

A guy dies and is reincarnated into a random world he only slightly knows with three wishes. See how he uses his abilities and magic to become absolutely broken in the world of Fate/Stay Night. Just so everyone knows, this is going to be a harem novel and the harem won't exactly be small. Each girl will have her own screen time but don't expect in-depth character arcs with all of them. This novel is my side-project, so don't expect regular updates.

Golden_Slime · 漫画同人
19 Chs

First Pawn of the Tokyo War

"So this is the place?" I asked.

"Of course, husband. I may not be able to see you, however, seeing others is as easy for me as breathing." Manaka replied.

We sat on the roof of a nearby building at night. Across the street from us was a hospital. I had used a bit of magecraft to display a scene from inside the room of a very young boy. He was hooked up to a number of tubes. A tube feeding him oxygen, an IV bag, and a blood bag. It appeared that whatever was affecting the child was causing him a very slow and prolonged death.

His mother, a beautiful woman with shoulder-length red hair and steel-like blue eyes lay crying near her son. She had just heard the news that his condition was fatal and he was unlikely to survive the night. She wept for her child and was praying silently to god. She desperately wished and hoped for someone or something to save her baby, and I was going to be that 'something'.

"Alright, let's go. It's easier to cure someone than bring them back from the dead." I said as I stood up.

"Is husband going to take her as his first concubine?" Manaka asked me.

"No, however, I am going to use her for a few things in the future," I replied as I opened a portal to the room and we both waltzed through it.

The moment I emerged in the room, I felt a large amount of mana building up from the bed.

"Who are you two!?!" The woman said with a voice of both fear, anger, and a slight amount of hope.

I looked at the woman in front of me for a moment before smirking. "Hello, Miss Saijo. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Elza Saijo looked at me with shock for a bit before a small bolt of wind shot past me, drilling a hole in the wall like a bullet. Her hand was shaky, probably not wanting to actually hurt a child, but at the same time, wanting to intimidate me as well. I was only six, so she probably thought I'd be frightened, however, wasn't the least bit scared.

"I-I won't miss next time! Who are you c-child!" She asked with a shaky tone.

I could already tell that she was on the brink. If I pushed her in the right direction, I could easily force her into insanity, however, that would ruin the plan I had for the future. I smirked.

"Forgive me, I an Anos Arcana, and this-" I began but was cut off.

"I am Anos-sama's fiancee. It is a pleasure to meet you." Manaka said, giving a short curtsy while interrupting my introduction. She may not be able to see my future, but it seems like she s getting better at understanding what I might say or do, as she interrupted me to introduce herself as my fiancee to keep me from calling her my 'friend'.

"Arcana!" Elza gasped. She may only be a first-generation magus, the result of an affair between a Japanese woman and a German Magus' brief affair, but she still had enough knowledge of the moonlit world to know about the most prominent magi families, and the Arcana family was definitely prominent. Their family's magecraft bordered on True Magic and it seemed there was nothing they could not do if given the right amount of time and resources.

"Indeed. I've come to you with an offer. A deal with the devil, if you would." I started.

Elza began to shake a bit while looking at the two of us.

"How rude, cowering in fear when we've come to save your child," Manaka said offhandedly. She may be acting courteous, but she already despised this Elza woman. She threatened her precious husband and even fired an attack at him! Manaka was already making plans to make this woman's life a living hell, but sensing this, I made sure to put my hand on her shoulder. When Manaka looked back at me, she saw that I was shaking my head, implying not to even think about such a thing.

Yanderes are a lot of work.

I turned back to Elza and began to speak. "I want something from you, Miss Saijo. In exchange for curing your son, you will help me with various things now, and in the future." I stated.

Elza opened her eyes wide with shock before immediately falling to her knees.

"If you save my little Luka, I'll do anything you want. I'll be your slave, anything!" She almost screamed before looking at me with tears in her eyes. "Please... just please save my baby!" She continued, putting her head down on the floor in a Dogeza position, prostrating herself before me.

I won't lie, it was a bit disturbing to see a grown woman bowing to a six and twelve-year-old, however, such was the world I found myself in. I sighed and walked to her. I bend down and put my hand on her shoulder. After a moment, she lifted her head to look at me.

"The deal is struck. Now stand up, you'll have to comfort your son and deal with all the doctors when Luca here makes his recovery." I said as I stood and walked past her.

I looked down at the young boy. He was about my age. He was pale, nothing but skin and bones, and his body was covered in scars from all the needles and injections he had received in the last few months while getting cared for. I sighed internally at this. I wasn't what could be considered a 'good' person, but even I didn't like seeing children in these near-death states.

I quickly activated my Mystic Eyes and scanned him over. I didn't really need to do this, however, I wanted to make absolutely sure he wasn't under some kind of curse. Thankfully, he wasn't. Curses are harder to get rid of, as I'd need extremely fine control over Spirit Magecraft to strip the curse from his soul without damaging it. If it was a mundane disease, which it was, then simply using Metamorphosis Magecraft would suffice.

I waved my hand and Luka was instantly cured. Color returned to his skin and his body regained a healthy weight. I had used Restoration Magecraft to reverse time on his body to allow his body to recover and used Metamorphosis Magecraft to effectively 'cut out' the diseased parts of his body. I then used more Metamorphosis Magecraft to convert it into biomass. Finally, I used that Biomass to improve his immune system and strengthen his liver.

I did this because I had detected he would eventually suffer from Liver Cancer later in life, and I was feeling generous.

"Luka!" Elza cried out before hugging her baby. This was the healthiest she had seen him in months, so she was happy.

I allowed her to cry her eyes out for a while before she was able to compose herself. In the meantime, I sat on the chair in the corner of the room with Manaka. We both still had small frames, despite being some of the most powerful people in the world, so we both fit onto the same chair. Manaka was enjoying me giving her head pats while I was creating a Geis that effectively bound Elza to my will as my servant.

Under normal circumstances, this would be done before I healed her son, however, I knew from Manaka that he only had a few more seconds of life in him when I healed him, so I had to skip that part.

After a minute, Elza calmed down and looked at the Geis I was holding. She looked a bit shocked but quickly shook her head back and forth to clear her suspicions. It was only natural that I would force her into a Geis, so she resigned herself to basically being my slave.

She got up from her bed and signed the Geis without even reading it through.

"Shouldn't you have read it?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

Elza smiled a sad smile. "No. I said I would give you everything and do anything and I will keep to that promise." She replied.

I smirked. "Your a terrible Magus... but your a good mom." I said as Manaka and I got up from the chair.

"I'm not exactly going to be a tyrant about this, but I need you to begin immediately." I said with a more authoritative tone.

Elza's eyes hardened and she kneeled before me. "What are your orders, m-master?"

Manaka looked at her with an amused smirk. "Don't worry. Husband may be a sadist, but he isn't a heartless monster. Here." Manaka handed Elza a box.

"What is-?"

"This box contains a broken arrowhead used by the Ancient Persian Hero Arash." I said as Elza opened the box to reveal a bright red arrowhead and weathered wooden shaft.

Elza marveled at the sight before her. She seemed to instinctively 'feel' the mystery surrounding the arrowhead, and knew that what I had given her was rather important.

"In three months time, you will summon Arash and participate in the Holy Grail War that is happening soon." I stated.

"Wh- wait! I wasn't planning on going to Fuyuki though and the Grail hasn't chosen me as a master!" Elza replied.

"I'm not talking about the Fuyuki war, there is going to be another Holy Grail War here starting around Febuary. You will become Archers master." I said.

"I-Its a rather dangerous task." Elza said to me.

"Under normal circumstances, it would be, however, my family has been tasked by the Clock Tower and the Church to see that this War is disrupted." I replied.

"Dis-then why are you having me summon Arash? Why not summon him yourself?"

"Simple, really. I want to meet a few of the Servants there. There are a few things I'll have to gain and valuable experience for becoming a master in the next war." I replied as I began to walk out of the room followed by a peppy Manaka, still glowing from the headpats earlier.

"Plus, Manaka said you two always looked cute together, and I ship you two." I said under my breath as I closed the door behind me.

"...what?..." Elza asked herself, confused about the series of experiences she just went through.

"I need a German Beer" She said to noone.


A/N: The more I read about the Tokyo Holy Grail War, the more I feel like I wish it would be a series. Also, even though it is never stated anywhere on the wiki that the two have feelings for each other, I kinda ship Arash and Elza from what little I know about them. Elza is cute as hell, but she definitely isn't going to be a part of the harem, she IS, however, going to be an important subordinate of the MC later on though, so make sure to keep her in mind.

Next up, Tatsumi Kitano. Don't want his cute little sister to be sad, but his mystic eyes are going to be relevant to the coming story.

Golden_Slimecreators' thoughts