
Chapter 16 - What The Hale?!

Willow's POV

"What am I doing here?! What are you doing here!" Malia yelled, her eyes shifting electric blue. You can tell that they've met before, and that it didn't end on good terms. "I was suppose to never see you again!" Mister seethed, glaring at Malia. "How was I suppose to know you'd turn up at my cousin's pack house?!" Mister looked taken aback. "Derek Hale's your cousin?" He asked, slight nervousness creeping into his voice. "Thanks to my wonderful father" She sarcastically said, sending an innocent smile towards Peter.

"What so you even want Holton?" She asked, AHA, Mister's name is Holton. "I want the pup" Malia looked furious. "There is no way in hell you're taking her!" Mister- excuse me, Holton, looked irritated. "I need an heir, she is the only one" Malia scoffed. "So when you said you were just fine with your little fake Luna, you actually couldn't bring yourself to mark her. Aww seems like you need to wake up and realise you brought this on yourself" Holton opened his mouth to say soemthing when Peter interrupted.

"Excuse me but, are you going to stand there are argue about soemthing and completely forget that we're standing here!" He shouted, clearly annoyed at being left out. "This doesn't include you" Holton growled. "Oh, I'm sorry, but am I not aloud to know anything about my daughter!" The whole room went silent. "Can we talk later, please" Malia pleaded, turning to all of us. I rolled my eyes, for the first time, showing attitude infront of other people.

"Tell us what you're talking about, then we'll talk" Malia sighed and turned to Holton with a glare. "Catherine, you can come out now" A woman who looked about sixteen came out and looked guilty. "You knew about this?" Malia sighed, while Catherine wrung her hands together. "Look, he's my Alpha, I can't do anything or he'll make me a rogue!" She yelled, tears slipping down her face. Malia nodded and pulled Cathrine into a hug. "Stay out of this" She growled at Holton and one of the other boys. They sighed but nodded reluctantly.

Malia brought Catherine inside and sat her on the sofa. "Holton wasn't even sure she was here- but he decided to invade your place anyway" She sniffed, looking at the floor. "Holton....is someone who wants everything and expects everything when he asks for it. Don't give it to him" Malia whispered, stealing a glance at Holton. "He does need an heir though Malia. Our Luna is cruel and needs to learn that all people have rights!" Malia nodded and rubbed Catherine's back. "Can you hurry it up please!" Holton orders impatiently.

Peter had enough, he pulled the men into the room and locked the door behind them. "Start talking" He shouted, pulling Malia and Holton away from their groups. "You're not getting her, end of story" Holton disagreed and stepped towards her, his giant height making her look smaller than what she actually was. "You took her from me, you didn't even give me a chance!" Malia rolled her eyes. "No, I didn't, because she wants going to be rejected like I was!" She said it so loudly, I bet Paris could hear it.

"Yeah, there we go, I said it, I'm a reject, my mate didn't want me, so rejected me. On the full moon of my adoptive parents crash, my anchor was my mate, but he rejected me leaving me with the urge to shift. I shred them to pieces, it's his fault they're dead. It's his fault he never got a chance with his daughter!" The whole room stopped and was silent, Malia had stormed out and was now nowhere to be seen. Peter looked like he could kill Holton. Curly, Colette, Derek and Daniel, were all shocked.

Holton is my father, and I think Malia is my mother. Wow. That means that Peter is....my Grandad! Derek seemed emotionless. I couldn't tell what Colette was feeling, but Daniel was throughly confused. "What does she mean Mama?" The confused boy asked, tugging on his mothers trousers. "Um...she means-" Derek interrupted her. "She means that Willow is your cousin" Daniel's face contorted into a massive grin. "Cousin!" He yelled before bounding towards me and engulfing me in a hug.

"Does this mean you have a nice Mommy and Daddy now?" He asked. The room went silent once more, "Hey Dan, come on, its time for your bath" Colette said, trying to steer the conversation around. "Papa?" Derek nodded and lifted his son onto his shoulders. I wanted to go to Malia, but my feet were stuck on the ground. I don't know what to feel, Malia hadn't told me I was her daughter, so should I be angry? Or should I be happy that I have a mother who cares. And I can't just forget about my old family, Jessica and James must be so worried!

I must look very peculiar, standing still staring into space. Somebody tapped my shoulder and I broke from my thoughts. I head the person try to get the right words but fail, "Willow?" It was Mister. I flinched away from his touch, this is too much. I can't, my brain is literally about to explode. "I need time, I'm sorry" I said, before walking away further into the loft. I wondered around, lost in my own thoughts. How does this change anything, does my old family now mean nothing? Is Mister going to hang around long? Or is he going to flee at the second he realises he doesn't want me.

Tomorrow is suppose to be my first day of school, aren't I suppose to be excited? I just have too much on my mind right now, so maybe school with clear it and give me a break. Yeah, that's what I'll do, at least I'll be able to do it with Daniel, it's going to be his first day too. Hopefully I don't have to go with Holton, but at the same time I do want to go. Ugh, this is all so confusing. I feel like I'm so old person talking about their troubles to a therapist. I heard somebody walk up behind me, from the scent he gave off I could tell it was Peter.

"Hi Peter" I greeted in a tired voice. He sat down on the nearest chair and pulled me into his lap. "You okay kid?" I slowly nodded before changing my mind and shaking my head. "I just have so many things going on. With my family, old and new, can I even call them old? Do I not matter to them anymore, do I go with Holton, am I suppose to be angry at Malia, am I suppose to be happy, am I-" He cut me off with a look. "Well, I know that you are going to stay in Beacon Hills, and that tomorrow is your first day of school, I also know that with time you'll adjust to everything. I promise" I slowly nodded and felt sleep taking over me.

"Night Night Grandad"