A young man dies and after waking up from his sleep finds himself floating in the Void. Meets a middle aged man who offers him to reincarnate in a different world. Not knowing anything about this reincarnation stuff the only thing that will chose his future is his luck.
Currently being high up in the aur Felix was scared shit less by the person who was flying in front of him. And even though the man in front of him was handsome and had a friendly smile on his face, the only thing that Felix could recognize this person as was a demon. A demon who suddenly abducted him and brought him here and even had him experience sky diving.
Damian didn't think much about what was going through Felix's mind and said, "So who are you?"
"W-Wh-What are you talking about? I-I am Felix, you know. The prince of the kingdom that you belong to."
And just as he said that a small beam of magic energy passed by him caressing his cheek.
It took a few seconds for him to register what happened just now and immediately pain invaded Felix's mind as he screamed at top of him voice while pressing his wound with his hands.
"You should know that I am not here for jokes and all. Who the hell are you inside Prince's body for as far as I know with you knowing English and speaking about 'that' world you are really not someone from here. Not to mention all those improvements that you have been trying to make with the food back at the castle.....So are you going to answer truthfully?" asked Damian with a cold tone and slowly the platform below Felix started to disappear from the edges making the blonde haired guy panicked.
"F-FINE I AM NOT THAT FELIX PERSON!!! ALRIGHT!!! PLEASE STOP THAT PLATFORM FROM DISAPPEARING NOW!!!" said Felix panicked as there was just some part of the platform that was remaining, only enough for him to sit there.
Damian nodded his head and asked, "So who are you?"
"Lex. My name is Lex."
"Why are you in his body and what happened to the prince?"
"How the fuck would I know, back then in my world I got hit by a truck and the next instant I was here in this body." said Felix not trying anymore to hide his identity.
"You mean to say that you have no hand in taking over the Prince's body?"
"No, none at all!!"
"What are your thoughts about this your majesty." said Damian as a holographic screen appeared in front of him with the king of Adroelia looking sharply towards Felix.
Seeing his gaze Felix gulped his saliva as he felt that he was being watched by a hunter and he was his prey.
"Continue. I want to hear a bit more from him before I give my verdict." said the king not liking the fact that there was someone else in his son's body while his son was missing.
The princess too who was by the King's side didn't like it as even though he hates her brother this case looked like someone was trying to mock her family's authority which was not very amusing for her.
"Umm....are these two my family?" asked Felix with curious tone.
"Prince Felix's family to be correct..... currently you are no one so it would be better that you are respectful towards his majesty and her highness." said Damian totally in his official mode not wanting to act frank towards the royalty in front of this unknown entity.
Lex who have been in Prince's body from the time he came in this world and was treated respectfully by those around him felt slightly angered being looked down by the people in front of him, but just one glare from the king or Damian silenced him to the point that he was not even able to look in their eyes. He then glanced at the princess and immediately regretted as she too just like her father was glaring at him.
"Continuing where we left, when did you took over the Prince's body?"
"Umm.....I don't remember it accurately since I don't possess the memories that this body experienced before that but from what I heard from the others, I got conciousness after coming to this kingdom and got involved in an attack."
"...So around the time, the battle with the allied kingdoms took place.....Two months roughly." muttered Damian.
"So you have been in that body for about two months, huh." said the king and then asked, "And so, what have you been doing with my son's body since then."
"Umm.... I have been trying to get to know my surroundings and all since I don't have any memories of this body." said Lex.
"...And what are the things that you do to tarnish the name of our family and kingdom..." asked the princess.
Before he could say anything Damian took out a notebook from his storage and said, "Let me see....he along with the nobles that accompanied the prince from Dragonof, has been using the royal family name to order around the people at the royal palace of Dragonof. Offering and taking bribes from high ranking officials to trade information that could be considered top secrets of both the countries in order to gain the favour of high ranking nobles from Dragonof. Black marketing the potions that have been prepared for the soldiers to merchants, here and in the neighbouring countries. Using the Prince's allowance to doing all this work and human trafficking under the name of prince Felix...". Damian then closed the notebook and stared at the prince who was totally confused and then said in a cold tone, "Not to mention trying to use the Prince's charm magic on the queen of Dragonof." and immediately Damian started to release a 'bit' of his magic power unconsciously making the air tremble around him.
Hearing what all Damian said both the king and the princess were totally speechless and once Damian told them about the thing that happened with Irene they were furious at the person in front of him who did something that could quite literally cause the war between the two kingdoms. And though the king wanted to shout at the person inside his son's body the distortion in air caused by Damian stopped him as he thought to wait for a bit.
Lex, who was getting attacked by the brunt force of Damian's magical power was not even able to think straight. The enchantment platform below him was trembling which broke shortly after that sending him for his second sky diving experience.
Damian who saw the prince falling down looked towards the screen and asked, "Is there anything more that you want to ask from him?"
The king sighed and said, "...yes."
"Oh.....looks like he needs to be saved." said Damian as he looked down.
"Do I need to save him?"
"If possible" "Not really" said the king and the princess respectively and then looked at each other and said, "...Really?" questioning each others words.
Damian just made another platform below the prince and made another enchantment to slow down his fall. And minutes later the totally pale and lifeless body of the prince came back.
Damian seeing that looked towards the king and princess.
The king and the princess who saw him looking towards them understood what he meant and immediately nodded their heads.
Damian gave a nod as well and took out...a lemon from his storage.....and then cut it in half and squeezed it in front of his closed eyes.
A few seconds later the body shot up and screaming in pain to which Damian immediately splashed a bottle of water on the man's face calming down the effects of lemon a bit.
Once the man was back to normal he looked towards Damian with an even more scared expression than before as he almost choked from the magic energy that came out of his body.
"As we were talking earlier about all the things that you did to tarnish the royal family's name....sure you just used the Prince's signature and allowance and most of the work was done by the nobles around you.....the fact that you used the Prince's seal and the royal treasury despite not being the prince is a pretty....no severely dangerous crime...not to mention the charm magic in the ruler of a kingdom which could have gotten us involved with a war if not for 'me stopping you' on time." said Damian.
Now realising how serious shit he was in Lex was in despair not knowing what to do about the situation now.