
Fatal Attraction | r18

Aella Diamantini's entire life changes when her father suddenly dies of cancer and she's forced to move from Los Angeles to a Victorian small city of billionaire in England, with her baby twin siblings, to live with her mother who abandoned her when she was 7 years old to marry a billionaire with son slightly older than her from his first marriage. A son that she's loathes with all her soul ever since she was a child, and had to hear that her mother had abandoned her because she wasn't as good and perfect as her son-in-law was, making her evolve a craving to be the best at everything, to be better than him at everything. Tristan De Vere Beauclerk had no idea who she was when he met him, he only knew three things: she was a Princess in the ice, she clearly hated him for some reason he had no idea of, and she was dangerous to his very soul. Meeting her felt like meeting the cause of his future death and his greatest weakness. Until a year later when that hateful hostile redhead came into his home with two small siblings, and turned out to be the mysterious daughter of the woman he had as a mother, the woman who raised him after his mom died. And the second he saw her again, he knew she was going to clash against him, in a way nobody ever dared to. But nothing will be the same after Aella is forced to kill their common enemy in the woods to save her only life and avoid something worse from happening, and Tristan is the one who comes to her aid, and against all she ever thought of him, helps her get rid of the body. No matter how hard they try to ignore the bond that formed that fateful night, fate will keep finding ways to push them to one another again. ♟️ Ongoing. Young adult dark romance. Enemies to lovers. Contains abuse triggers, sexual content, use of drugs and alcohol, and explicit deaths. ♟️ English is not my first language. ♟️ #artist #darkacademia #darkromance #death #enemiestolovers #enemieswithbenefits #figureskating #forbidden #hockeyplayer #loss #morallygrey #motorcycle #mustang #mysteriouscrush #obsession #oldmoney #possessiveness #sexualassault #stalking #vengeance #winterball #youngadult

letmebeyourdemise · 现代言情
30 Chs

♟️twenty-four | Tristan

♟️Streets by Doja Cat

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I think we all choked on whatever we were having, I definitely did, and my friends covered their mouths not to laugh, my father certainly was struggling not to, and mother was with her jaw on the ground, shocked. "What?" She gasped.

"He is hot. I never feel attracted to like, nobody at all. In fact, me and father used to think I was asexual, but then, I met your perfect-son, and suddenly I was liking men. He's as hot as your husband, with all due respect, even dad thought your husband was insanely hot, and he also thought his son was too. That was the first thing he told me after we left for our room. 'Ugh, Ella, that boy is so gorgeous I felt blind by his beauty', even the twins thought that. So, nope, I can't get near him, because I hate him and he's hot, which is a nightmare and makes me hate him even more. Ain't that reason enough for my emancipation?"

Oh, she has no idea the phone is on speaker.

"You ain't getting emancipated, Aella Wells Diamantini, you are barely 16 years old, your birthday was on November 8th, you are a kid," mother said firmly. "Having a little crush on Tristan won't kill, maybe you will hate him less, besides, he isn't your brother, you never even lived around each other, it won't kill. You are not getting this emancipation, take that stupid idea out of your head."

"I won't be happy there," she tried again.

"You don't sound happy in the US either," mocked and I covered my mouth not to laugh at her quick remark. "At least here you will be with me, you may be rebel and whatever the hell you think you are, but I'm still your mother. My answer is no, this is non-negotiable. And I doubt you will be a problem to any of us, even with your nasty temper, you will treated well in here."

Oh, no, I'm going to torment this girl.

"Why can't you listen to me?" She groaned.

"You are a minor, I know what's better."

"Oh, yeah, you showed that in the past 9 years, mother," she snapped. "You will regret this decision, you will all hate me, I'm trying to avoid a mutual annoyance."

"I've made up my mind, Aella," mother said.

"Fuck, fine, damn it. But if any of your rich friends and son and children of friends or husband try to mess with me, or say I'm there for money and whatever, and dare to input shit on me, I will not stay still. You won't be able to say I didn't warn you, Juliette Wells de Vere Beauclerk. Put me in a room as far from your step-son as fucking possible, I tend to have murderous thoughts when I'm in a bad mood, and I just know I'll always be in a bad mood with that bastard around. Put the twins next to each other. This is a horrible decision, but fine, I'll be in the UK tomorrow. Horrible Christmas for you, mother," she hung up.

She handed my dad his phone again and a long silence befell the entire dinning room. So much that it go uncomfortable and I had to break it.

"Well, that explains why she was Aella Diamantini was glaring at me as if I had murdered two hundred babies and drank the blood of five thousand virgins while punching her grandma," I sipped my juice. "And it makes even more sense how she said that me not knowing who she was made it all worse and made her hate me more. Who could've thought."

"So, you did meet her?" Dad asked.

A nod, "Sure did, she was giving me some really murderous glare down from where she was ice skating, it creeped the hell out of me, because I had never seen the girl in my life, then she was hostile as hell. The boys can prove it. The twins were fine and her father was definitely the nicest, though he," I paused for a second, "told us he was terminally ill, saying we would never see each other again. But we did nothing because we really thought our paths weren't related at all."

"That sounds like something Dean would have done," mom sighed. "It just... pains me that he put so much pressure on Aella, even at 7 years old, she already did that on her own, always wanting to do her best at everything. I... I thought it was the best decision to leave them with him, instead of making them go from the US to the UK all the time. I didn't think she would be so heartbroken about it, and she's right to be mad, I was horrible mom."

"No," I snapped annoyed, "you're not."

She smiled apologetically, "Not to you, darling, but to Aella I was. Her dad used to be her favorite, so I didn't think she would miss me so much, but I guess I was wrong. I never thought Dean would ever feel inferior and even less project that on her. And it makes me feel even worse than she had to abandon her childhood to take care of the twins, or how she knows so much about them and I know... nothing. I don't even know her, what color should I even decorate her things with?"

"Blue and black," I said it before I could even think about it and they all looked at me, which made me act nonchalantly. "I may have gotten angry about the ice skater girl who was randomly rude with me, and searched about her competitions to see if I could find flaws on her, so I could focus on them instead, and think bad shit about her. Well, she only ice skates in different shades of blue and black, so, I guess those are her colors. It makes sense since she's redhead, though her green eyes would make green one of her colors too."

"Sorry about all this," mom sighed. "I hope it's okay for them to live with us, my love. Even if Aella causes some trouble, I think it's past the time I have my kids here with us."

"Hah, I love it," dad clapped his hand. "Oh, mate, this is going to be fun, I feel like she'll clash against Tristan in every argument we mention around them. Well, I feel great that she thinks I'm gorgeous, I thought she hated everything about me," he said with a smug, "or that her father also thought I was painfully gorgeous, he was handsome too."

Mum sighed, "She took Dean's stubbornness, that's for sure. I can't believe he didn't told her that he was terminally ill."

"He didn't because he didn't want her to overthink it," Yohan said. "He told us. He didn't want her to not enjoy their last year together, to not waste it away in a helpless search for a cure that she wouldn't find, and that would make her blame herself in the end," and we nodded. "I'm sorry, aunt Juliette, we had no idea he was your ex husband and the father of your kids."

"I should have told you about it," I passed my hand over my hair, frustrated. "He did tell us his name was Dean Diamantini, and that he had beef with you, but I didn't think it was anything this big."

Sigh, "It's alright, darling," she smiled softly. "It hurts to know that he passed the way he did, and it worries me about the kids, since his father passed away in the same way, and so did his grandmother. But we'll find a way to go one with all this. I believe in Aella, so the twins will be lovely and easy to deal with, while she'll be the trouble. Ah, and I think the best room for her is the one in front of yours, Tris."

Oh, that's a terrible idea, "Fine with me," I'm about to be haunted and to haunt her down with this. Hell, she'll be so haunted she'll recognize me by my footsteps. "But I won't be kind, not when she won't either, mum."

"Deal with her how you feel like it's the best, that's between you and her," she rolled her shoulders softly.

There ain't words more satisfying than those.

I will do whatever the hell I feel like.

But she won't like it.