
Chapter 125: You are not my son

" David , This is not Calcel's fault. Nor May's. It's your fault. " Juliana declared surprising them again.

" What are you talking about now ? Are you mad ? " David questioned.

" I am not. Do you know why it's your fault ? " Juliana asked.

" Because you are the one who married Alyssa and brought her into Calcel's life. If you had married a woman who wasn't Calcel's age, He wouldn't have fallen into the temptation. " Juliana spoke the side of her story which was also true if one followed up the whole story.

Now David smirked and said. " So Juliana, Are you going to blame me for this ? " David asked.

" Yeah. " Said Juliana.

The rest had shut their mouths to listen to this mystery.

" Juliana , If you are going to be like this , Then the fault is yours. " David spoke raising their curiosity again.

" If you had not cheated on me with my brother, I wouldn't have divorced you and therefore I would have married Alyssa in the first place ! " David shouted and walked away.

This statement put Gladys and Calcel himself in shock.

Calcel came before Juliana not understanding this.

" ...Mom...What did father just say ? You cheating with my father ? Isn't David my father , Who is my father ? " Calcel had a million questions to ask at the moment.

" May , Let's leave! " Cynthia and May who already knew everything decided to go away.

Gladys was still in this shock.

" Calcel, I am so sorry. " This is all Juliana could say.

When Gladys saw that May and Cynthia had left, She also decided to go away.

" Now it makes sense. " Calcel said nodding. " I always wondered why father divorced you and hated you so much. Yet it was all because of me. " He muttered.

He said in tears and added. " And ..now I understand why he didn't care if i married the woman I loved or not. It was obviously because I am not his son. " Calcel said and added.

" Cancel...please don't say this.." Juliana cried.

Everything had turned back to her.

" So...if I am not his son, Why did he still want to keep me ? " Calcel asked.

" That was because he wanted you to protect the company and Clare.." Said Juliana.

" And you accepted that ? Me to be used as a weapon ? " Calcel asked

" No son. It's because he still loved you as his own son. Your father...was his elder brother but he passed away when your four. So...when he found out you not his son, He couldn't do anything else but to keep you in the company. So because of that, It's me that had to leave. "

Cried Juliana.

" So David is just my uncle..." Calcel cried.

" Why did you that Mom..? Why did you cheat on him ? " Calcel asked.

" That's not a question you should be asking me Calcel....because its the same thing you are going through with Alyssa. " Julian said which was true.

" Mom it's not the same. Because you lied. I wasn't David's son but you didn't let him know.. But why did you lie ? Why didn't you tell him the truth in the first place ?

" Because I was scared..." Juliana said in tears.

" I am so disappointed in you Mom...please don't ever let me see you again. " Calcel declared in tears and then left.

" Calcel...Calcel..." Juliana tried to call him but he didn't turn back to look at her.

Juliana remained there crying. The secret she had kept for the past seven years had been revealed.


" Mom, What are we going to do now that everyone has known about Calcel ? " May asked.

Remember David had agreed to May's marriage with Calcel because Cynthia had promised to keep that secret from the public.

" It's just Calcel, Gladys and Jenny who found out . I am sure David is not yet willing to let the world know and as long as that offer stands, David is still on our side.." Cynthia spoke as she sat down.

" And by the way, Alyssa is dead now. Though we had not planned for it, It happened. So you won't have to worry. " Cynthia said not knowing that it was her own daughter who killed Alyssa.

May sat down besides her. " But mother, Will he easily forget her ? " May asked.

" I am sure he has forgotten already after the shocking news he just recieved today. How about you stay here for a while ? " Cynthia asked her daughter.

" Mom, I would like to but I prefer being at the Mansion . There they treat me like a princess, Just that my Prince mishaves. "

" That's the life I want you to have my daughter. But it's not that you do anything here. I have a maid. " Said Cynthia.

" You do but they have maids. Anyway, I will only stay for tonight or maybe a week." May said lying in the sofa as she put her head on Cynthia's lap.


Gladys had lied in her bed but she didn't have sleep at all. She couldn't stop thinking about her gone daughter. While she was still like this, She heard bangs from the door and went.

On opening it was Calcel at the door. He was very drunk and he smelt alcohol.

" Calcel...what are you ? " Gladys was asking when Calcel hugged her surprising her.

" Alyssa's mother, I promised not to leave you alone. " He spoke in his drunkard tipsy voice.

" You are drunk oh my..." She said pushing him away from her and he staggered while she closed the door.

She went and held him by his shoulder to give him support and she slowly led him to another room that was near Alyssa's just opposite the new room that had been given to Marvis.

She let him lie on the bed and covered him with a blanket. After this she looked down at him and smiled.

After this she called David and told him that Calcel was there with her.

" That stubborn boy ! I am sorry if he caused you any problems. " Apologized David in a soft tone.

" No sir. He is really a good boy. " Saying this made David to heave a breath.

" Okay Mrs Stuart. Good night ! " Said David.

" Good night too. " Gladys said.

After this Gladys went to Alyssa's room and looked around in it. Her photos were still there and when she looked at them she remembered her daughter's smiling face.

She begun crying again slowly as she opened her wardrobe and removed the clothes one by one. The whole night Gladys packed Alyssa's clothes into the bags and all the shoes . The photos and all Alyssa's belongings. She did this until sleep caught her late at 3am.

When she woke up her phone was showing 8am and she was still in Alyssa's room.