


Elijah's POV.

/"I hate you./" Oliver mumbled.

/"Come on Oliver, tell your father you want your mom to stay with you./" Mother said and Oliver looked at me angry.

/"I'll leave./" My father decided.

/"Dad-./" Oliver wanted to stop him but my father shook his head.

Sofia's POV.

Benjamin left the room and Elijah followed him. I know I shouldn't have blamed him for everything that happened but I'm just angry about the fact he never thought of letting the children go for a check-up.

/"Mommy, please don't be angry with papa. He loves you so much./" Oliver said wiping my tears.

/"Sleep Oliver. It's late./" I gave him a kiss and he closed his eyes. I just have to swallow my pride and go apologize to the fool I love so much.

As soon as I entered Benjamin's room I saw him packing.