya couldn't speak as he was wrestling with his emotions. On one hand he wanted to kill Shirou just to end it all. But on the other hand, he wanted to let him live. He wanted to know if his idea would work.

"I'll hold you to it then." Emiya said before letting go, and fading to blue particles.

Shirou let out a deep breath, then promptly collapsed to the ground.


Standing over Gilgamesh, Godrick saw the fear in his eyes.

"This must be a new feeling for you. The fear."

"It's…" He said, inhaling deeply before releasing the steam-like breath from his mouth.

"Intoxicating." He said as a grin came to his face.

"Well. I think we should wrap things up." He said before taking a step forward.

"NO!" Gilgamesh said, motioning for a Golden Chain to come shooting from a golden ripple straight at Godrick's head.

The Juggernaut leaned to his left as the chain shot by his head before darting out with his left hand, catching the spike that adorned the end of the chain.

He then pulled, and more chain shot from the ripple, which he caught with his right hand.

He then stomped down on Gilgamesh's back as he tried to get away, forcing his face into the mud before relenting enough for Gilgamesh's head to come out of it for a breath.

Godrick used this chance to wrap the chain around Gilgamesh's neck before letting the length of the chain in his right hand go, letting it be sucked back into the ripple.

The chain went taught around Gilgamesh's neck, the ripple trying to pull the chain back while Godrick held the other end of it.

Godrick then stomped on Gilgamesh's back once more, forcing his face into the mud again.

Gilgamesh struggled and tried to claw at his face as he turned his head to try and breath, but there was so much mud that it didn't matter.

"So much for a King's death!" Godrick taunted.

Gilgamesh was now convulsing before he did the only thing he could. Released his treasury all at once.

Millions of Golden Ripples lit up the stormy sky, making it almost look like the sky had turned golden.

Millions of weapons poured out from the Gate of Babylon every second before shattering against Godricks back.

He couldn't help but smile as each weapon that shattered against him only served to strengthen him, putting that energy right back into his Endurance Stat to help him shrug off some of the more deadly weapons.

Gilgamesh was now struggling less and less as he suffocated before he finally stopped moving.

"Weak." Godrick said before releasing his end of the chain before it faded into golden particles. He looked down at his foe before stomping down once more, obliterating Gilgamesh's body into blue particles.


If you enjoyed the chapter, consider leaving me with a couple of your stones? I promise to take good care of them:)