
Fairy Tail: I Am Not The Most Terrifying Wizard

Deception Magic? "It's just a weak magic that merely deceives the five senses, 7 basic emotions and six desires," Everit would often say, but no one truly believed it! Natsu: I remember spending an entire day with Everit in the forest, only to realize from Happy that we were actually fishing by the river that day! Gray: I thought I had worn clothes countless times until Master scolded me for walking around shirtless all year! Erza: I used to dismiss Everit's magic as mere trickery. It wasn't until my face erupted in acne after unknowingly consuming chili peppers for a month! Lucy: I once underestimated Everit's strength. It wasn't until we were utterly exhausted from battling the Dark Mages that we realized he had already... Wendy: Despite Mr. Everit's gentle demeanor, he’s really scary. Laxus: Everit, I'd rather not fight with you. "..." Everit could only sigh, "I'm just a weak wizard without offensive magic." ********* *THIS IS A TRANSLATION* https://www.69shu.pro/book/57523.htm Fairy Tail: I am not the most terrifying wizard 妖尾:我才不是最恐怖的魔导士 This is a translation of Chinese Novel. **** Support me on my patreon and read upto 15 early chapters. https://www.patreon.com/AniScout

Ani_Scout · 漫画同人
140 Chs

Chapter 58 : Proposal!!

"Now's not a good time," Everit said, shaking his head.

"Sure, but the day's coming soon," replied Laxus.

"The Harvest Festival?" Everit groaned. "Don't cause any trouble during the festival. It's meant to be a fun, relaxing day for everyone."

"I think it's the perfect time," Laxus smirked.

Everit knew why Laxus would choose such a day—there'd be a crowd at the guild, with everyone gathered for the festival.

"So, why did you come to me?" Everit asked, then quickly added, "Wait, let me guess."

"You're trying to play tough, but you know you can't beat Erza and me together, so..."

Everit tilted his head. "Are you thinking of getting me on your team before the others?"

"You have potential," Laxus replied, his expression cold. "But you still need to prove yourself."

Everit laughed. "You surprise me, Laxus. I thought you'd be all arrogant and no strategy."

Laxus just stared back, his silence louder than words.

"Actually, I have an idea. If you agree, I might consider joining your little team."

"Let's hear it," Laxus replied.

Everit leaned forward. "First off, Laxus, no matter your reasons, if you do something that endangers the guild, you could get expelled. Remember, you want to be the Guild Master of Fairy Tail, not the leader of some dark guild."

Laxus's jaw clenched slightly.

Everit continued, "I'm not willing to take that kind of risk. If you're asking me to turn against my own guildmates, then count me out."

Laxus's eyes flickered with uncertainty.

"But we could take a different approach—"

"Oh?" Laxus seemed intrigued.

"The S-Class Mage Promotion Trial," Everit suggested with a grin. "We could use this year's competition to conduct a sort of selection battle. It'd be the perfect cover."

Laxus opened his mouth to speak, but Everit cut him off. "I'll talk to the Master and get his approval."

Laxus remained silent.

"Take my advice, Laxus," Everit said, adjusting his glasses with a sly smile. "You don't want to face Erza and me at the same time."

"And don't forget, I've fought against you before. Even if Natsu and I team up, your chances of winning are pretty slim."

Laxus lowered his head, thinking hard.

"Tell me, Laxus," Everit asked. "Why do you want to lead Fairy Tail?"

"Why ask such a pointless question?" Laxus scoffed, trying to hide his unease.

"Stop pretending, Laxus. You know, my magic is all about deception." Everit smiled.

"Why?" Laxus raised an eyebrow.

"Because you like it. You like it because you take pride in it, and you don't want anyone thinking they can push Fairy Tail around."

"Right," Laxus replied, turning his head slightly.

"Does that sound too sappy for you?" Everit laughed.

"But seriously," Everit continued, dropping the humor, "To test some theories, you don't need to go to extremes. If you follow my method, you can still prove your strength, enjoy what you do, and explain your beliefs."

"Don't be so intense," he added.

"The reason Fairy Tail feels like home, and why you love it," Everit said, "isn't just because of the powerful wizards with their quirky personalities."

"It's because of the bonds between us—the trust, the care," Everit explained. "Just like I care about you. I can help you, but the first thing you need to do, Laxus, is stop treating me—and everyone here—as your enemy."

Everit pushed his glasses up. "Believe me, Laxus, the last thing you want is to be taken down by someone like me."

Laxus was silent for a while. Finally, he said, "I get why the old man likes you more."

Everit nodded, "He cares about you too. You're his grandson. If it were up to him, he'd want you to lead Fairy Tail one day, to make him proud."

"He doesn't say things like that," Laxus replied, his voice tense.

"That's because you never really talk to him," Everit pointed out.

Laxus turned his head, choosing not to argue with someone who made his living with deception magic. He knew he'd just end up tangled in Everit's words.

"Make a choice, Laxus." Everit gave him a hard look.

"One vote in favor," a voice suddenly called out.

Both Laxus and Everit turned to see who it was.

The figure was draped in a long black robe, with a hood pulled down to obscure most of his face. Only his eyes were visible.

"Mystogan," Everit greeted. "It's been a while."

"I'd like to participate in the event you mentioned," Mystogan said in a deep, firm voice.

"Oh?" Everitt raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued. "Do you have something you want to prove?"

"Yes," Mystogan nodded, his expression somber. "But I don't have much time, so... just know, I'll be ready."

Both of them turned to look at Laxus.

"Laxus," Everitt said, turning toward him with a serious face, "I won't hold back."

"Neither will I," Laxus replied, his voice laced with determination. "The final battle will be among the four of us."

"I won't show mercy," Mystogan added.

"Then you'll witness it yourself," Everitt replied, adjusting his glasses with a confident smirk. "The second level of deception magic is far more intense than you might think."

"We'll see," Mystogan said before disappearing into thin air.

"Hmph, you better not lose to Erza before then," Laxus remarked with a touch of arrogance before transforming into lightning and vanishing.

Everitt chuckled to himself.

Laxus, you're getting bold. I like it.

"Fishing, fishing... It's always the little things that get in the way of a good catch."

He dismissed the thought and turned back to his gear.

"Wait a minute!"

"Where's my fishing rod?!"


Fairy Tail Guild - Master's Office

Everit sat comfortably on a couch, sipping orange juice as he spoke to Makarov, the guild's master. He recounted his meeting with Laxus and Mystogan, and the plan they had discussed – to participate in the S-Class Mage Promotion Trial.

Makarov sighed, rubbing his temples. "Laxus has really gotten this bad?" 

He remembered his grandson as a sweet, innocent child, but somewhere along the way, he had turned rebellious. 

If it hadn't been for Everit's intervention, Laxus might have attacked everyone in the guild.

Such an outcome would have forced Makarov to expel him, despite Laxus being one of the strongest S-Class mages, potentially even on par with the Ten Wizard Saints or even Makarov himself. 

But Everit and the other S-Class mages, along with Natsu and Gray, could likely bring Laxus down if he went on a rampage.

Makarov knew Everit had powerful magic; it was on a whole new level. He remembered yesterday's incident with Happy accidentally triggering Everit's magic, which hinted at just how formidable Everit could be. 

If he wanted to, he could defeat Laxus in an instant. Not even Makarov himself could withstand such power.

This left Makarov with a deep sense of worry. "Everit, are you sure Laxus won't harm anyone?" he asked. 

Laxus' dragon slayer magic was a serious concern. Once unleashed, it could lead to irreversible damage.

"I trust Laxus," Everit replied with conviction. "Guild Master, sometimes it's better to face the storm than try to hold it back. We need to let Laxus do his thing."

"And this time," Everit added, "Mystogan has some plans of his own."


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