
Chapter 101: Finally home

The drive back home was quite while Alyssa remembered everything that took place ever since she met David. Tears were flowing over cheeks , She really didn't know what she was going to do. She never thought that she would leave the house pregnant. Never in her mind. How was she going to explain everything to her mother ? How was she going to start ?


Gladys was at the shop that morning. Alyssa had not said anything about her return. She had gotten very many customers whom she always praised for her daughter's marriage to a billionaire. She didn't know that today was the end of everything . She was there talking to one of the customers when her phone rung.

' Why is this one Calling at this time ? " She thought receiving the call on seeing it was Alyssa .

" Yes huny ? " She replied.

" Mom , I am home . Where are you ? " Alyssa asked.

" At the shop. What are you doing at home this time ? " Gladys asked.

" Oh Mom , Don't ask a lot. I need to talk to you. " Alyssa said. Her voice was shaky and Gladys could understand there was something wrong with her.

" Oh okay , I will there. " Gladys said and immediately picked her purse to leave . " I will be back later. " She said to one of her workers as she walked out of the shop.


Alyssa was home on the sofa her hands on her mouth waiting for her mother impatiently. It was after some thing like thirty minutes when Gladys opened the door and entered to find her daughter in the living room.

" Alyssa ..." She called..Alyssa turned to look at her and she got up from the sofa where she ran to Gladys and gave her a strong hug bursting out into tears.

Gladys wasn't understanding this. She had never seen her daughter come in such a condition. She hugged her daughter back to comfort her in whatever was disturbing her. She allowed Alyssa to cry in her chest first for some time and later released her.

" Dear , What makes you cry ? " Gladys asked with worry on her face.

" Mom , I have a lot to tell you. " Alyssa said still in tears.

" I am here dear , Talk to me. " Gladys said as she led Alyssa to the sofa where they sat. She held Alyssa's hands in her palm and looked down at her.

" Tell me. What's bothering you ? " She asked.

" Mom, I have left David's Mansion. " Alyssa said first as she stopped crying.

" I am...I expected that. Is it what is bothering you ? " Gladys was confused about this.

" Mom , I had to leave but not in this way. I sinned against Mr.Wong . " Alyssa muttered.

" Sinning ? My daughter. You worry me. What did you do ? " She asked .

" Mom , I fell in love with my stepson. I fell in love with Calcel. " Alyssa atterred out.

" Fell in love with Calcel ....You mean you are in love with David's son , Calcel ? " Gladys asked not believing it.

" Yes Mom.." Alyssa said her tears coming again.

" Why would you do that , Oh my dear.." Gladys questioned.

" He was so good to me Mom. He was irresistible. " Alyssa cried out.

" And does David know about it ? " Gladys questioned.

" Yes Mom. That's why he sent me away . " Alyssa cried to her mother.

" What of Calcel , Does he know how you feel about him ? " Gladys asked.

" He knows Mom. " Alyssa answered.

" And do you think he feels the same way ? " Gladys questioned with concern.

" Mom , I am not sure. I think he does. " Alyssa said and looked up at her mother. " Mom , I am worried I did a lot with him . " She said.

" So you guys have been in a relationship ? " Gladys questioning with disbelief and perplex.

" It wasn't a relationship Mom. It was just...." Alyssa says and kept silent.

" Tell me, What ? " Gladys was getting impatient.

" We just kissed often and...." Alyssa said and posed again. She didn't know how she was going to tell her mother.

" And what , Tell me dear. Hope it's not something worse than that . " Gladys said.

" Mom...I am sorry. " Alyssa says and burst into tears..

" Alyssa....What's it ? " She questioned.

" I had sex with him. " Alyssa finally confessed.

Gladys couldn't believe her daughter. " You...you and.... Calcel....? " She was out of words.

" Alyssa , Does David know that ? What of Calcel's wife. Does she know ? " Gladys asked.

" Mom , It's between me and Calcel only. We decided to keep it a secret. " Alyssa said.

" But my daughter..Why ? What didn't David give you ? Why did you have to pay him back by sleeping with his son ? " Gladys asked.

" It was a mistake mom.." Alyssa said.