
Chapter 155: I was With Alyssa.

Alyssa had been busy preparing for the Saturday makeup show and she spent that whole day trying to shop some things that would help her.

When she returned back to the Mansion at almost 6pm, She was frowned by seeing luggage being carried to the car.

She walked to one of the maids. Ritah , Maria and Dora.

" Guys , What is happening ? Whose luggage is this ? " She asked in a whisper.

" Marvis , Where were you the whole day ? Didn't you hear ? " Ritah asked.

" Hear what ? " Alyssa was more confused.

" Calcel and May are divorcing very soon. She has therefore sent for her stuff. " Dora whispered.

" Divorce ? why all of sudden ? " Alyssa asked perplexed.

" The baby died. I guess that annoyed Calcel very much that he can't be with her anymore. " Dora said in a whisper.

" How can he divorce her just because of that ? " Alyssa asked in wonder and looked at Dora.

" Is he around ? " She asked

" He is just there in his room. " Dora said.

On hearing this, Alyssa didn't think of anything else and then rushed to go to Calcel's room.

But then she remembered that she is a maid and she couldn't just enter his room.

She hurried back to the kitchen and made some coffee.

" Yeah, This will make a good excuse." she told herself and then went to the room.

She was walking to the stair case when she met Jenny.

" Marvis Where are you going ? "Jenny asked with perplex.

" ...I am...Mr Calcel sent for ...coffee. " Alyssa managed to lie.

" Coffee ? " Jenny was surprised because Calcel was a person of water.

" Okay...go ahead. " Jenny said and left.

Calcel was in the room's parlor when he heard the door open.

Alyssa saw him from the back and stood still to wait for his permission.

" May's luggage is done. You can go back. " Calcel said thinking that it was one of the men who had been carrying the stuff.

" I brought t your coffee sir. " She said.

Calcel heard this voice. He knew no else had such a voice except Marvis.

He got up and turned to look at her.

" What brings you to my room ? " He asked coldly.

" I brought your coffee . " She said putting it on the bedside time.

" I didn't send for any coffee. Get it and leave my room ! " He and turned keeping his cold tone.

" I just wanted to ask you something. " She said.

Calcel turned again to look at her. His eyes were demanding to ask quickly and go away.

" When we talked yesterday, I thought that we had settled everything. You can't divorce May because she lost a child. That can happen to everyone else. " She said pleading.

" Who said that I divorced her because of the child ? " Calcel barked at her.

Alyssa became more confused now. " Then...then why ? " She asked.

Calcel was trying to control his anger at the moment. He didn't want to be rude at the moment.

" It's none of your business ! leave this room. " He said turning again when Alyssa said.

" It's mu business. I am concerned. " She spoke out loud

This was now driving him nuts. He went to her and grabbed her wrist tightly.

" What are you doing ? " She asked feeling the pain from his strong grip.

Calcel dragged her to the door and opened it. After this he let go of her.

" Get out of my room ! " He said commandingly.

To his shock Alyssa instead of going went back inside and stood before him.

Her eyes were wet ready to cry.

"You can scold me and bark at me as much as you want. But I am not leaving. Until you tell me. " She said giving a serious look and amused Calcel making him to sigh.

" Why do you want to know that much ? " He asked at last.

" Because I also lost my child and my husband too left me. I know that pain. " She said looking up at him.

" Fine...since you want to know. I will tell you. " He said looked deep into her ears as if he wanted to look at her soul.

" The reason why I am divorcing May is because she killed Alyssa. " Calcel declared putting Alyssa to her shock.

He saw her wide shocked eyes and asked. " Are you satisfied now ? " He questioned.

" No..Alyssa just had an accident right ? Then..how does May come into this ? " She asked.

" The accident was planned by them. And everything that happened later on. ..." Calcel said and walked past her.

" Now that I have told you everything, Get your coffee and leave my room ! " He said his back facing her.

Alyssa dropped a tear as she remembered what Gladys had told her.

' You and Alyssa had an accident and i lost her. You were left at the hospital and when i came to look for you i was told that your parents had gone with you. '

Alyssa remembered this and said.

" If it was May's plan, Then she is responsible for my dead baby.." Alyssa lushed out surprising Calcel that he now turned to look at her again.

" What are saying ? " He asked to make sure he heard her right.

" Aunty Gladys told me that I was with Alyssa the day I had an accident. " Alyssa.

" You mean all along you knew Alyssa ? " Calcel asked in disbelief.

" I had lost my memory. But Aunt Gladys saw me and recognized me. She told me that i was staying at their house before all this happened. " Alyssa said .

This made Calcel to remember the day he visited Alyssa's apartment. Indeed this face, He knew he must have seen some where.

" You mean , You are the pregnant girl came with from the hospital ? " He asked.

" Calcel...I am sorry i will answer your questions later. For now I have to go somewhere. " She said and ran out of the room before he could stop her.

Then something told him to follow her.

Alyssa ran until she was at the gate.

" Did the guys leave to May's place ? " She asked the guard.

" They just left . " Answered the guard.