

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). An old path has closed and a new one takes its place with a new Player in the unknown world of Earthland a land filled with Magic. In this world were Magic is supreme and dangers of all kinds lie in every corner of this world to crazy cultist, powerful dark wizards, demons, immortal dark lords, and a overpowered Dragon that nullifies everything? How will Silva Knights handle such threats that he has come to call Earthland his new home with the experimented abilities of [THE GAMER] from the previous user.

Jovami6729 · 漫画同人
210 Chs

Chapter 142: Edolas (4)

Chapter 142: Edolas (4)

~Third POV~

[Sometime earlier…]

Marching their way towards the Castle gates of the Royal Palace the citizens all ran away from any confrontation as Silva's group all equipped with dangerous magic weapons forcing the Royal Cities Royal Armies to act.

Till the sounds of music playing in the background could be heard confusing everyone nearby who listens, "Daaadun. Dundadaaaa. Dundadaaaada. Dundunda…."

The music soon intensified as Silva's group all nodded their heads listening to the song roaring in the background out prepared for war, "This is your time to pay. This is your judgment day. We made a sacrifice. And now we get to take your life…"

They all began to get in Silva's way as they had their Magic Shooters pointed at him with the captain giving the order to fire, "Now… Fire!!! Take out that fool from our great –"





Without hesitation and the quicker drawer taking out Prometheus shooting at the members of the soldiers in the arms, legs, and feet easily taking them out without killing as the song continues marching forward, "We shoot without a gun. We'll take on anyone. It's really nothing new. It's just a thing we like to do…"



Marching onwards leaving the pained soldiers in their wake as more forces of the Royal Army decided to go melee combat raising their Magic Swords and Shields at him, "Come on!! It's merely one group of five!! We can take—"



Without hesitation, Lancer used Lavis Veda <Freeze the Sky> creating ice spike capsules around the soldiers caught inside easily defeated in one blow as the music continued to roar from Silva's Archive Magic as nearby soldiers expressed fear was shown in their eyes, "You better get ready to die (get ready to die). You better get ready to kill (get ready to kill). You better get ready to run, 'cause here we come. You better get ready to die (get ready to die)…"





Once out of distance, the captured soldiers in ice spike capsules were knocked out freezing from the sheer cold gripping themselves for warmth as the ice was recalled back from Lancer's Veda the group marching forward as the body counts rise making their way.

Watching how they dealt with the soldiers as Silva's group marched towards the gate Silva's eyes flashed towards the incoming cannon fodder arriving as the music continued to hype the surrounding Replica's, "Your life is over now. Your life is running out. When your time is at an end. Then it's time to kill again."

Contemplating life choices Silva sighed his breath as more soldiers came to them yelling out after his life, "He can't pass!!! We have to do this for the King!!! For eternal magic…!!! For the people!!"

Saber's eyes flashed with intent reacting to them.


As the Royal Soldiers marched forward, they soon noticed something wrong, "Huh? Why –"





Using multiple slashes in that one moment using <Yasha's Empty Slash> to cut the enemies in one move as their upper and lower soldier's body armor got torn looked down in horror dawning on them being cut down…




In an instant using all of their armor and underwear got torn to shreds showing genuine harm done to them other than their honor gone down the drain causing Silva to snicker seeing the Royal Army managing to fuck up dealing with him as he made a small dance forward, "We cut without a knife. We live in black and white. You're just a parasite. Now close your eyes and say goodnight…"


"My pants!"

"My shirt!!"

"My dignity!!!"

"My Chasity belt!!!!"

Silva and the rest of the soldiers almost choked at that last part gazing at the last guy glaring at them, "What? I was saving that for a special someone –"


One <Mana Burst> sends the men flying with possible broken bones to the wall as Silva sticks his tongue out in disgust muttering to himself, "Yuck…!! I didn't need to hear nor know that man… too much information dude."

Finally reaching the gate Berserker smirked as his Teigu Adramelech activated along with <Electrokinesis > building up power rapidly as the song reached it's midway point, "You better get ready to die (get ready to die). You better get ready to kill (get ready to kill). You better get ready to run, 'cause here we come. You better get ready to die (get ready to die). You better get ready to die (get ready to die). Get ready to die (get ready to die) …"



Having built enough power to unleash Adramelech Trump Card <Solid Shooter> Silva gave his approval as Berserker unleashed the electrical energy in the form of a black-colored powerful electrical beam.




Decimating whatever gate to the castle they had into a smoldering rubble the Royal Army soldiers panicked seeing the destructive force shown as the music increased in volume once for all to hear and a sense of dread seeing Silva's group casually walk inside their base, "You better get ready to die (get ready to die). Get ready to die (get ready to die). You better get ready to die (get ready to die). Get ready to die. Been a long time coming. Now you better get running. And you better get ready to die…"

Storming inside the enemy territory and Royal Palace Silva cheekily responded with a grin on his face to every Royal Soldier marching their way with an iconic quote, "Hey guys, how's your health insurance?"

The Royal Army Soldiers draw their weapons intent to kill the intruder that humiliated them to this extent, "Oh, great once we kill this cheeky fucker!!! Men charge for the king!!!"

Archer immediately changed using <The Gunner> into Pumpkin as the danger increased in its multi-shot form shooting spiritual energy shockwave shots all aimed at non-vitals of their bodies.





Silva joined in the party as the rest of his Replica's responded mugging or attacking the Royal Soldiers overpowering them with their brute strength to cause some bones to break.

Silva finished his words with a wild grin, "Apparently it's great!!"

Madness and destruction were promised as the Royal Army tried to capture Berserker with their magic capture poles as the music continues, "Well, party party party. I wanna have a party. I need to have a party. You better have a party. Come on, party party party. Ya gotta party hardy. I'm gonna have a party. Or else you will be sorry…"


Using his strength Berserker immediately moved his body around dragging any poor soldier that caught him to be used as a weapon against others unable to contain him.





Archer and Silva both shoot the Royal Army soldiers in a shootout dodging any strikes intended in their wake as the Royal Army Soldiers scramble at the scene.


Lancer and Saber both use <Bloodlust > freezing the enemies in pure terror while effortlessly cutting their clothes or freezing them as the song continues to the beat of the hype, "Well party party party. The party's gonna starty. I know a guy named Marty, Marty loves to party. Come on, party party party. Party make me farty I gotta take antacid. So, I can keep on party(ing)…"

Loud sounds are impossible to hear as the soldiers flee seeing the craziness happen can't handle it anymore fleeing the scene.

Silva used the Gaea Foundation Teigu to change his facial expression to one of many, many, many scary expressions of Lloyd Frontea scaring the soldiers and screaming as the music plays in the background and continues, "Sweet sweet party. Party party party. You gotta party. And I wanna party. Who's gonna make this party started? Me, me, ME!"

The rational-minded soldiers soon began to run away from the craziness damning if they get executed for fleeing the crown with one beginning to lose the will to fight, "Oh, fuck this!!! I'm paid to defend the king and all but no one is paying me enough for this shit!! Fuck this shit I'm out…!!!"

One by one they all began to run away from Silva's group in terror.


"No way I'm fighting that!!"

"Look at that guy's face!! No way I'm fighting that thing!!"

"Ah!! He changed into a more scarier one!!"

"Oh, god it's like his staring into my soul!!!"

"I don't get paid enough for this shit."


The soldiers soon began to run away from the madness happening as the Captain Divisions soon appeared with Panther Lily's expression turning red witnessing what was occurring outraged, "What the hell is wrong with you!!!!"

Directing that anger to Silva he cheekily responded with a sly grin responding to Lily's question in a halfhearted tone, "Hm? Suddenly it reeks of hypocrisy in here. Oh, if it isn't the Royal Army! And what's this? No little Timmy glued to your crotch? Progress!"

The Captain Divisions fumed in anger clearly understanding the dirty slander his implying at the Royal Army Soldiers as Erza responded in righteous anger, "Ahh, and look at what we have here — a bloody bastard terrorist scum!"

Silva merely responded to Erza Knightwalker's comment with anger in his tone directed at them to hear his outrage, "Excuse me, but I'm a fuck-badass Fairy Tail Wizard Trickster! I beaten up and pranked a lot of people to get this title; I deserve to be called such you ungrateful whore!"

Knightwalker eyes glared hatefully at the man's teeth gritting in rage at being called a whore in front of them Hughes realized what he said as the background music turned off, "Wait Fairy Tail Wizard… we don't know him but is he the Earthland…"

Listening to his words Lily sensed Magic within Silva's body and then shocked at the massive amount of Magic Power within alerting the others in surprise, "I-Impossible…!!! I never felt nor seen a being's Magic Power dwarf the entire Magic supply we have by 100's fold! And not even touching the surface… almost abysmal even…!!!"

All the Captain's eyes widen at such a claim since out of all of them Lily is the only one that can use <Magic Sense>. Greed soon fills their eyes carefully re-examining Silva in a different light being a power source for Edolas.

Having a man with that much Magic within could fuel the Kingdom for years or possibly decades at best helping the people spreading Magic to all.

However, that idea broke when Silva called one name causing all of them to freeze on the spot recognizing with genuine concern or fear in their thoughts invoking her name getting a reaction upsetting them taking the chance to attack while they were distracted, "Sorry to break this to you but I will beat and save my friends!! And just for you to know the Moon Dragon Selene sends her regards."



The clash between Silva and Captains is now underway…!