
50Chapter 50 Recruiting outer disciples

Qin Ye has no special rules about the Gongfa Building. Only Wan Chen and Wu Xuan'er have been there. Even if others want to go in, they can't. Of course, this is intentional by Qin Ye. These people were recruited by Qin Ye, and their loyalty to the sect is not that high, so they have been suppressed.

If they contribute enough to the development of the sect, Qin Ye will not restrict them anymore.

After all, he Qin Ye is not such a stingy person. He can't do the thing of wanting others to squeeze milk out of cows without giving them grass to eat.

"The first batch of outer disciples can recruit 100 people within seven days. The location is Qingfeng Mountain. I will set up a few tests at that time. Just pass the test. In addition, there is still plenty of time this time. You can also go to other cities near Qingfeng City to promote it and strive to get more people, so that you can recruit outer disciples with good qualifications."

"As for the age, it is stipulated that it is under 18 years old. You can come with or without cultivation."

Qin Ye said slowly.

It is obvious that Qin Ye is no longer satisfied with Qingfeng City. Who says it's not true? In a small Qingfeng City, there are five or six small sects here. Those with some qualifications have been plundered. It must be necessary to cast a wide net, and maybe one or two big fish can be caught.

"In addition, you can recruit some errand boys and cooks, and the money will come from the outer sect."

With more people, they need to eat, so Qin Ye plans to build a canteen. As for the disciples, they must pay for their meals. It is impossible to get them for free.

"Yes, Sect Master."

Yuan Ming agreed and said, "Don't worry, Sect Master, I will definitely do this beautifully." This is the first time he works for Qingfeng Sect, and he must put in twelve points of energy to complete this matter, so that the Sect Master will look at him differently.

"Does the Sect Master have any other instructions?"

"The Lord of Qingfeng City and the Zhou family are still in the back mountain, you go and settle their people at the foot of the mountain, they can't return to Qingfeng City for the time being." At this point, Qin Ye suddenly asked: "How is Qingfeng City now?"

"The army of Yangling Hou has returned to Qingzhou, but there are many strangers in Qingfeng City, probably spies from various forces. Qingfeng City is now ownerless, but no one dares to make trouble in Qingfeng City."

Yuan Ming replied.

"Let the Lord of Qingfeng City go back to preside over the affairs of Qingfeng City. I think no one dares to embarrass him for the time being." Qin Ye thought for a while and said.

Qingfeng City submitted to Qin Ye, but he did not announce it directly in public because he did not want to make the people of Qingfeng City suffer. If he announced that Qingfeng City submitted to Qingfeng Sect, they could not break Qingfeng Sect, and they might take it out on the people of Qingfeng City, so it didn't matter whether to announce it or not, it was better to stay calm and wait until the strength was sufficient before announcing it. After all, they had just made enemies with the Great Qin Dynasty, and who knew whether the Great Qin Dynasty would send troops to attack.

After briefly explaining a few things, Qin Ye asked them to go out and handle the matter of recruiting outer disciples as soon as possible.

The two left the hall and went to the back mountain to find the Lord of Qingfeng City. The Lord of Qingfeng City had been with the head of Zhou Family for the past two days. When the Lord of Qingfeng City heard that Qingfeng Sect was going to recruit outer disciples, he immediately patted his chest and said that he would do his best to help.

The head of Zhou Family said that he would also help, but he was thinking that he would let the young descendants of the family try, maybe someone would succeed.

Although his son Wan Chen has now broken through to the innate realm, after all, the development of the family will not rely on only one person. Now that Qingfeng Sect is so powerful, only by relying on Qingfeng Sect can the Wan family prosper.

After a discussion, the Lord of Qingfeng City and the head of Zhou Family promoted the matter of recruiting outer disciples in Qingfeng City, and as for the nearby cities, they would go there.

In less than half a day, the news that Qingfeng Sect was going to recruit outer disciples spread throughout Qingfeng City, and several nearby cities also got the news soon. Knowing that it was Qingfeng Sect that was going to recruit outer disciples, the local forces in these cities did not dare to stop it, and some even said they could help secretly.

"Great, Qingfeng Sect is finally recruiting people, I want to go!"

"I heard that Qingfeng Sect has a master master sitting in charge, if not now, when will I go-"

"Aren't you afraid of King Qin's blame?"

"Humph! What are you afraid of? This is Qingzhou, and it is not so easy for King Qin to deal with Qingfeng Sect."

"That's right, Qingfeng Sect will recruit disciples this time regardless of strength or qualifications. As long as they meet the conditions, they will be recruited. We can give it a try."


Qingfeng Sect became famous after a battle. Even if many people dare not come to Qingfeng Sect, there will still be many people going to Qingfeng Mountain.

After all, if you want to stand out in this world, the fastest and most convenient way is to join a sect.

Those big families are better, with skills and resources for the younger generations of the clan to practice, but many children from ordinary families have nothing. They either live a dull life or go to Qingfeng Sect to make a fortune.

Although there were not as many people as expected on the first day, there were still more than a hundred people coming.

On the second day, nearly two hundred people came.

On the third day, people from nearby cities came, and more than 300 people came.

Due to the large number of people, they could not enter Qingfeng Sect, so they could only live at the foot of Qingfeng Mountain. As for how to live, they had to figure it out by themselves. The wealthy families would build simple houses, and the poor would just find a place to rest.

On the fourth day, Yuan Ming gathered all the more than 600 people who came together and said to them: "From now on, enter the defense formation. As long as you can pass the formation and reach the mountain gate, you will pass the first level."

Someone immediately asked, "I heard that even the masters dare not enter this formation. We have low cultivation. Will our lives be in danger if we enter?"

After all, the war had just happened. Everyone had heard about the Qingfeng Sect's defensive formation. Even if they hadn't heard of it, they would know it by asking around.

They came to learn from the master, and they didn't want to lose their lives before entering the sect.

This is human nature. ..

Yuan Ming was not angry, and laughed, "It's my fault that I didn't explain it clearly. Now this formation has no lethality. There is only a simple psychedelic formation set up by the sect master. If you don't come out in two hours, you will be automatically sent out by the formation, and you won't be in danger of your life."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay! I'll be the first one."

The young man who asked the question just now took the initiative to come out and was the first to enter the formation. Afterwards, many people walked in one after another. Seeing that they all walked in, the hesitant young man gritted his teeth and walked in.

Afterwards, more people came one after another, and when they knew the rules, they took the initiative to walk into the formation.

Just like that, two hours later, more than 700 people went in, but more than 500 were sent out, which shows that many people are indeed not qualified.

The psychedelic array set up by Qin Ye is very simple and has no lethality. As long as the mind is slightly firm, one can get out. For example, if someone sees a beautiful woman, he is tempted by her beauty and pounces on her. Then he will naturally be completely lost in it and finally be sent out by the array.

In addition to beautiful women, there are various temptations such as skills, treasures, gold and silver treasures. As long as the mind is not firm, one will be completely lost in it.

Although only outer disciples are accepted, those with weak minds must not be accepted. Such people are most likely to betray the sect, and Qin Ye does not want to teach a few traitors in the future.