
Chapter 74 - Mahora Budokai 13

"Participant Setsuna, is the winner!" Kasumi said. "What a match!"

"Se-Setsuna-san, I-I'm sorry!," said Asuna.

"Finally you stopped going berserk and calmed down," said Setsuna. "Thank goodness Asuna-san, you've returned to normal, because earlier your tantrum really got me into trouble. "

"I won this bet!" Evangeline said. "Now tell me about what you know about Nagi!"

"Haaaah, you really impatient, Evangeline," said Albiero. "Well I'll tell you now what I know about Nagi."

Evangeline was really confused at Albiero right now, because Albiero want tell the information about the Thousand Master to her without doing any prank at all. In addition, Albiero's voice sounded like someone who was badly injured only to add to Evangeline's suspicions.

"I will say it to you in the simple word ," said Albiero. "Currently Nagi is still ..."


In the participant waiting room right after Asuna and Setsuna's match ended.

"Se-Setsuna, I'm sorry!" Asuna said while lowering her head. "Earlier I was completely unaware of what I was doing, I almost hurt you!"

"Don't mind it Asuna, I already have forgive you," said Setsuna. "Besides, with your current abilities, do you think you can beat me?"

"Of course not," said Asuna. "I still need a lot of practice to be at your level!"

"Then practice harder!" Said Setsuna. "Because in our first match to fighting over Shirou-sama's love, I was the winner!"

"Next time I will not lose!" Asuna said. "I can definitely beat you Setsuna-san!"

"I'll be waiting for that moment Asuna-san!" Said Setsuna. "But I will definitely never allow you to beat me!"


On the bench near Chisame who also watching the match.

"Asuna-san lost what a shame, even though she did really well!" Negi said.

"Don't be so sad, Negi!" Kotaro said. "Asuna-Nee has fought as hard as she can, it's just that Setsuna-Nee's level is one level above Asuna-Nee! So it's only natural that Asuna-Nee lost!"

"That match just now doesn't make any sense!" Chisame said. 'How does that idiot Asuna bring out a sword that big in her hand, by magic? The longer I watch the martial arts match at Mahora Budokai the more strange things I see! '


Special audience stands for participants.

"Looks like really immposible for Asuna to win against Setsu-chan," said Konoka.

"It's 100% impossible to win," Yue said. "Setsuna-san is on a different level from Asuna."

"I didn't expect that stupid Asuna to be that strong," said Haruna. "Plus the sword that suddenly appeared in her right hand! She's just like a magician! Or Asuna mastered some 'magic' trick because she can draw swords out of empty air!"

Nodoka, Yue and Konoka found out that sooner or later. Haruna would find out about the existence of magic, but they didn't expect Haruna to feel suspicious this quickly.

"Maybe Shirou-san or Setsuna-san taught her the trick," said Nodoka who wanted to reduce Haruna's suspicion. "Because I've seen them both do the same thing to entertain kids in day care."

In this case Nodoka didn't lie, because previously their classmate Chizuru Naba who had volunteered at the daycare had invited Shirou and Setsuna to entertain the children at the daycare, when they both accidentally passed in front of the daycare. And Nodoka accidentally saw it.

"You saw Shirou-kun and Setsuna doing magic tricks?" Haruna said. "You're not lying, are you?"

"Haruna if you don't believe it, just ask Chizuru later," said Yue. "Earlier you suspected Negi-Sensei if you keep suspecting everyone like that to get gossip material, no one else will want to be friends with you! "

"Uggh! I hate it when your words get to the point!" Haruna said. "Okay okay, I won't talk about this again! Satisfied?"

"I wouldn't have said that, if you didn't try to find out about other people problem for you to gossip about," Yue said. "You really have to try to change that bad character of yours!"

"Impossible for me to change my character!" Haruna said. "Thanks to my ability to gossip, I have a lot of material for the manga I write. So don't expect me to change my character on this one anytime soon!"

"You will regret saying that!"

Haruna suddenly felt goosebumps and was shocked, because suddenly a voice appeared in her head. As cold sweat rolled down Haruna's face, she looked around to find who was speaking to her. But Haruna didn't find anyone who looked suspicious, and Haruna felt really scared because of that unclear voice.

"What's wrong with you, Haruna why suddenly do you look so scared like that? "Yue asked.

"N-it's okay Yu-Yue," replied Haruna. "I just got goosebumps all of a sudden, that's why I looked scared."

Without anyone knowing, Shirou, who was sitting a little way behind Yue, Haruna, and Nodoka, was smiling with a face that looked very satisfied. Satisfied that he managed to teach Haruna a lesson.


"The 8th match between competitor jujitsu expert Yamashita Kenichi and Evangeline Mc Dowell is about to begin!" Kasumi said. "For the two participants please come to the arena."

Evangeline walked onto the arena with a serious face without caring anything around her. Because what was in Evangeline's head right now was the answer to the question that had been in her head for years.

Flashback back to before the 8th game started.

"Nagi is still alive today, Evangeline," said Albiero. "I can guarantee that, but Evangeline may be your reunion with Nagi will never come."

"Hmm, again you made a bad prediction," said Evangeline.

"I'll tell you the full story after the festival ends," said Albiero.

"But I don't know where you live stupid!" Evangeline said. "How can I hear the rest of the information about Nagi that I need!"

"Ah, I forgot to tell you where I live," said Albiero. "Well where I live in .."

End of flashback.

"Participants Evangeline look just like 10 year old kids," said Kasumi. "But how participant Evangeline will fight !"

'You can't judge someone by appearance alone,' said Yamashita who was the opponent of Evangeline. "I have to be careful."

"Alright the 8th match begins!" Kasumi said.


Before Yamashita could move to attack. Evangeline had punched him in the stomach with her left hand.

"Sorry, I don't have time to play with you," said Evangeline.

One hit from Evangeline sent Yamashita to the floor of the arena.

"Oooh!" Kasumi said. "One attack from the little girl made Participants Yamashita fall and faint!"

"You're still alive Nagi, that's a good thing," said Evangeline. "I can not grow old, neither can you! As long as you are still alive one day I will definitely meet you again! Wait for me Nagi!"

"With the 8th match finished the entire first round match was finally over!" Kasumi said. "The second round will start in 20 minutes ! All the participants who win their match are expected to enjoy the break time! "


"Wow, this is surprising," said Clone Shirou. "I never thought there was a drain this big under Mahora."

"Yes, in the tower next to the arena I found this water tunnel that leads to where Chao keeps all of hed robots," said Shikigami Setsuna aka Chibi Setsuna.

"That's where Chao probably kept all the tools she invented," said Clone Shirou.

"Maybe, because I didn't see too much," said Chibi Setsuna. "When we get to that place, what will we do Shirou-sama?"

"Gather evidence of course, and report it to the Headmaster," said Clone Shirou.

"No wonder you didn't follow Mahora Budokai," said Chao. "Apparently you were given the task of investigating what I did from the principal!"

Clone Shirou and Chibi Setsuna were completely shocked by Chao who suddenly appeared behind the two of them. They were both confused, why Chao knew they were in this water tunnel.

"I didn't expect that you would be down here to investigate about Chao, Shirou-kun," said Mana.

"How did you two know that I was here?" Clone Shirou said.

"Sorry Shirou-kun, but I have no obligation to tell you," said Chao. " I have to prevent you from looking for more than this."

"I feel bad for you Shirou-kun, but I have to help Chao stop you," Mana said. "Because Chao hired me!"

"It seems there are a lot of things you are hiding under here Chao," said Clone Shirou.

"Whatever I hide is none of your business Shirou-kun," said Chao. "Right now I don't have time to serve you, so I'll keep you quiet for a while at least until tomorrow before the festival ends."

"What if I refuse?" Asked Clone Shirou.

"You won't be able to refuse Shirou-kun," Mana said. "Because you have no chance of winning against the two of us!"

"Heh, don't be arrogant like Mana," said Clone Shirou. "Because you have absolutely no idea what I can do!"

"We don't know," said Chao. "Chachamaru has gathered all the data about the way you fought Shirou-kun!"

"Is that so?" Shirou Clone said. "It's a shame I have to disappoint you Chao, because I never showed all my abilities in front of anyone! Trace On!"

Knshou and Bakuya were already in both Clone Shirou hands, and he was ready to fight Chao and Mana.

Author Note: Support me on Pa.treon.com/Raylight25 Read 4 chapter ahead on my Pa.treon