
Darkness Within 2 (Zillia's side)

Without effort, her feet punctured his chest, opening a hole over his heart and lungs, black flames spreading from her foot to his insides, wreaking havoc inside the redheaded giant. Blood came out of his mouth, and his eyes went bloodshot.

Zillia smirked. Kyrie would never approve of this, as he would never want one of his precious friends dead, but Zillia knew better than to let a strong foe live. "Sorry, pal, but we part ways here." She unceremoniously removed her feet from his chest, now a hole festering with black flames.

Her eyes fell on his bloodshot ones. At least he died standing and fighting. He could consider himself better than most. However, the blue orbs were not as dead as she believed them to be, moving to stare at her red eyes. Zillia widened her eyes and jumped back on instinct.