
The surprise visit


"Hey, when are you coming home?'' I breathe into the phone, feeling so alone. I can already tell he is smiling. Trick likes it when I am clingy. I think he just likes knowing that I need him. I never even knew I would but along the line, he has become the most important person to me.

I haven't moved into his place, even though he has been pestering me to. It's not that I don't want to but I think it is too soon to take things to that level. I am still getting to know him and doing that will make the relationship more serious—not that I am saying it is not serious now. Just not in that space yet. I don't want to push things. I am the kind of guy that likes things to go slow. Once this is rushed—it is bound to be doomed. 

"There's a rush at work. In about an hour,'' he tells me. It's weird that I already miss him. We just started dating and he has become such an important part of me. Life without him doesn't even exist anymore.