
Fate Black Hound

A normal guy who finds himself involved with the Moonlit world through tragedy and will grow stronger so he doesn't lose anything else again *Strong MC *Alternate Universe *Other Character from other Franchise may appear

Hanmus · 漫画同人
64 Chs

Prydwen & Rhongomyniad

*Kaito PoV

As I stepped out from the Portal I notice we are in the living room, suddenly something is flying in front of my face and I instinctively snatched it.

It is a note, I blink and then read it.

"Congratulation on successfully getting back home by yourself Kaito! Don't worry about the Chair you store in your Kaleido inventory, you can have it since I have plenty of it. We will end today's lesson since you have an important meeting later. Have a Nice Day!."

Signed by Your Beloved Teacher Zeltrech Schweinorg.

My eyebrow twitches a bit at the note and I take a few breaths to calm myself down.

"Is there something wrong Kaito?"

"Nothing, what are the girls doing now?" I store the note inside my inventory space and asked Artoria what Miyu and Sakura doing right now.

"Both of them are inside their shared bedroom"

"I see, thank you for looking after them Artoria"

"It's no trouble Kaito"

I watch the clock and saw we still have some time before Mr. Risei come, so I decided to visit Miyu and Sakura in their room and spend time with them.


I and Artoria arrived at the docks and see Mr. Risei already waiting with someone else.

It was a young-looking man with black hair.

'He must be Meruem Solomon that Merlin talking about

He feels similar to Mr. Zeltrech as he is also another Dead Apostle.

"Good Evening Kaito, I see you have arrives with Saber" Mr. Risei Greeted us.

"Good Evening Mr. Risei and Mr. Solomon, it's nice to meet you" I greeted them both

"...sigh, Good Evening" He greeted back after sighing a bit.

"So are you the one that has my belonging? I don't care how you come to possess it, but now give it back" Artoria said as she stood before Meruem Solomon.

"...tch" He reluctantly grabbed something behind him and presented it to Artoria.

It is wrapped in some kind of mystic code.

'Is that the boat? But how it's so small?'

Artoria tore it open easily and I can see what the boat looks like.

"....is that a surfing board?" I am asked

The supposed boat or Ship of King Arthur is a golden-colored surfing board ?!

The color is similar to Saber Avalon so it might be true, but I did not expect that.

"Mmm... This is indeed my ship and Merlin seems not to be lying, now to see if it still working"

Artoria walked to the edge near the sea Water then she tossed it.

"Bright! Ehangwen!"

The Surfing board glowing brightly make me shield my eyes and then I heard a big splash in the seawater.

I opened my eyes and saw the enormous ship of Artoria Prydwen. Without any words, Artoria jump into it and landed in the middle of it.

Then suddenly a throne emerges behind Artoria and she proceeds to sit on it.

I watched as the ship slowly went forward and backward then to my amazement, it started floating in the air.

After a few minutes of Artoria testing her ship, she jumped back into my side, then she extended her hands toward the ship which glowed a bit and then turned into a surfing board again in Artoria's hands.

She inspects it again and turned to Mr. Risei and Mr. Solomon who stared speechless at what just happen.

"Thank you," she said briefly, then stores it inside her ring.

Arturia's words seem to make Mr. Risei come back to his sense.

"Ah, it's not a trouble Ms. Saber, we are glad we were able to return what is belong to you"

He replied.

"... If I know it can turn into that I might have tried to fake it." Mr. Solomon said in a low tone but I can hear it and so does Artoria glaring at him.

Thankfully she doesn't respond other than that and Mr. Risei quickly ended our meeting to not aggravated Artoria and they left us alone in the docks.

"So it's Prydwen or Ehangwen? If I remember Ehangwen is Your Kingdom Hall right?"

"It's Prydwen, Ehangwen is merely a code made by Merlin as a fail-safe"

"I see, now you have your 'Peydwen' back what are you going to do?"

I asked, curious if she will go to get her Lance back.

"Kaito, I ask your permission to retrieve my Lance"

"... Right now ?"

"Yes, Right now"

"... Are you going to use Prydwen?"

"Yes I am"

"Did your ship have a 'stealth' function?"

"It did not"

"...Summon it and I will apply 'Invisible rune on it"

It will not hide it from sensors and stuff but it certainly will not be visible to the naked eye.

After I am done applying it, I turn toward Artoria

And told her to be careful, especially about Merlin's Warning that her Lance is currently in a little girl's possession and he said Artoria will understand when she saw it.

Artoria nodded in understanding and I jumped back to the docks and waved to Artoria who waved back as her ship slowly floated and quickly sped up in the sky.

"There she goes, I just hope the warning part from Merlin is nothing that Artoria can't handle, well if she can't I will help her as she is now an important person to me." With that, I head back home

*Artoria PoV

Merlin said Rhongomyniad is somewhere around here, then I saw a village nearby.

'That must be it.'

I make Prydwen stop above the village to try to locate the little girl that Merlin warned about that I will understand once I saw her.

'Merlin and his Annoying cryptic words.'

And I did not find her, she must be inside one of the buildings.

'Sigh, I plan to quickly grab it and head back to Kaito but this will make me need to search it one by one with no other choice I dismissed Peydwen and store it inside my ring and jump down, using my wind Mastery to slow down and not making any sound.

I landed near one of the first buildings and quickly opened it (by force) to search for it.

When I opened it I saw a single little girl sitting down with her head laying down between her legs.

She turned toward me when heard me forcibly open the door.

We meet each other eyes and can see each other faces

My eyes widened when I saw her face.

"... You" I am stunned for a moment and quickly understand what Merlin's words are about I will understand when I saw her face.

"...W-who are you?" she also looks shocked when saw my face.

I ignored her words and approached her to inspect her further.

'She has my face but it looks unnatural, it looks like something changed her face.'

Is this Morgan's work? Just what she wants to do?

I saw her holding something in her hands.

It was a birdcage mystic code and I can feel my Lance Rhongomyniad inside It.

Making a girl having a similar disposition to 'King Arthur' and having her wielding Rhongomyniad.

Did Morgan want to make this girl her vessel?

I look toward the nervous girl and hold my hand

"Girl, you have something I have, give it to me"

I order the girl.

"Ar-Are you, King Arthur?" She asked with a strange tone of a mix of Happiness and confusion.

"Yes I am"

"..Then here it is" She presented me with the birdcage and I pick it up.

The Birdcage glowed slightly then it started speaking

"..what this presence, King Arthur? Sister-" I immediately crushed the mystic code.

'That voice...Morgan just what are you hoping to do by inserting Sir Kay Voice.'

Is she hopes if by chance I discover my Lance I will hesitate to take it from the Mystic Code?

Maybe if it was my 'Normal' self but my current self is impossible.

Immediately a bright light engulfed us and a strong wind wreck havoc around me, immediately I shielded the little girl from it.

When it died down the building is destroyed and I hold my Lance in my right hand.

"Rhongomyniad" I spoke softly.

I inspect it for a moment just in case Morgan tinkering with it.

But I don't get that much time as I saw people start rushing my way.

Acted quickly I store Rhongomyniad inside the ring and opened the portal to Kaito's side and about to jump in when I remember the girl.

'If I leave her here, She may suffer the consequences of Losing My Lance. And she can reveal my existence to other people.'

And that will complicate things if people start looking for 'King Arthur' and bother me.

"Girl you come with me" With that I grab her and jump in.

**Kaito Home

"Welcome Back Artoria" He greeted me back along with Miyu and Sakura

"I am Back Kaito" I greeted back and saw Kaito is currently cooking dinner, so I was about to help him.

"Ahem Artoria, are you not going to introduce her?" Kaito ask and he pointed to the girl in my hand.

"This the Girl Merlin talking about in your dream Kaito" I replied as I set her down

"I see, then why are you bringing her here?"

"If I leave her be, she can reveal my existence to other people and I don't want people to bother me when I only want to serve you"

"...Then are you going to take care of her?"

Kaito's question makes me blink, and I look toward the girl who doesn't meet my gaze and keeps her face facing the floor.

Certainly, it looks like Kaito said, I need to take care of her since I bring her with me.

That should not be a bad idea, I can raise her to become Miyu and Sakura Maid just like I am Kaito Maid.

I kneeled and force myself to meet my gaze.

"Girl, what is your name?" Since I don't know and need to address her properly.

But she chooses to stay silent

"You don't have a name?" I asked

She shakes her head negatively.

Then I need to give her name.

"Very Well I will give you a Name then, From now on your name is Ciel, Ciel Pendragon," I told her new name.

"..Ciel Pendragon?" She looks confused and happy

"Yes Ciel Pendragon shall be your new name from now on"

After that, I make her introduce herself properly to Kaito

"He-Hello My name is Ciel Pendragon, Nice to meet you, Sir," The Girl now named Ciel Pendragon said her greeting

Kaito greeted back and went back to preparing dinner so I told Ciel to introduce herself to Sakura and Miyu as their new Servant just like I am to Kaito.

The Girl looks confused at that but she nodded nonetheless and went to where Sakura and Miyu who was watching us curiously.

I went back and to helped Kaito prepare Dinner and while cooking the dishes Kaito ask me a question.

"Artoria did Ciel have any proper clothes and other essential things?"

"...She did not" I replied

"That won't do, after Dinner, you need to buy her things Artoria"

"Understood" I nodded.

Dinner went as usual beside Sakura and Miyu who attempt to talk to Ciel who looks shy at their talk but answered what she can.

After that as Kaito said I bring Ciel to the stores to buy her things.

With that done we heading back home and have a small talk on the way

"Thank you, Your Majesty, but what am supposed to do with her" Ciel finally said something.

"...Don't call me that, I am no longer a king, call me by something else. And as for what you are going to do as I told you before, you are going to become Sakura and Miyu's servant and Maid" I told her

"...What are Servant and Maid?" Ciel ask

I paused midway and looks toward Ciel who looks genuinely don't know.

So as we walk I told her what are Servant and Maid to her. She understands some of it But she still looks confused, so I decided to her a book about Servants and Maids that I have.

She thanks me once again but she still calls me by my king title.

"Ciel as I said before don't call me by my King status," I told her.

"...Then can I call you Mother ?" She asks

That make me stumbled and make me stare at her again.

"... Ah I am sorry if it's not allowed, please don't send me back!" She bows frightened

"I shall allow it," I told her simply and resumed walking, she quickly followed and start walking beside me with a happy expression.

"Thank you, Mother"

'Mother huh? Am I even deserving to have someone called by that title?.'

That question is bothering me even after placing Ciel's stuff back in my room as she will now stay with me.

After we were done placing it, it was time for bedtime as we will have important things to do in the morning.

She looks uncomfortable sleeping in the same bed as me but eventually, she fell asleep

As I looked at her sleeping face that question still bothers me but I forced myself to sleep nonetheless.

**Dream ???

But then I felt something strange and opened my eyes. I saw a field full of pink flowers.

"This is..." I felt someone's annoying presence behind me and immediately summoned Excalibur and swing at it.

"Waah!!" I missed and I turn around to see Merlin in all of his annoying glory.

"Merlin, give me one reason to not kill you right now?" I give him one warning as thanks to him I recover Prydwen and Rhongomyniad.

And I give an incentive by charging my Excalibur

"Ah I am only here to congratulate you on retrieving Prydwen and Rhongomynad"

"Is that so?" I replied sending a small Excalibur blast that blew past his head and blows something far away from us

"Very well I will accept your words for now"

"Yes! Thanks and Forgive me, my king!" Merlin bowed to the ground

While I am here I summoned Rhongomyniad and make Merlin inspect it for Morgan tampering.

"There is something My King, there is a kind of small connection that may make Morgan take over Rhongomyniad Vessel"

"Is that even possible Merlin? I remember Rhongomyniad is not ordinary Lance and not even you can completely tamper it"

"It indeed should be impossible as Rhongomyniad itself is chosen you as the wielder, but what Morgan doing is making the Rhongomyniad user body slowly transform into a similar composition to the 'Pendragon' bloodline. And also making them 'Empty'"

I frowned at the word 'Empty'.

"Just what do you mean by 'Empty' Merlin?"

"Empty as in their will and personality will be absorbed by the Rhongomyniad, because Normal human is not able to properly use it since it was a divine construct. After there will become 'Empty' it seems Morgan attempted to possess the Vessel herself" Merlin explain

"do you know what Morgan wants by doing this Merlin?"

"...I am sorry but I don't know my King"

"Haha, she already succeeded in 'killing' Me and destroyed Camelot, just what else did she want? I don't understand her"

"It's good to think you don't understand her My King"

"I suppose but maybe if we can understand each other better, Camelot Will not fall that fast"

Merlin said nothing at that

"...Merlin did you know what happen to my knight's weapons?"

"Some of them are destroyed and some of them were picked and hidden by Morgan"

"... I see there is nothing else Send me back Merlin"

"Very well My King" With that Merlin waved his staff and I started feeling sleepy

"...Merlin do I deserve to be called a mother?"

"...I don't have an answer for that My King but I can confidently say you can be a better Mother than Morgan"

"...Thank you, Merlin"

With that, I finally closed both of my eyes and let Merlin's spell and sleep overtake me