
Falling Stardust

To protect my family, I became a Devil. To protect my people, I became a God. In Semeria, the war for cultivation resources is as old as time and as constant as the rising and of the sun. Even in the Abandoned Region, where the energy was so poor and polluted that one wouldn’t send their worst enemy there, had endless conflicts for resources. Humans had been living in this nightmare made a reality, fighting over what anyone else on the continent would consider crumbs for millions of years. Enter Xasha, husband, father, patriarch, Genius, artificer, creationist, and leader of the Falling Stardust Trading Company, who learns the truth of the world from three remnant souls he met on a journey. Having learned they had been living like frogs in a well. Humanity reluctantly united under Xasha’s rule and sets off. Determined to rise from their standing and one day ruling the entire continent. Xasha soon realizes their strength, even combined, was the weakest on the continent. To become stronger, they needed better resources. But all the lands had landlords and all the resources had owners. He could not turn back, they could not give up. He had a person to elevate, a family to care for, and a daughter who had a powerful and mysterious entity eyeing her from afar, to protect. In order to achieve any of his goals, any of humanity's goals. Those landlords had to die, their people had to be pillaged, and their lands had to be plundered. He inadvertently fell into the cycle. According to the Laws of cultivation. Law of Cultivation: To cultivate: acquire and retain resources. To acquire resources: plunder and pillage. To retain resources: Leave none Alive.

QingDomCom · 奇幻
353 Chs

Mu people (2)

Xasha stood while he stared intently at a mana glass tube of silver liquid. Felix beside him was manipulating a stream of the liquid, turning into different objects.

"This is insane, it's actual metal. It's a river full of Imperium. I can move and manipulate it as I please," Felix blurted out in excitement.

"Can you drink it?" Xasha asked casually.

Felix froze and glanced at Xasha with a horrified look on his face.

Xasha chuckled, "don't give me that look. I'm just asking, what would happen if you drink it? Can you absorb it? Can you cultivate with it?"

"No, it's already become metal. Can earth mages use the rocks on the ground to cultivate?" Felix asked sarcastically.

"So it's only good for aiding metal mages cast vlasts?" Xasha seemed disappointed.

"Well, that's what it seems like at face value, but we have just begun researching. We will find something interesting later, I'm sure. If not, we will find something interesting at the source of this river."

Xasha looked over. "You think it's maybe another crystal?"

"It is possible. If it's only that, then we can be disappointed," Felix joked. Both he and Xasha chuckled good-naturedly.

"Those crystals aren't as simple as they seem. Once we have settled down, we will have time to fully explore all the mysteries of this world. Just imagine the discoveries. I can't wait," Xasha flashed an excited grin.

Felix looked up at his mentor. "Me either."

Xasha stood on the deck of his airship, looking at the overly excited Mulindo beside him. He looked at the scenery below. The clouds around and the fifty-nine airships flying in formation behind him. Xasha looked at him as a kid. He was so easily impressed that Xasha had a hard time taking him seriously.

The airships had been going at full speed for three days, and they still had not reached the Mu people's ancestral home. Xasha found out that everywhere they had been since they left the basin belonged to the Mu people and was called Ulock. The news wasn't a surprise. Unlike Sutherland, this place was gigantic, and land space was never a problem. There could be millions of acres used to build one family's estate here.

"That over there belongs to the Mang people. They have been a loyal vessel of our Mu people for millennia," Mulindo informed as he pointed to the cluster of palaces in the distance.

"Just how many vessels do the Mu people have?" Xasha asked. He had been intruded to the settlements of several hundred vessels on the way here. There seemed to be no end to them.

"We have a little over thirteen thousand vessels in our territory. But that amount is small compared to other powers, especially the elves who have the largest territory with over twenty-six thousand," Mulindo informed.

"So, how does this work? You take control of a territory, and you inherit all its vassals?"

"No, well, it depends. Some vassals you get from loyalty, and some you get from resources. If a power wants to live and access the resources in your territory, they have to become your vassals. When a new lord takes over, those there for resources will simply pledge elegance to the new lord and continue with their lives as usual. The ones from loyalty will either leave, try to take revenge, or swear their elegance to their new masters."

"I see," Xasha said in a reflective tone. "Tell me more about these vassals. What are their responsibilities and obligations?"

"The vassals work for you. They will pay tribute every year and if the territory is ever attacked, they will fight to defend it. But that's about it, they live pretty autonomously. You can step in to squash disputes between vassals if you feel like it, but most stay away from their conflicts unless it gets out of hand. Also, vassals have to right to challenge their master for the ownership of their territory," Mulindo informed.

"That seems strange, so other than a tribute, I get nothing in return? Why would I give them access to my resources if all I get is a portion back every year?" Xasha said with a frown.

Mulindo chuckled. "You don't understand this place. Our territories are so large that no single power can never defend it all without help. Vassals are an army you get with little to no effort. They feed, train and cloth themselves and they gather your resources for you, and hands it off to you with no hassle. Resources that you could not keep without these vassals to protect them for you."

"I see."

Mulindo pointed. "There are the Mu mountains in the distance. We've made it, Ash, welcome to Limbu, the ancestral home of our Mu people and capital of Ulock."


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