

In a society where power is lustfully sought, rejection casts a shadow over young Theo's destiny. His unique abilities, latent from birth, mark him as a powerful force that challenges the established order. But rather than being accepted, Theo faces fierce resistance from a society that is motivated by greed and fear. power is lustfully sought, rejection casts a shadow over young Theo's destiny. His unique abilities, latent from birth, mark him as a powerful force that challenges the established order. But rather than being accepted, Theo faces fierce resistance from a society that is motivated by greed and fear. Since the moment of his birth, Theo has been the target of betrayal and manipulation by those seeking to maintain their position of authority. He was raised in isolation and abandoned because he was seen as a threat to the old hierarchies. Theo's strength increases with time, driven by the very rejection that was supposed to shatter him. The world's attempt to change his destiny gives him strength and power, making him a formidable opponent. Together with a group of allies who understand his potential for good, Theo begins a journey of self-discovery, overcoming countless difficulties and tribulations. He gains power and influence more and more as the world tries to stop him. The world sees a change as Theo overcomes the betrayals and challenges that stand in his way. His might causes the very power structures that had previously rejected him to collapse, and he becomes a ray of hope for those who had also been cast aside.en cast aside.

Anjaan9 · 奇幻
9 Chs

Flock of trembling pigeons

As Erick's group marched steadily towards their destined destination, overcoming any obstacles in their path, they remained unaware that another group had already reached their intended goal. This mysterious group, shrouded in black cloaks that concealed their identities holding some hostages, stood before an ancient and ragged dungeon that bore the semblance of a palace. Vines covered the decaying structure, giving it an eerie, timeless quality. The air crackled with the palpable wave of strong mana emanating from within.

The leader of the cloaked group raised his hand towards the dungeon's entrance. With a swift motion and a gust of wind, the door flew off its hinges and crashed inside. However, as the door shattered, a haunting whisper echoed from within, its power causing the group and their hostages to instinctively cover their ears. The atmosphere around the palace shifted, and the group members began to fall to the ground, blood trickling from their ears due to the overwhelming force of the mysterious voice.

Realizing the danger, the group's leader quickly assessed the situation. He closed his eyes and began chanting, invoking a silent magic to shield his the group from the devastating effects of the voice. He ordered his one group to stand firm, ensuring that not a single soul would be allowed to enter the ancient relic and another to follow him with the hostages.

For three days passed, the men stood guard outside the dungeon, a growing unease settling over them like a shroud. Their leader, a powerful black magician and an immortal who had lived for decades yet appeared eternally young, had not emerged from the depths of the relic. Despite their restlessness, the men dared not break the order to enter the dungeon without their esteemed leader. In hushed conversations, the men exchanged speculative glances, wondering about the nature of the forces at play within the relic and the purpose behind the hostages. 

On the other hand, the Erick group, which had journeyed separately, found themselves converging towards their destination after three nights. The exhaustion and lack of sleep etched onto their faces were unmistakable. Despite this, Erick, noting the assembled group, issued a commanding order, "Let's enter the forest."

His declaration cast a shadow over the faces of everyone present, their weariness evident. Entering dark forest in such a state posed inherent dangers. Recognizing the restlessness in the group, Erick, who was well aware that they had traveled for three days without rest or sleep, acknowledged their predicament. However, he also knew they had no other option but to continue their journey.

Erick, positioning himself in the center of the weary group, addressed them with a sense of urgency, "I understand that we're all tired and worn out, but time is not on our side. Our destination lies within the heart of that forest, and we must press on before others. Remember, the future of our kingdom rests on our shoulders. If we fail, so will our kingdom."

Upon hearing Erick, Dane, the seventh circle mage, stepped forward, his expression reflecting concern. He questioned Erick, "But it's almost night. If we enter the forest right now, we might not survive long enough to reach our destination." Tension rippled through the group as they were well aware of the increased danger posed by a dark forest during the night.

Adding to the growing unease, Lord emerged from the group, protesting against entering the forest, "Forget about the magical beasts; the poisonous fog of the dark forest will be lethal to us at night. I think we should rest tonight and...." 

Erick's eyes blazed with mockery at Lord's comment, and he retorted with a disdainful tone, "Well, look at you bunch, the so-called veterans of our kingdom! champions of valor and strength, now seem more like a flock of trembling pigeons. Your dusty brains and the fear of the death, proving that the warriors of Eldoria Kingdom are nothing but hot air—lots of talk, zero guts."

Derek, who was sipping water, choked upon hearing Erick's cutting statement. Standing behind, he sensed a tremendous and menacing aura directed at Erick. Derek looked towards Erick, contemplating how a mere junior could mock their seniors so boldly. The murderous intent he felt sent shivers down his spine, causing goosebumps to appear all over his body. He observed Erick standing resolutely, locking eyes with the veterans, seemingly impervious to the intense atmosphere.

Despite the threatening aura, a sly grin played on Erick's lips, revealing his unwavering confidence. Derek couldn't help but wonder, "Don't tell me he's going to continue with this," as uncertainty lingered in the air. Erick, drawing his sword, asserted his authority, "Whether you like it or not, I am your leader. Anyone who refuses now will be deemed in disobedience to the kingdom. Let it be known that those who defy my command will find their heads resting on the ground next."

Erick's threatening words caused a rift among everyone, and a swordsman shouted in response, "Are you calling us traitors?" Another voice joined in, as someone else shouted indignantly, "How dare you question our loyalty?" the words carrying a blend of anger and offense. 

Erick, maintaining a steely composure, responded firmly, "I question actions, not loyalty. If you are loyal to our kingdom, then follow your leader for the sake of its future. Don't waste time with dissent. Now, forward!" His concise and authoritative words left no room for further debate, urging the group to focus on the task at hand and move forward together.

"So, what's the plan?" asked the princess Aurora, her gaze fixed on the forest. Erick replied, "Traveling under those beast's noses." As he said this, he squatted down to his place and opened a gate, revealing a tunnel. The revelation left everyone shocked, their surprise evident as they processed the unexpected turn of events.

"You should have said that before!" shouted Lord. 

"I told you, I would ensure everyone safely passes through the forest. It's your mistake for not trusting the leader and questioning them," said Erick and pushed Derek inside the tunnel who is standing beside him, and a loud scream escaped Derik, leaving everyone startled.

"Erick! Mason shouted, "Are you really trying to kill that kid?" Before Erick could speak, a vine grabbed Erick's leg, pulling him inside the tunnel. "Erick" shouted, Both Mason and Princess Aurora in unison. 

Erick landed in the tunnel without a scratch, leaving Derik sprawled on the ground in mock irritation. Flashing a mischievous grin, Erick deftly severed the vine with his sword. "Nice try, kiddo," he teased.

Derik shot back defiantly, "Next time, I'm gonna nail it, just you wait!" Erick playfully mussed up Derik's hair, chuckling, "You better get strong real quick, tough enough to show those bullies what's what."

In response, Derik gave Erick's hand a playful smack, insisting, "Oh, I'll definitely be strong enough, and mark my words, in just 4 years, you'll be the one watching out!" The banter between the two continued, creating an atmosphere of camaraderie as they exchanged playful jabs and shared laughter, momentarily forgetting the seriousness of their upcoming mission.

Just as the laughter echoed in the tunnel, a voice broke their conversation. "Are you okay, Erick?" said the princess Aurora. "Yes, everyone can come down, it's safe!" Erick shouted, bringing the group's attention back to the task at hand.

Derik's gaze shifted towards Erick, who was busy instructing others, and in Derik's eyes, Erick's back seemed sturdy and dependable. The three days spent together in their journey had forged an unbreakable bond between them. Erick's genuine care for Derik instilled a warmth in the young boy, a sensation that was entirely new and comforting.

Derik's early years were marred by abandonment; his parents cast him aside at the tender age of three. Growing up in the alley with fellow orphans, he faced the harsh realities of life. Lord recognized potential in Derik and brought him into a new environment, yet the emotional void persisted. For Lord, Derik was a utilitarian tool, a means to an end, providing sustenance and resources for growth. However, the genuine love and care a child craved were absent.

It was Erick who changed the narrative. In the attentive gaze and caring gestures, Derik found the connection he yearned for. To Derik, Erick became more than just a leader—he emerged as a father figure, offering the emotional support and understanding that had been missing throughout his turbulent childhood. The camaraderie between them blossomed into a bond that transcended the constraints of their current journey, becoming a foundational pillar.


If you happen to read the chapters of my first story, I would appreciate your assistance. I would be grateful for a like, a comment, or your wisdom as they would help me improve and reach my full potential.

I appreciate you coming along on this literary journey with me. Let our mutual love of storytelling bring us together in this imaginary world.

PS: like story? Add to the library!


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