⟪Complete Novel⟫, ⟪Contains themes that are not suitable for all audiences⟫ Marriage is the start of a new chapter in every woman’s book. What about divorce then? After five years of marriage, a miscarriage, and the endless blame Cynthia had to endure because of her mother-in-law, life-changing news reaches her ears: Her husband is cheating on her with none other than her best friend! When Cynthia's heart is broken, she sets out on a mission to get back and get the revenge she deserves. Can her ex-husband extinguish the fire of her fury? Or were her wounds always meant to be tended to by another man, her first love?
Thousands of moments passed in front of Cynthia's eyes.
They were little bits and pieces, some of them were more vivid than others and a couple of them stood out. The nights Mrs. Edinburgh stayed up when Cynthia was sick or was studying for an exam... coming back in tears to find her when she had her first period... seeking her soothing scent when George walked out on her after her dream of being together with him came true... her tears when she asked her nanny to move back with her after she got a divorce from her ex husband… And then the more recent ones… How she carried John and loved him like her own grandchild.
Cynthia's nanny was one in a million.