
Seven School Mysteries part 8

After going through various tests nothing wrong was found in Hilda's body. There was nothing different, nothing special in Hilda's body.

The next day the Occult Club members once again watched Hilda dance but unlike yesterday her body did not become a Shadow like it did before. Except for Loki and the Spirit of the Akashic Records, the others had no idea why this was happening. 

The Occult Club members continued to observe for one more day but nothing changed as Hilda still could not change into her Shadow form like before. 

Despite not being able to see the Shadow form again Hilda and the members of the Occult club were quite satisfied with this situation. Hilda felt relieved knowing she wasn't changing into that unknown Shadow form, as for the members of the Occult Club they were satisfied to see such an unusual phenomenon happen before their very eyes and it was even better that it couldn't be explained.