
Young Lovers and Ice Cream UE

  Griffin watched as Cole and Quinn hold hands together while they are walking in the park. Quinn was holding a cone of ice cream and it was a romantic date for the two. He then pulled Saoirse and throw his arms over her. 

"Look at them. We should be like that." 

"We are adults, Griffin." 

"It wouldn't hurt if we act a little child-like." He shrugged. 

  He then glanced at Eris who was busy eating from another stall to another with Kaiden. Then, on the swing were Vincenzo, Granger, Kal and Levi. He liked seeing the kids around. They weren't like other kids who would throw tantrum out of nowhere and would hit other children and stuff. Well, Granger and Kaiden would do something like that at each other. They were like best friends but still fight.