
Chapter 11 - The Full Moon

Willow's POV

After mommy gave us dinner I stormed off to my room. Something just wants right and its agitating me. I changed into my comfy pjs and started cuddling with my favourite stuffed toy, Penguino.

(Special shout-out to you Penguino)

I tried getting to sleep so many times, but I was either to hit or too cold. My palms were becoming sweaty and it didn't matter how much I opene dyed windows or the air conditioning blasting cold air into my room, it just wants doing anything. "Ugh!" I groaned, throwing my covers off for the thousandth time. Today I had just been very irritable, I couldn't help but snap at Jess after kindergarten. I needed something to take my anger out on. I tried to do colouring, playing with my toys, stomping on the grass in the garden and other things.

My frustration was really straitjg to affect me, and so was the heat. "Mommy!" I called out into the hallway, I had given up on sleeping, all I wanted to do was to cool down. Everywhere I went the heat just seemed to follow me everywhere I turned. "Mommy!" I pounded onto her door until she angrily slammed it open. "What do you want Willow? It's two in the morning?!" I huffed at her. "I'm really hot! Everywhere is way too hot!" I nearly yelled up at her. "That is no way to talk to your mother Willow!" I glared ta her. "You're not my mother!" I snapped before charging off.

I was extremely surprised at my sudden outburst, but I had to get somewhere a lot colder. I swung open the back door and trudged outside. I heard Mommy yelling from behind me, she started following me into the garden so I took off. I started running into the nearest forest, Mommy still hot on my tail. At this point the heat had subsided but now I wanted to kill somebody. I don't care who it is! I just need to hear the satisfying sound of human flesh ripping under my claws. Wait, claws?! I loked down at my fingernails and saw long sharp nails sticking out of them.

I gasped and put my hands over my mouth, I immediately realised I had big teeth, canines I think my teacher calle dbig teeth on doggies. I heard my Mom yelling at me. "Willow! Come back here now!" She screamed, slowly getting closer to me. I turned to face her and she looked at me in sheer terror. I tilted my head in confusion and ran off towards the river. I looked down at my watery reflection and saw a girl with golden eyes, sharp canines and deadly claws staring back at me. I nearly screamed and carried on running. An instinct was kicking in, I wanted to kill my mother, she horrible to me just now, she desvers it!

I started running in my mothers direction, flowing her unpleasant odour of cheap perfume. I saw my mother standing by a large oak tree, trying to catch her breath. I growled and started running towards her. Suddenly, a large animal or person collided with me and sent me piling down a hill, the person still ontop of me, crushing my small body with their large one. They pinned me to the floor and they looked confused. I realised the person above me had green eyes, messy black hair and a very confused face. I quickly realised that they were in fact a he.

He seemed to breath my smell in and became more confused. "Wolf" he muttered, so quiet that I shouldn't have been able to hear. I frowned at him and he pulled me off the ground so I could stand. The want to kill someone had subsided now but no disappeared completely. I saw Mommy infornt of me. "You young lady are coming home with me!" She screamed before tugging me towards her. The green eyed man held onto me though. "You're a disappointment and shame to our family! You cannot stay like this. No Venenum will ever stay a monster, or be one at all"

The green eyed man growled at my mother. "Hunter" He muttered, 0ulling me back with him. "I'm not going to let you kill her. She is has done nothing." Mommy huffed an pointed an accusing finger at the man. "Then you will have her stay with you until she has control, then I'd consider her coming home." The man growler at her. "She can't come home with me. I already have a son who is learning, I can't have two if them with me all the time." He snarled. "She stays at home, I will teach her once a week. She stays at home, where she belongs, with her family"

Mommy looked disgusted at me. "No monster is my family. When I adopted her, I was told she was normal, not a killing beast!" She yelled. "Just because we're predators doesn't mean we're killers" He snarled before walking off. Mommy pulled me back to our house and shouted for everybody to come to the kitchen. James was last down as he seemed tired and fed up. "Why did 6ou wake me at 2am!" He complained, while trying to mind a decent coffee mug to make his morning coffee.

"Willow can't stay here" My siblings looked at me in shock. "Why?!" They both yelled in sync. "She's one of them" The both gasped and glared at me. "The question is, was she born or bitten?" Mommy pondered about what Jess had just said. "That is exactly what we have to find out. The chances of her being bitten are much lower than her being born. Her birth certificate doesn't say anything another parents. But I gave a feeling that she was born. I mean tha chances of her being bitten are slim, you have to be very physically for the bite to work and for you to survive.

"And I have a feeling I know exactly who to ask"