

作者: MrMoist
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  • 11 章
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    10 評分
  • NO.200+

Shen Wenyan. A completely "normal" teenage boy who has been alive for over 300 years was sent to another world by an "undying troll". But the reason for his displacement was not for amusement or entertainment. But to preserve his secret. The container of the Throne of Heroes... The secret to the Third True Magic... The pathway to the ROOT... All contained within the body of a 15-year old boy...

Chapter 1Chapter 1 Fateful Ends

The city of Fuyuki. A place seemingly normal and completely blissful. It was as if everyone in the entire city ignored everything important and just went about their daily lives ignorant of the details around them.

But that's the thing isn't it.

The details. The little things. The fine points. The little writing at the bottom of the page. The part everyone forgets.

"It's very peaceful tonight... isn't it?".

A young man sits on the edge of a giant red bridge. Resting his head on his right knee while his left leg sways in the summer wind.

He was above average, at least by "normal standards". Pale skin. Average height and build. Few blemishes. But hair hair and eyes were a different story. Forest green hair and golden eyes that radiated a ancient aura.

He was looking in the direction of Mount Enzou and the Ryuudou Temple atop it. Everything was normal until a bright golden light filed the sky above the mountain illuminating the entire city for a brief moment.

His lips where smirking as he whispered beneath his breath, "Take that you false god".

The young man perked up and turned. His smirk growing and right eyebrow raising. "C'mon old man. You know you can't hide from "him". His Presence Detection is A+. You're more likely to catch Arcueid undetected then me".

An wizened old man stepping out of the shadows and stood directly beside the young man.

His eyes red as blood and two pointy teeth could be seen as the old man smiled.

"Yan'er, I still can't believe you managed to connect to "it". Even in all my travels this is the only version of reality were someone has done it. You're truly a "unique existence". The old man sat down beside the teen. His mood turning somber as he gazed at Mount Enzou.

He spoke, "I guess this is it, isn't is?".

The teen waited a moment before nodding. They continued to watch the city until a small light came flickering over the horizon.

"You know, when you agreed to become the container I was baffled beyond my wildest imaginations. To think that someone like yourself were to become the experiment for a bunch of greedy immature brats, I couldn't think of a reason for 'why?". The old man sighed before continuing.

"Theoretically the Holy Grail War should allow the winner to open a gateway to the ROOT and they could theoretically obtain the Heavens Feel, or even the Denial of Nothingness... but alas...".

"Justeaze, Zolgen, Nagato. How long has it been?". The green haired young man finally spoke. His tone sad, yet happy as if he remembered something funny.

The sun finally shone over the horizon causing the ocean to have a glittering shimmer. The wing picked up and the sound of waves and rustling leaves entered the ears of the two. It was a serene moment. As if nothing else mattered.

"I know that since the Holy Grail has now been destroyed, the connection is has to the Throne of Heroes will now be severed. Angra Mainyu will return to the Throne and will try to take over your body. You are aware of this correct?". The old man stood up and patted his clothes. His gaze hardening.

The teen once stood up and nodded, "I know Kischur. That's why I have to do this".

The teen squatted and whispered, "Mana Burst". With an explosive might he jumped several hundred meters in the air, his body covered in a yellow lightning. As he stopped ascending his golden eyes shined and narrowed as he saw a pulsating, fleshy mass behind the Ryuudou Temple.

His gaze quickly turned to two beautiful young woman and an unconscious young man near the abomination.

"Saber! Didn't that final strike kill it?", the black haired, crimson garbed young woman shouted as a layer of sweat appeared on her forehead. The girl was by no means ugly, in fact she was extremely beautiful. Luscious, straight black hair tied up into two pigtails and a pair of blue eyes more enthralling than the glittering ocean. Her skirt was rather short but no-one could complain about that.

"It should be dead, Master! I hit it with my Noble Phantasm! Even if it wasn't 100% percent it still should've destroyed it", the other girl was even more exotic than her "Master". Golden hair tied up into a bun with a single strand sticking out. Green eyes just as pure as the young man's hair. Her figure was rather short however it didn't hinder her beauty, but rather enhanced it.

While the two where talking a fleshy tendril shot out from the creature aiming at the black haired beauty. The golden haired one only noticed, however it was too late.

"Master! Watch out!".

The black haired girl turned around and her ocean blue eyes widened at the approaching projectile and the imminent impact from it.

"No Rin!". The golden haired girl was too late and reached too push her Master out of the way but suddenly...

"Restrict them, Chains of Heaven".

A voice rung out from the sky above them and an unfamiliar face gazed down at them.

The fleshy tendril was suddenly covered in chains only a few inches from Rin's face. The chains were squeezing so tightly that the tendril turned back into a black substance, oozing an evil aura.

Saber immediately stood in front of her master her sword raised into a fighting position.

"Who goes there? Name yourself!". Green eyes met golden and golden met green. The young man only gazed at her for a second before turning back to face the fleshy abomination.

This only angered the Saber Servant and in response he shouted again, "Answer me! Are you a Servant?".

"That's impossible Saber! All the other Servants have been summoned! Berserker, Caster, Assassin, Lancer and Rider are all defeated. It's only you and Archer that remain", the black haired girl, Rin responded and then turned to face the teen, "Are you a magus then?".

Golden eyes glanced at Rin before saying, "I don't like you. You remind me of "her"".

Facing the fleshy monster once again the teen fell to the ground an rested his hand on the earth beneath him. He smiled before raising his head to look at the mass in front of him.

He said, "Angra Mainyu. Come out and I'll settle this is a single blow".

The gross layers of flesh and meat opened up to reveal a cup leaking out black ooze. As the Master and Servant gazed at their prize they both tried so hard to obtain, they felt a sudden shock and regret.

"Saber... is that?"

"I'm not sure Master, however "he" seems to know what it is". The Servant responded.

The both turned and looked at the young man whose golden eyes were narrowed slightly and green hair waving in the wind.

"Kukuku. wHy lOoK aT wHaT wE hAvE hErE? aNd i ThOuGhT i WoUld HaVe To Go FiNd YoU, eH sHeN wEnYaN!" The black ooze took a humanoid form as a eerie voice came emanating from the Grail. It stood roughly 6' high and was completely covered in glowing blue tattoos while a animalistic grin formed on his face.

"No I'm here to end it Angra Mainyu. Even if I have to kill myself to do it, you will die here today". Shen Wenyan he said as his once green hair turned blonde and his golden eyes turned purple.

"I know the consequences of doing this and I now realize my mistake when I allowed you to be summoned during the Third Holy Grail War, which is why...".

A rapier suddenly appeared in front of Shen Wenyan and he grabbed a hold of it before shouting to Rin and Saber, "I need you to hold him off! Give my 30 seconds and I defeat him!".

The Master and Servant looked at each other and mentally communicated.

"Master are you sure we should help him?"

"Yes! Angra Mainyu was the Avenger class Servant of the Einzbern during the Third Holy Grail War! It was the Concept of Evil from Zoroastrian Religion! It was originally thought to be a weak Heroic Spirit but..."

"But what Master?"

"But it's trying to kill us! So of course we should help. We can deal with the other one later".

"Yes Rin".

The blonde Saber Servant raised her blade, now clad in an Invisible Wind and charged directly at the the Avenger.

"oH? a LiTtLe GiRl WaNtS tO pLay?". The Concept of Evil grinned madly before charging right at Saber.

Shen Wenyan was instead kneeling and placed both his hands together while holding onto the sword's blade, 'This will be my final Phantasm...' he thought to himself before smiling, 'So let's make it a damn good one!".

The Heavens tell of God's glory

And the Skies Proclaim His Handiwork

Rin, Saber and Avenger notices his chant causing Avenger's eyes to widen and shout, "NOOOO! I WON'T LET YOU FINISH!"

Speeches poured forth during the Day and Knowledge during the Night

A fire has been ignited within my heart and continuously burn to remind me

"sToP! dOn'T yOu KnOw ThAt iF yOu UsE tHaT nObLe PhAnTaSm YoU WiLl DiE!

"What!". Shouted both Rin and Saber.

"Saber, do you know what Noble Phantasm that is?"

"No, but..."

"But what?"

"I have a feeling I know who it belonged to".

This is where I meet my end

My destiny now runs its course

My life's Dream has reached it's conclusion

"No StOp! I WoN't Go BaCk!". shouted Angra Mainyu. His hands becoming fleshy tendrils as he shoot them towards Shen Wenyan.

They are intercepted as Saber cuts them with a flurry of strikes, "Your opponent is me!". She says.

Utilizing the last Thing I have at my disposal

I Fight to Protect the path that He must Walk

Blood could be seen flowing down the blade as Shen Wenyan squeezed tighter on it's edge. It's glow only increasing as his prayer reaches it's climax.

Lord, accept my Sacrifice

He stood up and lifted the sword above his head.

[La Pucelle] (The Crimson Saint).

Like a flower, flames blossomed, setting ablaze the surrounding forest causing Angra Mainyu to cry out, "nO! nO! nO! NO! I rEfUsE tO aCcEpT iT. i ReFuSe!".

"You don't have to accept it, you only have to die". Responded a voice from beyond the flames. A young woman, similar in facial structure to Saber came through holding the body of Shen Wenyan in her arms.

Her clothes were an immaculate white. A flag emanating a powerful aura and silver armor which covered her clothes. She was breathtaking. Much like Shen Wenyan she possessed long blonde hair and beautiful purple eyes. Her skin as pure as the morning sun, unblemished by impurities.

"I, whose True Name is Jeanne D'Arc deliver my wielders Final Phantasm on his behalf". The rapier was held like a staff and its hilt was facing Avenger directing the flames towards him. The Zoroastrian Evil God tried to suppress the flames by hurdling more masses of flesh at it however it only surrounded him and engulfed him in a pillar of flame.

Jeanne smiled and turned to Shen Wenyan whose hair and eyes had now returned black. A small trail of blood could be seen leaking out of his mouth. She placed his head on her lap and watched as his feet slowly turned into a golden light.

"Are you okay? Jeanne?". asked Shen Wenyan.

She nodded and smiled, "I'm glad I could be here with you at the end".

"Wait just a second! What's going on!", shouted Rin who was running over to the body of Shen Wenyan.

As she saw that his body from the knees down had turned into a golden light she gasped, "Wha-? Who are you?".

"Yes I would very much like to know this as well. I feel as though we've met before... were you one of my Knights?", included Saber.

Shen Wenyan looked flatly at her and said, "Enkidu really doesn't like you. You remind him too much of Ishtar. Artoria on other hand, well, let's just say we're old friends but no I am not a Knight".

Rin and Artoria looked at each surprise before Shen Wenyan continued, "Old man it's not very polite to eavesdrop. Come out".

The red-eyed old man came out dressed up in a fine western suit with a jeweled cane in his hand. The happy grin on his face lightened and frightened Rin and Saber.

"I really thought I'd get you that time. Anyway did you destroy the Grail?", he asked. Shen Wenyan nodded in return.

He continued, "That's good, but a few changes to the plan need to happen so... sorry about this".

With a single wave of his cane he sent the four of them flying into a rift ignoring the looks of shock, awe and hatred.

When the rift closed he only sighed before muttering to himself, "Looks like this dimension's Kaleidoscope wielder has gone soft... good thing I was here to correct that". With a whistle "Zelretch" walked away from the rift before hearing a female voice.

"Rin! Saber! I bet him! I actually-".

"Tohsaka-san! Saber-san! We won, we-".

With another flourish of his cane "Zelretch" opened another rift and the two figures were thrown out of this universe and sent to another.

"That was close... nearly didn't get them all. If I ruined the plan all the other Zelretch's would give me a hard time. Oh well, all's well that end's well".


Hundred Times Income Multiplier System

Jack Alfonso, the seventh child of the youngest generation of the Alfonso family of Crystal city goes through a lot of trouble at home. His mother dies when he was still fifteen years old. Then, things get worse as he’s bullied by his older half siblings. In the end, he decided that since the Alfonso family couldn’t help him in this life, he would just have to look for a way by himself. He decides to use the small amount of money that he’d been saving since he was thirteen till he was nineteen. He leaves Crystal city that was under full influence of Alfonso family and goes to a backward city, Inchoate city where he starts a small business. Who knew that he when he received his first income, he received a prompt that startled him. [Ding! Congratulations on activating the Hundred Times Income Multiplier.] [Ding! You’ve earned three hundred dollars. Multiplier applied. You’ve received thirty thousand dollars.] [Ding! First income. As a reward, you gain a Suzuki GSX-R1000] [Ding! First income. As a reward, you gain a custom made Bugatti Veyron.] [Ding! The system can assist you. You’ll be rewarded with the professional driving skills. But, you’ll have to complete a task given to you at the specified period of time. If the task isn’t completed, then not only would you lose the skill, you’ll also be punished by the system.] [Ding! First income. As a reward, you gain a Eurocopter EC135] [Ding! First month of income earning. Rewarded with Glaze Hotel.] …. With that, his life immediately changed for the better. He didn’t know what would happen next but he had gained a new dream. He would want to become wealthier than Alfonso family. This way, at least they would regret not caring about him. But that wouldn’t be all, he would have to make sure that the family goes down. The reason for this was pretty simple, he found out the reason for his mother’s death! ….. Hello guys. This story is mainly romance related and we can say that there are some fiction parts. But, I hope that you like the story. Guys, with every 100 power stones, there will be an extra chapter. 200PS= 1 extra chapter 100GT= 2 extra chapters and so on. The release of the bonus chapters would be at the start of every month. So please, if you want more chapters, then put in those power stones and golden tickets, then leave the rest to me.... .... You can give me your opinions through; https://discord.gg/yaBqh38Q You can support my other novels, a fantasy genre, 'The Golden Star', 'The Soul System in the Apocalypse', 'The Bodyguard System', 'Twins With Systems: Complete the Mission'

Alan_Wafula · 都市
620 Chs

Omnipotent Husband System

Hao Ren was born in another world and has lived for over twenty-two years being nothing but a definition of the word, average. After a high school reunion, the young man sat down on the beach shore, and mumbled to the sky, "God of Novels, you are unfair. I spent forty years of my life doing nothing but reading books and stories written by others. I worked hard to manifest this rebirth, and yet you did not bless me with anything. Why?" A voice echoed in his mind, "Host, you have the Omnipotent Husband System." Hao Ren scoffed and scolded the system, "What is the use of having you when you are not even active? Are you shitting with me, you bastard?!" The system replied, "Host the condition for activating the system is to get married." Hao Ren could not handle it anymore and cried out loud as he complained about this condition. He was not good-looking, and neither was he wealthy, who was going to marry him? Tired, he spent the on the beach. When he was returning home, he passed by the marriage registering center. He sighed for his fate but suddenly, a beautiful lady asked him, "Hey, do you have any identity card on you?" Hao Ren nodded in a daze, and the lady dragged him inside the office. The young man was yet to register what happened to him when an automated voice sounded, "Host, congratulations on getting married. Omnipotent Husband System is now activated." ... Years later, Hao Ren became an entity many people wished to meet. However, Hao Ren never stayed outside, to everything he had one reply, "I have to go home and cook for my wife." Would you like to know his journey from an average to an over-achieving person standing at the apex of power and prestige? ... Author's Note: If you guys wish to discuss the book with your co-readers, or have suggestions for me on how to improve the story, you can reach me out on discord. Discord: chasing_dream06

Chasing_Dreams · 都市
389 Chs


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