
Sudden intrusion

Michael was barely conscious as he looked at the person who just saved him. The moment Michael looked at Fade he was surprised, not only because he knew that Fade was the famous assassin from urban legends but because he felt something peculiar. Michael wasn't sure but the moment he looked at Fade he felt some kind of kinship coming from him.

While Michael was trying to figure out what that weird feeling was, the others were all trembling in fear. This was their first taste of real killing intent and it was Fade's killing intent of all things. Even those experienced martial artists who had been in a lot of battles and had killed hundreds of people were not even close to producing the same pure and heavy killing intent Fade was emitting. As everyone was still in a dazed state Fade spoke to them. 

"I only came here for the kid, just give him to me and I'll leave." The moment Hayate heard what Fade said his expression changed. 

"... Were you hired by Shin?"