Gilgamesh, the King of Heroes, finds himself isekai'd in a new world filled with monsters and other Servants. His mission: find his one friend Enkidu, his lovely Saber and go back to his world, his eternal garden.
Two men, another's happiness, too much time and the chance to slowly recover from a hangover.
That's what Gilgamesh had lost because of those pieces of shit. And he was damned if he was going to let even a nail of one of them get away before he had thoroughly punished them.
He was about to enter the temple, or at least what was left of it, when he dodged an attack, turned around and blocked another one.
"What are you doing, moron?"
"I... I can't let you kill Mother..."
"I don't care, I'm going to execute that woman for defying me."
"No, please! You mustn't! Just go away, she's not going after you anymore!"
"Why do you even want to protect her?"
"What will I do if Mom isn't by my side anymore? I can't live without her, she has always helped and is helping me!"
"Wake up, idiot, she's using you! How can you be so pitiful and ignorant not to see it?"
"N-No... she would never use me... she has always helped me... always has been by my side... I... I... what am I without her, Gilgamesh? I don't have anyone else in this world that cares about me... how could I ever hurt her... she's the only one who, fake or not, has shown me kindness... she's my only friend." Nero concluded as she slumped to the ground, silently breaking down.
"You truly are the greatest fool I have ever met... you can't see the ones who care for you... even when the evidence is right in front of you... you say that no one cares about you... but the King of Knights is rushing to this location after defeating a powerful beast to assist you... the painter and the Martian fought for you... they sacrificed their lives to ensure that you would be rescued... you ask me what you can do without your mother... when you have embarked on a journey on your own... you ask me what you are without her... an emperor, an artist, a loquacious, curious and screaming pile of chaos, someone who would always rescue someone in need, even an animal.
You say you have no companions in this world... but that isn't true... from the icy regions to a distant restaurant, from a swamp to this place here, there are people who care about you and support you... friends... and even if all of this was false... then I can assure you that one thing will always be true... I won't let a useful and trusted assistant like you lose herself like this... not until we have completed this journey... so keep your head high and your smile wide. For yourself... and for me."
"I... I..."
"I don't expect you to understand right now, mongrel. For the moment, just follow my radiance and my guidance, and I'll grant you to accompany me until you can see things more clearly. Now, I shall go and punish those who interfered with our journey."
Gilgamesh concluded as he headed inside the temple.
"That stupid bastard! Serves him right! Now that he's probably dead, I can take control of this place! I'll make it blow up, then I'll go back to my kingdom and rule once more. Even if he doesn't die directly, I will still have weakened him enough. Yes, this is all according to plan... there's never been a situation in which I haven't been able to charm my way out... yeah that's always been the case... ever since I was a little girl... after that time... I figured... if men don't take no for an answer, then I'll give them all the yes they need to be fooled."
Agrippina briefly thought back to her previous life, as she was running through the underground tunnel toward her city, followed by a few golden soldiers that carried a big and unconscious man of South American origin. Suddenly, a golden weapon appeared out of nowhere and pierced through a pair of robotic servants.
She turned around and could barely see a second weapon arriving and destroying the remaining soldiers. She hurried toward the unconscious man and held him up as she stopped running and looked in the direction the weapons were launched.
"I intended to kill you with the first strike, but it seems these machines are loyal to a fault."
"O mighty king, must we really battle? I am no good in a fight, but I possess other talents that would make me an excellent companion."
"Unfortunately for you, I find your lack of obedience infuriating and not even slightly entertaining."
"I can be very obedient if you want me to..."
"I didn't say that I find obedience entertaining, I simply noted that your kind of disobedience doesn't amuse me. A bad concubine is equal to a bad jester. Not only are they of no use, but they inspire negative emotions when they are supposed to relax and ease one's mind. What I am saying, Queen of Deceit, is that I have no better use for you than your death."
"I understand. I am afraid, however, that you have lost your chance, King of Heroes. This man is Atahualpa, the true owner of the golden city, and with the death of Cortés, I am now controlling him. If you kill me, I have ordered him to transform El Dorado into a Broken Phantasm that will destroy everything and everyone in our vicinity."
"You think a petty trick like that will suffice to end me?"
"Perhaps not, but let me remind you that there are others around you. That girl that arrived here with Nero, if the Minotaur didn't kill her, then she'll likely be pretty injured and close enough to get caught in the blast, not to mention Nero, who you seemed pretty chummy with, is also here."
"That just means that I need to kill you and that mongrel before he can activate the destruction of this city."
Agrippina looked behind Gilgamesh, and she saw a shadow slowly become clearer and clearer until she could see that it was Nero, who was ready to attack with her sword.
"But of course, King of Heroes! The question now is: will you be able to do that before he executes the order I already imparted to him? Are you sure that he won't be able to activate it even after being mortally wounded? You should know that Battle Continuation exists, great king... so, what is it going to be, King of Heroes, Ruler of Uruk, Gilgamesh-"
Agrippina smirked as for a split second she thought she had bought enough time for Nero, seeing that her offspring charged forward with a resolute look.
That confidence, however, quickly turned to surprise and then horror when Gilgamesh moved out of the way and Nero kept sprinting forward, moving Atahualpa out of the way and stabbing her straight through the heart, all in less than half a second.
"Nero... what the hell... are you... doing?"
"I'm sorry, Mother. I decided to reflect a bit on my role, on my identity, and myself. In order to do so, I have to go, but I can't leave you behind like this. That's why I'll send you off myself so that I shall have no regrets about moving on with my life."
"You... insolent... little... brat..."
"I know, Mother. I'm a terrible son. I have always been one. I want to change. But I cannot change by staying by your side. If I want to better myself, I need to let you go. So that is what I'm doing. I'm letting you go. Farewell, Mother. I will honour your sacrifice by discovering and accepting who I am. I will achieve happiness in your name."
"I... don't want your happiness... and you will... never be happy... you will never be... nothing more... than a monster... nobody loves... not even... me..."
Agrippina let out her final breath before disappearing in a glimmer of sparks, as Nero closed her eyes and moved her head down slightly.
"You did well, emperor."
"No, I just did the bare minimum. I have to thank you, Goldie. I really needed those words, and you were there to give them to me at the right place and at the right time. Thank you, Gil."
"I don't remember giving you permission to refer to me in such an informal way." This was what Gilgamesh wanted to say, but in the end, he resolved not to say anything for the time being.
"Let's go meet up with Salter now."
"Wait! What about that guy?"
"He's probably going to drop dead anytime. He's been poisoned. Since she needed physical contact to command him, you did the right thing in casting him aside first."
"We can't leave him here!"
"Of course we can. We have no way of knowing if this mongrel has hostile intentions or not, and I do not intend to exert myself anymore for today."
"I refuse to leave him here."
"Why do you have to be so stubborn? I could have left you here!"
"Yeah, but you didn't! You said that you value me as an assistant and that I am someone who would never hesitate to help someone in need. You were right, so why are you surprised that I refuse to leave him behind? Isn't this one of the main qualities of your cherished assistant?"
"... I never said you were a cherished assistant... don't put words in my mouth... however, you were correct about the rest... I suppose I am at fault for forgetting what I had realised myself... still, I refuse to help him... however, if you wish to rescue him, I shall grant you this... consider it my reward for getting rid of that annoying pest."
Gilgamesh said as he turned around and started walking out of the temple he let something drop into Nero's hands. It was a dropper.
"What's this for?"
"Make that mongrel drink what's inside. It will ease the poison."
"I see. Thank you so much, Goldie! You're the best, umu!"
Nero didn't waste time and kneeled down toward Atahualpa. She made him drink whatever was inside the dropper and his body seemed to rejuvenate slightly. He opened his eyes while he sat up slowly.
"What happened? Is that Spanish still here?"
"No, he's gone. I'm Nero, Emperor of Rome. Me and my friends rescued you. You're safe now, Emperor Atahualpa."
"I thank you then. I was defeated and imprisoned by that bastard and he stole my Noble Phantasm. How can I ever repay you?"
"There's no need to, we're just glad you're safe. Come on, let's get out of here."
Gilgamesh came out of the temple and saw that Salter had just arrived there.
"Where's Nero?"
"She's coming too. She insisted on helping the mongrel who originally owned this place. Are you alright?"
"Yeah... I have to thank that French painter... he saved my ass... and now he's-"
"I know. So is the Martian."
"The Martian? That didn't seem like him at all."
"He was just disguised as a Martian. He was actually an angel."
"Oh... yeah, sure... that makes sense, I guess..."
"Salty! I'm so glad you're fine!"
Nero said as she saw the light again while carrying the Inca emperor on her back.
"I'm happy to see you haven't lost your smile either, Nero."
"It's all thanks to Goldie, he rescued me!"
"Haha, well, aren't you such a prince?"
"Not a prince, a king. So, Salter, do you still think I'm such did you put it yesterday?"
"An arrogant, heartless asshole? Well, I suppose that you're not so heartless after all... we still have to work on the arrogance, though."
"It is not arrogance if it is backed up by reality. That's confidence."
"Yeah, my point exactly..."
"What should we do now?"
"I think that the archers that helped the soldiers created by this city came from the nearby city. I suggest we head there. It is possible that your mother was controlling or manipulating whoever was really in charge there."
"Ok, let's go then!" Nero said as she joyfully ran forward.
"Wait... Roman emperor... I'm not sure I can handle... this intensity yet..." Atahualpa begged her as he felt he was about to throw up.
They arrived in the city with golden roofs and pretended to be a King from a distant nation and his ministers. They discovered that the ruler of that land, Kublai Khan, had married a woman who came "from the distant sea" and had soon after fallen ill of an unknown disease.
They reached the palace, where they offered to help heal the khan, and with the help of a few drops of the Potion of Youth, the emperor made a miraculous recovery, so great that many said that he looked younger by 5 years at least.
They explained what had happened to the ruler and soon after discovered a secret tunnel that led to a small room. There, there was a man with an impressive beard dressed in a very Western style and who looked European. The emperor identified him as one of his advisors who came from a distant land, the same as his treacherous wife. After healing him too, the man looked at them surprised.
"You! Who are you? You looked like that woman... somebody help, please!"
"Calm down, mister! I am that woman's s- I mean daughter, and we are here to help. Who are you?"
"I'm Marco. Marco Polo."
"The Marco Polo?"
"... I guess."
"This entire land is this mongrel's domain."
"R-Really? So all of this is your doing?"
"Yes. I was simply traveling in peace when just outside of Emperor Atahualpa's city, I was abducted and poisoned by that woman and her accomplice. I was forced to keep my Noble Phantasm active and was fed enough to keep it going. It was horrible."
"That's awful. But you can undo it now, like your pal over here."
"Yeah... finally... but, um, actually... I know this is all a bit chaotic... but, I want to thank you for freeing me from the control of that witch, um, no offense..."
"None taken."
"So, I will keep this active for another day, so that you can stay here and rest a bit."
"Really? That's so nice of you! Are you sure you can maintain it?"
"Yeah, don't worry about me. I feel so much better now. I even feel younger! My beard is almost missing too!"
"Thank you then, Marco! Wow, that's awesome, guys! We have an entire city we can explore! Let's go to-"
"I'm going to bed. You disturbed my sleep with all your troubles."
"W-what, Goldie? Well, I guess we are on our own, Sal-"
"I'm going to sleep too. I think I still feel the aftereffects of a concussion."
"Oh, come on! You, Mr. Inca! Want to go explore?"
"I'm... very tired... I was imprisoned for quite a while... I would like to rest a bit... if that's ok with you..."
"Oh... ok..."
"I can go with you if you want, Miss. My legs could use some exercise. Don't worry about the others, either. The beds here are so great, they'll be awake and full of energy in an hour."
"Thank you, Mr. Beard Guy!"
"You... you're welcome."