
I am flying * Short film: Romantic , Fantasy * Author: Morn kunthea

* Magi is a girl with puffy red cheeks and slightly curly dark hair who asks her parents to go to the Restricted Zone, which she read in her grandfather's diary that he wrote before his death. She read her grandfather's diary and said it wasn't scary. Behind the forest, the restricted area was a beautiful and peaceful land that looked like a paradise. And he added that the people who live in the area are magical and live in the animals and nature that seem to be in mythology. Because humans, animals and plants are able to communicate with each other and have the same mental and behavioral movements as humans. Their houses are made of colorful gemstones. Therefore, when the sun rises and sets, the rainbow light shines beautifully. And the people who live there are as beautiful as angels. In the area where the waterfall falls, there are flowers that often sing and dance at night with lullaby orchestral between 11 p.m. to allow animals, plants and people to sleep peacefully and have good dreams. After talking to his parents about writing in his grandfather's diary, his parents thought it was his grandfather's fantasy because his grandfather still suffered from Alzheimer's disease and hallucinations. I think grandfather's story is true. Because while she was sitting on the grass behind her house with a dodo (dog), a baby fox, who spoke the human language, ordered the other animals to carry sacks of food into the forest, which is an area restraint. Because they knew she was following her, they quickly ran away and dropped a plant seed in the bag they were carrying. She planted the seed in front of the fence of her house because she wanted to know what kind of plant it was. So far, she hasn't told her parents what she went through when they didn't believe all of this and dismissed her affair. Then she closed her grandfather's diary and kissed her parents on the cheek and said, "I went to bed first and took Dodo to sleep with her.

* As she was about to go to bed she heard a rattling noise on her window, so she went to look and saw the fox she had just met the other day knocking on her window. And he asked her to open the window to enter her room. She looked hesitant to open the window for the fox or not. suddenly, when she heard her dog tell her not to open the window for the fox to enter. it surprises her that her dog can talk like a fox. so she decided to open the window for the fox to come in. when the fox enters her room. he was so shy when she saw her face clearly. His heart was beating fast and felt in love at the first sight. he began to ask for his seed. she said I was planting it already. he was shocked and said it was not a normal seed but a magic seed. so she can't plant it here. then the fox turned around and saw the notebook on the head-bed. he picked up and said this book from his village. for the cover and the paper of this book are made of moon seeds. So the words you wrote will be blink shines when flash in the moonlight and also make the butterfly dance around the book. he asked where she got it . she said I got it from my grandfather. the fox began to remember when he was young, his villager found the man outside sliding down the hill towards the mountain near his village. the man sustained serious injuries to his legs and was unconscious. then the villager helps him heal the wounds in his village. the fox said the village chief really liked his ideas which helped create the architecture of the systems in the village while he was healing. after spending a few weeks there and his wounds healed, he asked to go back his home. So the village chief used magic to erase his memories because it is the rule of his village that protects the peaceful from strangers. Now she understands the situations of his grandfather. she said her mother told her her grandfather went to the forest to find blue grass as usual, but her grandfather was lost it was a rainy day. when her grandfather lost the news in the forest, her villagers had been looking for him for several days. And also traveled through the restricted area, still can not find his grandfather. So they think her grandfather may have been eaten by wild animals. but he returned home a few years later. it was a mystery and his grandfather didn't remember anything. the village thought he might have been helped by another villager and his state of health made him lose his memory. foxes say that for ordinary people passing through the restricted area, they cannot see their magical world. Because it has a magical veil covering the village that separates the outside world and the world they live in. and he said the times was different than a week in his village equals a year in the real world. he looked at her face which was starting to turn pale and her arm was turning green. he said when you have taught and plant magic seeds it will take your energy to grow. you will be sick and weak day by day until you die. you must be in a hurry to come with me and ask for help from my village chief. she was afraid and worried about what she had heard. but she's getting ready to go with the fox and her dodo. the fox spelled out of magic to make her parents sleep for a while during the mission. when she walks in front of her fence where she plants seeds. the fox drops magic water to make the plant grow quickly like a tree and scrub like a cotton flower. then he took the knife from his waist, cut the cotton flower jumped on it. and told her to rush towards to jump on another cotton flower that flies like a balloon. along the way, he threw magic powder to put all her villagers to fall asleep like her parents. she was so happy and enjoys the view of her field and her village during the flight like birds in the sky. the cotton flowers blooms and lost flowers pollen little by little until it reaches the magic village. Upon arrival, the villagers were shocked by a stranger and asked the fox why he was bringing her there. the fox said she was in danger because she was taught seed magic and planting. in noisy crowds of villagers, suddenly the villager chief came up and looked at the girl whom, like the man, he had helped before. he doesn't say anything, just orders the fox to take her sleep on flowers for heal the wounds. after a few hours, give her drink medicine. so he threw a pink magic bottle to the fox. While the girl was resting in the middle pillow pollen flowers. the fox told the dog to ask the neighbors for food as he saw that the dog looked tired. and the fox spelled magic become human. The dog does not seem to be determined to leave its owner. But it thinks that if it is not strong enough, it will not be able to protect its owner. Therefore, he relied on the fox to take care of its owner for a while and then walked out. When the dog returned, he saw his owner wake up and his owner was stronger than before. then the girl put her dog on her lap and lightly stroked his head. She carefully observed the fox, when it changed body into a teenager. Because when he is not an animal, she is afraid of the proximity between men and women. The fox seemed to know she was afraid as he looked her through the eyes. He told her to go for a walk in the village with him and he hopes she turned to him as before. the girl agreed and smiled because she didn't want to be alone with him. The fox took her to see the shops along the way, she also bought some equipment from the souvenir shop. Especially a diary like her grandfather bought before. The fox also bought his traditional village clothes to give him a souvenir of friendship. And he also said he wanted to see her dress up at his welcome party tonight. The girl accepted the clothes and thanked him for the gift he gave her and for saving his life. She felt relieved to take him for a walk, and she began to approach the fox as before.

* On the way to the waterfall, she saw a large water wheel near the house of the village chief. It even manages to make music when it spins. The waterwheel is different from the normal waterwheel as it moves by wind power and then produces electricity for all the houses of the villagers. The fox also reached out to pick some fruit from a strange tree with some chocolate fruit for her to eat. And he went to spin the thread in the well to get her fresh milk from the well. Upon arriving at the waterfall, she saw rabbits, deer and other wildlife swimming and having fun. When they saw her, they got scared and ran to the rocks behind the waterfall. until the foxes say she was their guest. so they went out to see her again and greeted her with a smile. Suddenly the lyly flowers moving behind her legs took the leaf, which was their hand, and pushed the girl into the water, and she pulled the fox into the water with her. They swim, play and throw water at each other because their clothes are already wet. After a fun swim, the fox used his magic to dry their clothes and send her back to her shelter. And he said he would wait for her at the village chief's house because an evening party was being held there. At the party, everyone was looking at her because she was the most beautiful girl in the traditional red dress. The parrot placed a wreath like a flying crown on her head to wear a crown to represent her as a special guest at the ceremony. The village chief knocked on the ground with a stick and made a magic fire, and the fire flew to a pile of firewood that the villagers had set up to set it on fire. It has smoke that smells like flowers and is not hot when standing nearby. He said to her, "Welcome to his village and enjoy dinner and dancing tonight." He then sat down at a table with a group of adults, and the young men and women began to mate to dance around the fire with the sound of waterwheel. When she watches people dance. Suddenly a fox came and approached her and invited her to dance with him. She smiled and said she couldn't dance. But he didn't listen to her and pulled her hand out to dance. One of his warm hands held her hand and the other hugged her waist. She was shy and tried to dance to the beat and hug at the end of the melody. Everyone has stopped looking at their partner since he started dancing. Her couple dance wonderfully like a prince and a princess dancing at the ball. the villager Applause louder for them. He also whispered in her ear that he loved her. But she couldn't hear clearly because of the sound of the fireworks. After the party, she went to the village chief to tell him that she ask for permission to go home tomorrow morning. Therefore, the village chief simply nodded and wished her to make happiness. But before she left, he said he would erase her memory like his grandfather. She felt very upset, but only in accordance with the conditions of the village chief to protect themselves from the outside world. on the other hand, the fox held back his sadness and fled home after listening their conversation that he was hiding behind a tree.

* When morning came, she looked at the fox to say goodbye to him for the last time. But she hasn't seen him since last night. She passed the bracelet she had made last night to an old woman to help her hand the fox. then she took her dog and left with another group of villagers on her way home. They also erased her memory, used magic to wake her villagers at 7 a.m. on the same day she left her house, and spelled magic to return her dog to his original state. Her memory is not completely lost when she wrote stories in her notebook. And the chocolate she ate also protected her from the magic of erasing memories. For many years she always sat by the window and wrote more of her daily stories in her notebook. She did not tell her parents what she had met as her grandfather. after the party, her teenage birthday, she returned back to bedroom. Before sleeping, she saw her window knocking again. And she hurried to open the window, she seen a vase with colorful flowers with a birthday card. she said i know you are there i miss you so much, I have not forgotten our memories together. the fox comes out and surprised what she said, she is holding a vase of flowers and smelling it. after that she said thank and told him come to her room. they talked a little fun and he promised that he will come next time. before he left she kissed his cheek and he's so shy and she whispered her ears like him did before i love you too.