
She Will Give Him An Answer

"Do not act stupid!" Teddy exclaimed. He was the one who pulled Max when he saw he was in pain because of Shane's power.

"I just want to see her family or her."

"What you are doing is stupid, you know?! You look different and anyone will recognize the difference in your appearance! Moreover, your paleness is unnatural!" Teddy exclaimed.

Max immediately shut up because remembering his actions was quite stupid. He had made a wrong move but the desire to meet Jade's family, or even Jade herself, was always there. Even though he himself said he would never see them or her again.

"Think of your family, Max! If only Zack suspected you, then he would suspect everyone, including me! And of course, he would start to suspect Jade too. Do you want Jade to be killed by her own father?" Again, Teddy said something that made a lot of sense.

Max never thought that far. For love, he always thought short. All he thought about was fun.