
Fallout 4 Infinity

Waking up in Fallout 4 little over two Months before the events of the Bombs fall. what to plan before everything changes? Updated Chapter* Main Character: Specter Lord. °Own Character° Secondary Main Character: Grit Jones, Personality: °YouTuber: StephenPlays Fallout 4 °

LordSpecter3366 · 游戏衍生
41 Chs

Chapter 12: Stage Set

Did you get your hands on pre-war Vehicles? And Robots! (Wallace)

Haha, you have seen nothing. (Brendon)

Getting into the Vertibird and leaving, we started flying back to star base making our way back as we are the pilot received a radio signal.

Sir, there is a distress signal being sent and it's on repeat. (Pilot)

Play it. (Brendon)

This is Scribe Haylen of Reconnaissance Squad Gladius to any unit in transmission range. Authorization Arx. Ferrum. Nine. Five. Our unit has sustained casualties and we're running low on supplies. We're requesting support or evac from our position at Cambridge Police Station. Automated message repeating. (Haylen)

I see it has started. (Brendon)


Arriving at the base, the first thing I did was have everyone be on high alert the Boarder has already increased but now its been increased again to be already for any thing but now even more alert for any and all attacks as the Brotherhood of Steel don't like robots they will attack, and having such a large amount of will draw there attention even attacking right away seeing the robots as a threat.

Wallace was shocked when we arrived at the more modern town with skyscrapers being made and the people moving around and seeing the clean and fixed roads and area and when arriving at Star base he was even more shocked, the place was made as a fortress, having sections that each have individual gates blocking the entrances keeping the sections safe from attacks if any entered the place, Turrets, Robots Guarding, Tanks and Vertibirds all ready to defend when attacked or get sent to attack. Arriving at the Military section, I led the way into the Workshop below with Wallace following inside with.


This is the workshop. (Brendon)

This place is an early Christmas present! (Wallace)

There are building plans over there, nothing important but you can use it to test everything here and get used to the place, the parts are in that room. This place is not restricted so you can use it as you see fit, but if you want to learn more, you will need to join Infinity Guardians, you will gain your own permanent room, safety, Food, and water and all the equipment to let you make things as you see fit. (Brendon)

Also, there is a clean lab coat in that room with the supplies, might want to get that. The room over there is your living quarters, there is a shower So you can take a shower before getting to work might help let you think better. (Brendon)

Thank you, never used a shower before heard of the legend of how it was used, so exciting. (Wallace)

I will leave you to it then if you need anything just ask, we will talk again later to see how you think of the place, enjoy your stay. (Brendon)


I had a Vertibird pick commander Preston up, there he made his way to the war room, I made my way to the war room with Higgins.

This place is amazing! Just how did you find this place after leaving Sanctuary? (Preston)

Have I not told you? I made this place before the war, I got news of the attack so I prepared before the war happened, going to use this place as a house for my mother and I as I fix the world slowly, my shot me and I lost conscious, then I woke up meeting Jones then being greeted this new world. (Brendon)

Holy, Shit! That is fucked up! (Preston)

Lets work together and make a new world that is not ruled by terror and fright. (Brendon)

Sir, if I may ask, why do you want to save people? They are savage and will attack anyone, then greedy. (Higgins)

I don't need a reason to help people, it's not about gaining anyway, to fix a world that is destroyed you need to give, and keep giving, you can't rule the people like a king but lead them to help them, if every settlement in the commonwealth has a base, with groups stationed there to protect it, and they are all self-sustaining with food and water, even if this base has gotten destroyed they are all having enough strength to fight back.

We need to get back on topic. (Brendon)

Have you heard of the Institute? (Brendon)

Yes, the Boogeyman in the shadows, if you believe it that is, after all, It's just a myth. (Preston)

No, they are real, and I know where they are and I just took someone away from them, they will be most likely attacking so We need to be ready for an attack at any second and that is going to be hard as we will be spread thin but I might be able to fix that problem.

Higgins, this enemy will not use the front door, but will use teleportation to get in, the Engineers helped me make a device, I don't know if it will work but might be able to if it's strong enough it needs to be fixed up. I want to create a blind spot in there Teleportation system. Making it impossible to enter sector one with teleportation, as I am going to ask our new guest for help on making sure it is working properly. I need you to do something for me. (Brendon)

Higgins, I need more Recruits, but hold them off if they join keep them under training even if they passed the requirements to join, I need time to finish this new plan, when it is done they will join, we will probably have spies so watch everyone. (Brendon)

It will be done, Sir! (Higgins)

Preston, I need you to do something different, find information on this person that called themselves the mechanist, I don't know who they are or where they are. (Brendon)

Mechanist? (Preston)

It's an enemy probably, they attacked me as I was out and threatened to send an army of robots or something like that open threat or not needs to be taken seriously, I don't like to take it as a small threat and then get attacked by an army of robots cought unprepared. (Brendon)

What do you need to be found out? (Preston)

Anything, and location if possible or ways to find this person and anything revolving around this person. (Brendon)

I will head to diamond City and ask Nick valentine there, he is good at these type of things. (Preston)

Be careful when looking into it, you will be assigned Five Assaultrons as guards, and I heard about Nick. If possible see if you can recruit him into Infinity Guardians we can use him at the police station as a detective that he is. (Brendon)

Is that needed? The Assaultron guards? (Preston)

Preston A war brews ever so closer, safety is not to be taken lightly for high ranking member as yourself after all we are stuck in the middle and we can't let our guard down. (Brendon)


{Two days later}

Specter arrived in the Workshop, Engineer bots also joined. Seeing mr Wallace was happy.

This place is amazing! It has everything and more, clean food, and water, this place has a workshop that lets me build anything! And its safe without having to think a bandit will bust my door down and rob or kill me. (Wallace)

Glad you're happy, I want to ask, do you want to join me? (Brendon)

Why, why do you want me to join you? You have everything here nothing I can compare to. (Wallace)

Your creations, you can help me make things. (Brendon)

What will you do with what I build? (Wallace)

Help the people, there is a world out there suffering from so many things, the world is dying, if not it's already dead, the radiation is so high that storms are made by it, mutated animals, death just around the corner. I want to find a way to remove Radiation, make ways food and plants to return can be grown everywhere even in the harshest​ of the lands and help the world get back to the age it was lost. (Brendon)

To help the people I need ways to make things that will help, like a way to purify the radiation to make clean water not on a small scale, and that is where you come in, help me fix these problems, I don't want to rule over people like slaves, but let them think to build, create for themselves. There is so much needing to be done, and I am just starting and only one person. (Brendon)

You will not use my items for evil? (Wallace)

Depending on your word of evil, some things will be made to kill and more things will be made to help, but everything can be used to help just having to be used by the right people. (Brendon)

...Okay, okay. Yes. I will join you, thank you for not forcing me and giving me a chance to think for myself. (Wallace)

No problem, welcome to Infinity Guardians, the ones that will return civilzation to an uncivilized world, I have a problem that needs to be figured out right away. (Brendon)

What is it? (Wallace)

I waved and an Engineer robot flew over to a table it used its Antigravity laser on a Box, placing the box on the table, I walked over to it and put a pin code in and the box opened up, dropping the sides to the floor, revealing the item inside, the item is the EMP gun, but it's way too big to be used by a person. More like a turret or Power armor.

What is it? (Wallace)

An EMP gun, there is an enemy of robots attacking me and I want to have a way to deactivate them and let them join me if possible, fewer chances of me needing to destroy them the better as it is easy to destroy but harder to create. I can have them hacked and rewritten to join me so they don't need to get destroyed. With that said, I also want to make EMP disrupters and place them at the border and Sector one to keep another robot human force that can teleport anywhere out from sector one and work my way around sector one to make sure it is secured. (Brendon)

That does sound like a bad enemy, who even can get the technology to teleport anyway? (Wallace)

Have you heard about the institute? (Brendon)

Yes, the group that takes people from their home and replaces them with Synthes. (Wallace)

Well, they marked you as one they want, I can't tell you how I know this, but have you received anything odd and complicated or even find something so unique that it intrigued you to take it apart and find how it works? (Brendon)

Y..yes. (Wallace)

The institute has been grooming you to join them, and they don't take No for an answer even by force they take and take, I got the information and wanted to save you but also don't want to force you to join me, so I let you come here and have a chance to join me, I am glad you did. I know This is a lot to take in at once, but we need to make the EMP disruption signals to block the Attacks, we need to work fast, but also make it so the Robots I have will not get shut down, there will be no point into this then. (Brendon)

You are right That is a lot to take in, If they want me and hearing news of them already kidnapping people and replacing them, I want to help with this device. (Wallace)

Let's get, Started. (Brendon)



What! You telling me he is gone? Bring up the watchers, I want to know where he has gone off to! (Father)

The Screen displaying bird view, started watching the recording, seeing Vertibirds fly over landing, and a man with a force of robots walk straight to the building, knocking on the door and having a chat inside, then they left and Wallace left with them.

Who is this person! (Father)

We don't know, he just appeared, followed by a huge force of Robots, Pre-war Military vehicles. We got information that he took over a large area, they called it Section 1 and the news that Sector one is becoming a safe area from all dangers. (Acting S.R.B Head)

Find him! (Father)

Will do, Sir! (S.R.B Head)


{Diamond City}

The Mechanist? (Nick)

Yes, Know anything? (Preston)

I made a small case on it, Robot attacking Civilians and killing them, yelling out it's for their own good. (Nick)

I need to find this person. (Preston)

I will get the file, but I don't know if it will help, besides the name that is practically it there was also someone they called the head leader for a time being, what was their name... (Nick)

Looking through the File, Nick stopped and spoke.

Found it. Something like a code name or something, A124. I guess the Leader or head, in this case, wants to be called A124 more like a robot name if you ask me. (Nick)

Thanks, this is very helpful. (Preston)

Preston, I am not one poke around in your affairs, but why are you out looking for information and not sending someone else? (Nick)

I joined another group, it is called Infinity Guardians, the leader is kind and helped settlers, even declaring war on a Raider base with an army of robots and with that army he cleared it out, he has a base, and running pre-war vehicle, he helps the people and doing a better job at leading them then I would. (Preston)

As for why I am here, there was an attack on the leader, he wants to know more information on this person, so the leader sent me here. (Preston)

This person must be someone to look up to if you joined, I look forward to seeing the changes in this hell of a world. (Nick)

Actually he wants me to relay a message, If you join Infinity Guardians, you will be able to help people as a detective like before, there is a police station that you will be working in and he would like if you would join to help with well, detective work. (Preston)

I will wait, until I see how everything is for a bit before I make up my mind. (Nick)

That is fine, he is not going to force you, just asking if you would. Well, I need to get going and deliver this news stay safe. (Preston)

Safe travels, even though it seems you don't need it, haha! (Nick)

Seeing the Assaultron fully armed and looking around vigilant. Waving and leaving Preston started making his way back to base.


support, it helps.

Updated: 05/30/2020

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