
Fairy Tail´s Half Dragons

400 years ago, it was the age of dragons. However, the dragons were divided in their opinion of humanity. One side saw them as nothing more than food, while the other side wanted to live in peace with them. In the end, it came to war, a war that would decide the fate of humanity and dragons as well. And in this war, two children, born from the union of man and dragon, would play a significant role in the hope of humanity, for they helped in the creation of mages that could fight and kill dragons, the dragon slayers. These two were Zeldaris and Aversia, the only two half-dragons that ever existed. This is my first time writing and English is not my main language and also not my best language. The cover is not mine. Fairy Tail does not belong to me and belongs to Hiro Mashima. Updates will be 2 chapters per week.

Theelicht · 漫画同人
90 Chs

Chapter 67: Dragons and Phantoms

As Zeldaris and Aversia past through the golden door, they arrived at a long hall.

In the middle of it stood a lone throne made out of stone and a red carpet that led to the throne.

And before the throne stood Jose in his saint uniform, giving both half dragons a hateful stare.

Both sides just stared at each other, daring the other to make the first move and in the end Zeldaris acted first.

He rushed toward Jose with all his strength and his right fist a blaze by the flames of chaos.

Surprised by the speed at which Zeldaris was rushing toward him, Jose was only barley able to dodge the attack by jumping into the air and even then, some sparks from the flames landed on his clothes.

Jose wanted to counterattack, but Zeldaris was not the only opponent that the master of Phantom Lord was facing.

Aversia was only slightly slower than Zeldaris and was now flying toward him, her claws ready to slice him into pieces.

Jose quickly used his magic Shade and used it to create an energy blast that pushed Aversia away from him.

He then turned his head around trying to find Zeldaris, only to find Zeldaris´s right leg, which was also enveloped by the grey flames, only centimeters away from his back.

This time Jose had not enough time to do anything and Zeldaris´s kick landed straight on Jose´s back, sending the guild master flying forward.

Aversia on the other hand was able to absorb the energy blast, stopping her movement.

She than flew toward Jose as fast as she could and as Jose was send flying toward her, Aversia strike him with a full power punch.

The sound of bones breaking was clear to hear and Jose was sent flying and crashed into a wall.

Zeldaris and Aversia stayed vigilant, there was no way that Jose would be beaten so easily.

And they were proven right, as the air was suddenly filled with a large amount of magic power, it reeked of death and evil and made someone feel ill.

For Zeldaris and Aversia this would not be something that would affect them greatly, normally.

However, it had an expected effect that was similar while fighting Lullaby.

Distracted by this unexpected effect, both of them were taking by surprise by two spiraling dark waves that came flying toward them.

Both tried to block the waves with their arms but were still sent flying as the destructive energy waves crashed into them and even injured them.

Zeldaris and Aversia were still injured by the blast from Jupiter, since both of them didn´t know any healing spells, since those would not be really effective on them in the first place.

Both of their arms had multiple deep and long cuts, while the rest of the body also received multiple cuts by that blast.

"HAHA! It is over. I have won!" yelled Jose as he saw the state in which the two were in.

Jose had let his shades into his body, strengthening himself greatly.

Zeldaris and Aversia on the other hand looked rather surprised at their arms, it was rare to find anyone that could even scratch them let alone give them a wound like that.

Aversia licked one of the cuts with her tongue, the taste of her blood on her tongue was like fine wine for her.

Zeldaris opened and closed his hands repeatedly, figuring out how much the injuries would affect him.

"If you really think that this will be enough to deal with us, then you are greatly mistaking." said Aversia, with a slight smile.

"To be more precise, this was a mistake that you will regret. Because now we can completely let loose!" said Zeldaris, with a battle hungry look in his eyes.

Aversia summoned a normal looking odachi, it had no visible runes or any decorations.

Aversia inspected the blade for a second before taking a stance and as she did, the blade erupted in flames.

Zeldaris slowly breathed in and out, flames starting to slowly cover his body and burning stronger and stronger, before completely covering his body, from head to tail.

The flames started to change and transformed into an armor with draconic characteristics.

"[Flame Mail: Dragon Knight]"

Zeldaris roared with all his might, making the whole room tremble.

He than stormed forward, while creating a spear made out of the flames of chaos.

Aversia was right behind him and used Sword Dance to summon her flying flame swords.

Jose summoned multiple giant shades that looked like skeletons, before preparing another spell.

The giant skeleton phantoms tried to block the path of the two half dragons, but Zeldaris simply ignored them and there was not really much that the phantoms could do, because Aversia was already taking care of them.

She sent her flying swords toward the giant skeletons and simply cut them in half.

"Take this! [Dead Wave]" yelled Jose as he fired another destructive wave.

But Zeldaris was prepared, he stopped his charge for a moment and threw his spear into the wave.

As the spear and the wave clashed against each other, the spear cut the wave into two and continued to travel forward without any problems.

Jose was able to move his body fast enough to dodge the attack, but it left him open for Zeldaris and Aversia and both of them would not let this chance pass.

Zeldaris fist flew toward Jose with high speed, but his gauntlet transformed into the head of a dragon.

And as his fist buried itself into the body of Jose´s body, the dragon head unleashed a shock wave made out of pure magic power.

Zeldaris hold Jose with his free hand, so that he would not fly away from the impact and threw him toward Aversia.

Aversia stopped her charge, jumped into the air, and slashed Jose with her sword.

She made sure that she used the blunt side of her sword.

Both of them knew that killing Jose would not be a clever idea, since the council would definitely not be happy about it and more trouble with the council is definitely not something that they needed.

Jose was smashed into the ground by the sheer force of the attack and lied there, not moving.

"Well, that settles that. Kind of disappointing, but then again, he is not on gramps level at all." said Zeldaris while deactivating his Flame Mail and transforming back into his human form.

"To be fair, his magic was not really a good match against us. Our bodies are simply far stronger and more resilient than regular humans and won´t be effected by his shades so easily." said Aversia, while storing her sword away and also transforming back.

They looked for a moment at Jose, while deciding what to do now.

In the end they decided to take a look outside and look how the others are doing.

Thankfully, the hall had a balcony at the other side that was luckily facing toward Magnolia and the Fairy Tail guild.

But what they saw shocked them, because there was a giant phantom trying to destroy the guild building and every member was desperately trying to defeat it.

"WHAT?! HOW?!" yelled Aversia.

The two quickly turned around and saw Jose standing up, most of the injuries were gone and his magic power was back to full power.

"Surprised?" asked Jose with an overconfident grin.

"You see, my shades allow me to heal myself through my shades, when they touch someone, they absorb the magic power and life force of that person and since they have been fighting against your little group, it means that I can heal myself as much as I like. I will admit that the two of you are strong and combined with your teamwork you are able to block me from making any moves. However, this time I will destroy you two and turn you into ash!"

"In other words, we can make you our personal punching back and we don´t need to be careful with you, since you can heal yourself. Neat." said Aversia.

"Joke around all you like, it won´t help you!"

"We will have to bring him close to death."

"What a pain, but if we killed him, the problems would only get worse."

Both transformed into their true form, ready for round two.

But before they could make a move, the ceiling collapsed, and a blinding light filled the room.

Without hesitating for even a second, both of them kneeled down, something that they would do only for two people in the world.

The first one was the hailed queen of dragons and the former ruler of Dragnof, Irene Dragnof.

The second was the wise and loving parent of the Fairy Tail guild, Makarov Dreyar.

"The blood of the children has been spiled by you and your guild, too much blood. They had to suffer and shed tears thanks to pitiful and incompetent parents. This war has gone far enough… I will end this, here and now!" said Makarov as he flew through the broken ceiling and landed on the rubble.

"Welcome back, master!" said both Zeldaris and Aversia at the same time.

Jose on the other hand radiated blood lust, finally, the person he wanted to kill the most had appeared.

The fact that he made Aria drain Makarov´s magic power in the first place, slipped out of his mind.

The golden door slammed open and Erza, Elfman, Mirajane, Lisanna and Gray stormed through it.

All of them were surprised for a second as they saw Makarov.

"Master!" "Gramps!" They yelled in joy.

"All of you leave and help the others." said Makarov without looking away from Jose.

Elfman and Gray hesitated for a second, but Erza, Lisanna and Mirajane turned around and ran back through the door.

"What are you waiting for?! We will only get in his way!" yelled Erza.

"Master will not lose to Jose and the others are still fighting, trying to protect the guild building." said Mirajane.

Gray and Elfman took a last glance before running out of the hall.

"You two as well." said Makarov toward Zeldaris and Aversia.

Without saying a word, both of them enveloped themselves with the flames of chaos and flew into the air.

As they flew higher and higher, the flames changed form and took on the form of a fiery dragon and flew toward the giant shade.

Back in the hall, both Makarov and Jose stood across each other.

"It´s been six long years since we last stood face to face like this! Who would have thought that Fairy Tail would grow so much in that short amount of time?! With names like Gildarts, Laxus, Mystogan and Erza reaching all of Fiore. Even the names of Salamander and those of other members are spreading wide. Even the names of your little half dragons are beginning to spread. Although, they are only taking hunting and extermination requests, there are some people that want to assess themselves against them. But all of that will end today. Your guild hall will fall into ruin!"

"Even if it will, it is not the physical building that makes and defines a guild, rather it is the sum of its members!" said Makarov as he drew a star constellation with light that appeared at the tip on his finger.

"My children, I thank you with all my heart, for without your efforts, this would not be possible! TAKE PRIDE IN BEING A PART OF FAIRY TAIL!!!" yelled Makarov as he unleashed his power.

As the magic power of Makarov and Jose collided, the sky over the giant robot distorted as storm clouds gathered over it.

Lightning falling down from the sky

The water of the lake stirred by the sheer power and large waves raged.

The two firery dragons coiled themselves around the giant shade, burning it with their meer touch.

The shade tried to free itself, but to no avail.

With open maws the firery dragons begun to devour the shade.

And as the shade was fully devoured, the firery dragons vanished and Zeldaris and Aversia stepped toward the cliff, looking at the robot as shockwave after shockwave erupted from the battle between Jose and Makarov.

Hello there, thank you very much reading and i hope you enjoyed it.

I just couldn´t give this win to Zeldaris and Aversia, i love the scene of Makarovs entrance and speach way too much, otherwise the two would have defeated Jose themselves.

Jose is a worthy opponent for the two, but because we only saw him fighting against a tired Erza or Makarov, a monster in his own right, it is difficult to say how strong he really is, but he is one of the saints, so he should be a good opponent for the two, sadly both of them can counter him easily.

Anyway, i will see you all in the next chapter, bye.

Theelichtcreators' thoughts