
Meeting the others

Damian who one shoted the giant sea creature transformed back to his human form and then looked towards his upgraded Omnitrix.

He then noticed a steel grey coloured armband having the Omnitrix symbol dial embedded in it and emitting a blue light.

He was honesty surprised by the sudden upgrade but nonetheless was happy about the power up.

But while he was busy admiring his new Omnitrix an awe struck Natsu came towards him and said, "YOU WERE AWESOME NII-CHAN!!!! I WANT TO DO IT TOO!!! TELL ME HOW DID YOU DO THAT!!! TELL ME!! TELL ME!!"

Damian looked at the excited Natsu and gave a wry smile and said, "If you want to do something like that, first you have to grow up and become strong, Natsu. You are not that strong right now."

Natsu nodded his head and said, "Then does that mean if I become as old as you I would be able to do that?!?!"

Damian shrugged his shoulders and said, "Who knows, that depends on how strong you become once you grow up, you might even become even stronger than me, y'know."

Natsu who heard that he might even be stronger than Damian in future had a bright smile on his face seeing which Damian chuckled and ruffled his pink hair and said, "But right now you are way weaker than me, so don't get full of yourself."

He then walked towards the dead sea creature and stored it in his storage and said, "Wash up Natsu, once you are done we will go back and eat this delicacy." 'I will even get some for Irene, she will definitely like it.'

Natsu nodded and tilted his head a bit and said, "... Nii-chan you have a weird look on your face..."

Damian who heard that immediately turned back to his usual self and said, "Huh, what's wrong with my face?"

Natsu blinked his eyes in surprise and rubbed them a bit not able to believe that Damian's face was normal, he even protested that his face was indeed weird but in the end lost due to Damian's 'persuation'.

'...Looks like it was bad idea to imagine Irene in the form of a mermaid with her breasts exposed...' thought Damian after he was able to succeed in removing the thought from Natsu's head.

Once both of them were done Damian and Natsu got ready to go back with Natsu having a new set of clothes given to him by Damian and now he was finally fully covered instead of just wearing some ragged pants.

Damian then picked Natsu up in his embrace and immediately started to speed up back to the place they came from much to Natsu's happiness as he was enjoying the speed at which Damian was moving.

Soon Damian came back where he left Maka and Igneel but was surprised when he saw even more dragons there.

'I did felt them, but seriously, when the hell did all of them came here, and what's with each of them having a human child with them.' thought Damian as he saw the dragons and children that were present there.

The Dragons too noticed their presence and said looked towards them and Maka said, "Oh Ian, you returned, huh. Come here let me introduce you to these brats."

Damian nodded and placed Natsu down who was glaring towards a black haired kid whose face was filled with piercings.

The other children were also curious about Damian but felt a bit shy to interact with him.

Damian then walked towards Maka casually as he didn't felt any threat from the dragons.....unless they decided to gang up on him.

Just as he got close to them one of the dragons swung its tail noticing which Damian just crouched down and avoided the attack and continued to walk towards them without a change in his expression.

He then looked towards the dragon who swung its tail and noticed a dragon made up totally of metal, he then showed a charming smile on his face and then raised his middle finger towards the dragon making the said dragon a bit pissed at the human in front of him.

"Hahahaha, well then looks like you two are already getting along, but still let me introduce you all to Ian, a mage from Adroelia, he is like a grandson to me. And Ian these brats are dragon kings.....and queens of their respective elements."

"The one who just attacked you, Metallicana the iron dragon. He is a bit spunky and has a habit of not being honest with himself, so don't think I'll of him."

"OI GEEZER SHUT YOUR MOUTH!!!" said Metallicana, but immediately regretted that as he recieved a glare from Maka which shut him up.

'...Looks like Maka-jiji really is a force to be reckoned with, seeing that he could shut that dragon with just a glare.' thought Damian looking at Metallicana who was slightly trembling.


"Anyway, then next here is Grendeeney...

He then introduced each and every dragon present there and Damian too was fine with them since they seemed to have a fine personality...well except for Metallicana who was still a bit pissed at Damian for earlier.

Suddenly Damian heard one of the child crying and saw that the blue haired kid standing near Natsu and the black haired kid that were fighting was the one to be crying.

He then saw that both the boys then immediately stopped fighting and started to stop the little girl from crying any further. The other two kids one blond and the other black haired were looking a bit panicked not knowing how to stop the girl from crying.

Seeing that Damian smiled a bit and thought, '....They remind me a bit of me and my sis from my world....though only our younger self, after which we were just at each others throat. I still remember all the times she ratted me out and told mom about my grades and all.'

He then walked towards them and asked, "Hey Natsu, what happened here?"

Hearing his voice all of them suddenly stiffened up even Natsu as he didn't know what to do if his new idol thought that he was a boy who bullied people weaker than him and make kids cry.

"I-I-Ian n-nii-chan, I did not-thing, I was just showing Gajeel who was better and he suddenly Wendy started crying!! I swear I didn't do anything to make her cry."

The other children just looked towards Natsu curiously since he was talking to the stranger and didn't know what to do.

Damian then looked towards the blue haired girl who too was looking at him curiously but immediately looked away once she Damian looking towards her.

Damian then crouched down at his spot without getting any closer than he already was since he didn't want to make the girl panicked and asked, "So, your name is Wendy huh?"

The little girl just nodded her head not speaking anything in response.

Damian smiled and said, "So what happened? You suddenly started to cry? Did you get hurt somewhere?"

Wendy wasn't sure what to do and looked towards Natsu who was the only one familiar with the person talking to her.

Natsu inturn looked back at her with a gaze which said, "Please tell him it's not my fault."

Wendy who somehow felt what he wanted to convey shook her head and said, "No, I am not hurt."

Damian nodded and said, "So then what happened that made a strong girl like you cry?"

Wendy felt a bit embarrassed on hearing him call her strong and said, "...I-I don't l-like to see them fighting...." and lowered her head.

Damian just patted her head and said, "So you don't want them to fight and seeing no way to stop them you started to cry, huh." to which the blue haired kid nodded her head.

Damian chuckled and took out some sweets from his storage and placed one of them in his palm and offered it to her and said, "Then you are a good girl not wanting to see you friends like that....here take this as your reward."

Just as he took out the sweets all the children who had enhanced senses of the dragon slayer smelled it and gulped their saliva.....it's not like they get to eat sweets that much so it really tempted all of them.

Wendy looked towards the sweet in Damian's hands with shining eyes, but was hesitating a bit.

She stared back at the one who was offering her and seeing his friendly smile took the sweet and immediately placed it in her mouth. Soon her eyes widened in surprise as a blissful expression appeared on her face and it started melting some time later.

By the time she finished the first one her wariness towards Damian decreased a lot as she looked back at him expectantly, not only her the other kids were looking at him expectantly as well except for the boy called Gajeel who was trying to act tough and looking away but still was glancing towards Damian from the corner of his eyes.

Damian smiled and said, "You can ask me if you want you know?" and immediately Natsu rushed towards him and asked him for some sweets. Even Wendy asked some more though she felt shy while doing it.

The other two kids who were closer to Wendy's age whom Damian came to know as Sting and Rouge asked for some as well.

Once he gave all of them some he looked towards Gajeel who looking at others with envy and said, "Hey you Gajeel, right?"

Gajeel looked towards Damian and asked, "What?!"

Damian with his usually friendly smile said, "Will you help me clear the left overs" and shook the bag with the remaining sweets.

Gajeel wanted to refuse but Damian just threw the bag towards him which he caught without any problems and said, "Thanks for helping me."

Gajeel clicked his tongue and looked away and put one of the sweets in his mouth and widend his eyes in surprise just like Wendy.

"Arehhh, Gajeel are you smiling?" asked Natsu nonchalantly seeing his fellow dragon slayer enjoying the sweets.

Gajeel stiffened up hearing that and glanced towards Natsu who was standing on his right and stared at him for a while and suddenly-

"IRON DRAGON CLUB!!!" punched the fire dragon slayer who easily dodged the attack.

Natsu then started teasing him pissing Gajeel off and started another quarell with him