
Dealing with your own kind

With the information provided by the cowboy securitron we start heading to the area he told us to go to for futher orders but along the way we hear the sound of shooting so we look around to see if we are being shot at but we ain't and deciding to see what is happening we head off the road and up on the hill thats near by.

As we get to the top we spot two groups fighting each other and looking at the surrounding area ... well it looked worse than usual for a wasteland as the remaining buildings we see from our high point are even more broken down by being shot at, exploded, having raider groups build their bases and outposts in them and then redestoryed by the battles that come to them by other groups.

Nosferatu muffles out " So ... should we like ... go down there and fuck them up?" but me and Dracula shake our heads as we both know we will probably be doing plenty of that later but right now we need to meet up at the spot and get our orders, so we start to quickly move along leaving the sound of gunshots and primal screams behind.

After a bit of walking we get a old looking factory that says RobCo which has the front door long since blasted open and not seeing a securitron anywhere outside we decided to step in and look for one but as we get to the reception area the securitron is ... standing? Behind the desk which as soon as it processes us to see who we are the default face of the securitron changes back to a smiling face.

" Wow you guys didn't die! I mean I never doubted you guys as I knew you were the real deal ... and not that I'm desperate for any form of help at this moment. Well let me tell you what you guys are going to need to do to help me, help you, first you guys are going to need to take out various raider groups around here alongside a really powerful raider warband that is lead by grill-grill ... I know stupid name but this girl and her warband has vowed to conquer New Vegas or at least burn it down. There is also the brotherhood of steel who are constantly attacking New Vegas as they consider securitrons as dangerous technology blah blah blah sapient Ai being the doom to the remnants of mankind blah blah blah. So your also going to have to deal with them to and one more group, well groups, there have been a bunch of raider groups coming from your direction that seemed to have been united together until recently, I don't know what each groups name is but yeah ... deal with them to and the rest and I'll help you however I can for your revenge against my ... Friend :). " .

Taking all of that information in, I look amongst the group to see if they even would want to do all of that but when I look at each of their faces I see nothing but determination in their eyes and looking back at the securitron Dracula says " We're in" which has the smiling robot say in response " Well I mean that's fantastic, I'm so happy you guys had your moment but there is really no refusal to this as you literally could not make past south Vegas as at that point it's literally supermutants, deathclaws, and whatever radioactive super monster that's out there. Well enough talk I gotta go as again those fuc-fantastic brotherhood of steel soldiers are trying to do another assault on Westside and I think they maybe using more dangerous explosives."

With that the securitron face screen flickers back to its normal self and we look amongst ourselves and nod at each other, ready to get started.